Originally, it was hoped that Xun Yu would be recruited under his command, but because of the breakdown of the marriage contract, the relationship between the Chen family and the Xun family has now become: not as good as before.

As for whether Xun Yu would come to him again, Chen Peng could not guarantee it.

For a period of time in the future, Chen Peng will need a large number of civil servants and local officials to manage the land that he has captured.

"Jian Yong, right?"

Chen Peng took two steps and looked down at Jian Yong and asked.

"you know me"

Jian Yong raised his head in confusion and looked at Chen Peng.

Chen Peng smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter whether you know each other or not, but since you said that the people suffered because of you, don't you just want to die like this without making up for it?"


Jian Yong's eyes widened: "What do you mean by that?


Chen Peng didn't say much, but gave Zhang Fei a wink: "Find a horse and let him see what kind of suffering the people have suffered because of them!"

After saying that, Chen Peng said nothing, and then got on his horse.

After Zhang Fei brought a horse, he put Jian Yong on the war horse, and gave Jian Yong a blank look.

"You better be honest, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhang Fei muttered.

In fact, Zhang Fei didn't need to threaten at all, it was scary enough just to go to a stop.

The leopard's head is full of flesh, the beard is full of face, and the two eyes are round and round, let alone murder, that is, cannibalism Jian Yong would probably believe it.

Along the way, Jian Yong followed Zhang Fei not far away, watching the people who were walking in the direction of where they came from.

"You say how bad you are, the war will increase greatly. Each of you is based on your ability.... What kind of skill is it to bring people along? If it wasn't for my second brother's benevolence and righteousness, if I gave porridge to these people along the way, I don't know how much trouble it would cause!"

"These people are extremely hungry, but they can do anything. It's only a day's work for these hundreds of thousands of people to die!"

Zhang Fei said loudly.

Jian Yong bowed his head guiltily beside him.

Along the way, there were many people in ragged clothes, and all of them were pale and crumbling.

If these people have been walking for a few days and come to the grassland, there is no turning back.

Only death awaits them.

"You spread rumors that my second brother massacred the people, it's just... fart.

When did my second brother slaughter the common people, even if he did, they were all aliens, and my second brother never slaughtered the Han family's son!"

"It's you guys, look at what you've done!"

Zhang Fei pointed at the people... who were walking back.

"Yes...sorry..we were wrong!"

Jian Yong, who lowered his head, felt very guilty.

"Don't tell me wrong, tell the people.


Zhang Fei turned his head and ignored Jian Yong.

From the start, all Jian Yong saw along the way were people with ragged clothes and yellow skin and thin skin.

These people used to live well in their own homes.

And this time is spring ploughing season.

But now I have encountered such a horrific disaster.

If you want to blame, of course you can't blame the people, and you can't blame Chen Peng.

Because Chen Peng did nothing to the common people Qiu.

Jian Yong understood just by watching thousands of soldiers and civilians roaring past without fear.

When Jian Yong caught up with Chen Peng's team.

He saw a scene that he will never forget.

Standing in the crowd, Chen Penghuai was holding a little girl who was only four or five years old.

The little girl was wearing a grey and patched dress.

Chen Peng held the little girl in one hand, took a bag of jerky from the saddle of the war horse with the other, and handed it to the little girl.

The little girl giggled when she took it.

And that little girl's parents were on Chen Peng's side.

From the eyes of the people around...the common people, as well as the eyes of the couple, Jian Yong saw their trust and respect towards Chen Peng.

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