Recently, the first thing the magistrate of Wuji County did every day after getting up was... leave the city and head towards Zhen's Manor.

As for what to do, of course, it was to report to Chen Peng.

The fight started half a month ago.

That is mid-May.

The cavalry continued to gather near Wuji County from the direction of Youzhou.

The magistrate of Wuji County was terrified at the time.

Finally, after two days of observation with the city gates closed, the magistrate discovered that the cavalry who came came belonged to the same person.

This person is the champion of the Han Dynasty, the left general Chen Peng.

The county magistrate who reacted hurriedly went to Zhen's manor outside Wuji County to report.

As for why he went to Zhen's Manor outside Wuji County.

The answer is also very simple.

Because everyone knows that the Zhen family in Zhongshan climbed up the Chen family in Yingchuan, and the eldest daughter of the patriarch Zhen Yi married Chen Peng as a concubine.

Although only a concubine.

But that... is also Chen Peng's concubine.

Not to mention Chen Peng's identity now, that is... Chen Peng's identity before was also beyond the reach of the magistrate of Wuji County.

However, Chen Peng did not arrive at Wuji County first, but returned to Guangyang County from Shanggu County, and then came to Wuji County after returning to Ji County.

Chen Peng who went back mainly arranged some things, and by the way, he also brought Zhen Jiang.

Zhen Jiang, who has been away from home for a year, has not seen his parents.

So this time Chen Peng took Zhen Jiang to the Zhen family.

Chen Peng, who came to Jizhou on this trip, has several important things to accomplish.

The first thing is... about Luoyang City.

Since Dong Zhuo came to power, tyranny began, and the gentry were tormented by Dong Zhuo very hard.

So he started planning to kill Dong Zhuo.

Among them, the Xun family also participated, mainly because Xun Shuang was forcibly recruited to become Sikong.

Never mind...

Whether it was when Liu Hong was there, or when the general He Jin was in power, they all wanted to conquer Xun Shuang.

After all, Xun's Eight Dragons and Ciming Wushuang are not in vain.

Xun Shuang's knowledge ranks first among Xun's Eight Dragons.

But before, Liu Hong and He Jin were afraid that Xun Shuang's name was too big, so they didn't dare to force it.

Xun Shuang also stayed at home all the time.

But Dong Zhuo is different.

Dong Zhuo, who was in power for the first time, desperately needed the support of scholars, so he forced Xun Shuang to enter the court.

Dong Zhuo's methods were violent, and Xun Shuang was burdened with the Xun clan, so naturally he did not dare to refuse.

However, Xun Shuang only catered to Dong Zhuo on the surface, but secretly he and Situ Wang Yun planned to kill Dong Zhuo.

On the tenth day of May, Cao Cao took on the important task of assassinating Dong Zhuo.

However, Cao Cao failed and fled.

This move also angered Dong Zhuo, plus Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and others have been there: there are other places in Nanyang who contradict Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo is angry.

Dong Zhuo's anger made Yuan Hui unlucky.

Yuan Wei's family, including the more than [-] members of Yuan's family who stayed in Luoyang and did not escape, all became Dong Zhuo's ghosts!

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, whose uncles were killed, carried the banner of crusade against Dong Zhuo.

This cry was immediately answered by the world.

Although Yuan Shao did not invite Chen Peng, in fact Yuan Shao did not dare to write about Chen Peng at all.

But this did not delay Chen Peng's plan to intervene.

So after receiving the news in Youzhou, Chen Peng began to assemble the army.

The place where the army assembled was Wuji County, where the Zhongshan Zhen family was located.

Why are you here, because Chen Peng has to meet someone else before he leaves.

At this time, this person was feeling uneasy in Zhen's backyard.

This person is Empress He who disappeared from Luoyang.

That's right, it's... Queen He.

On the same day, after Xiao Huangmen Zuo Feng intercepted Empress He, he sent Empress He out of Luoyang City according to the instructions left by Chen Peng.

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