There are also Jizhou Mu Han Fu, Yuzhou Mu Kong Concubine, Yanzhou Governor Liu Dai, as well as Chenliu Prefect Zhang Miao, Beihai Prefect Kong Rong, Xuzhou Prefect Tao Qian, etc...! After seeing Cao Cao walk in, all the princes They all stood up and greeted Cao Cao.

As for the reason, it is naturally because of the good reputation that Cao Cao earned by assassinating Dong Zhuo in Luoyang.

Although it was not successful, this move has been recognized by the world.

With a smile on his face, Cao Cao and the various princes bowed their hands one by one.

"Meng De, now all heroes from all over the world have gathered here to fight against Dong Zhuo. Today, Meng De came to give us an extra helper. It's really a blessing. Come, let's all toast Meng De together.


Yuan Shao, who was in the first seat, raised it and was laughed at Cao Cao and said.

Cao Cao quickly waved his hand to refuse: "How dare you, how dare Cao Cao let the heroes toast!"

"Meng De, don't be humble. You disregarded your own safety in Luoyang and went deep into the tiger's den to assassinate Dong Zhuo. Based on this, you are a hero in the world. You deserve this glass of wine!"

Yuan Shao said.

"Yes, Mengde, Mengde is righteous.


Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, who has always had a good relationship with Cao Cao, and Bao Xin, prime minister of Jibei, all said quickly.

Cao Cao couldn't refuse, so he picked up the glass and drank it.

After the glass of wine was in their throats, everyone put down the wine glass.

Yuan Shao stood up again and looked at the crowd. He said, "Today, the heroes of the world are gathered here, and there is only one goal, and that is to slay Dong Thief!"

Yuan Shao frowned, and the expression on his face was very serious: "Dong Zhuo's name is Han Chen, he is actually a Han thief, he proclaims himself... the position of prime minister, who raped the harem and disrupted the state, the crime is unforgivable, today many heroes gathered here, that is To defeat this thief.


"Of course, a snake can't do without a head, and a bird has no wings and no wings. When we gather here, we naturally want to make the line stand still and act together. Therefore, I suggest that one person be elected as the leader of the alliance. In this way, we can unite Adjust!"

Yuan Shao's words reached many people.

Cao Cao sat slightly behind and looked at Yuan Shao who was standing in front.

This is what Yuan Shao said well, and it is recommended to recommend one.

What recommends a person, it is better to say that he recommends himself.

Sure enough, as soon as Yuan Shao's voice fell, someone stood up and suggested that Yuan Shao be elected as the leader of the alliance.

Cao Cao, who was always watching, also stood up and agreed with Yuan Shao to become the leader of the Dong-Dong Alliance.

"I agree to be the leader of the alliance at the beginning!"

"Yeah, since this is the first one to propose a crusade against Dong Zhuo, then the position of the leader of the alliance is naturally the original!"

Jizhou Mu Han Fu said from the front.

Yuan Shu, who was sitting in Yuan Shu's starting position, rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Under the persuasion of everyone, Yuan Shao finally took the position of the leader of the alliance.

Then Cao Cao took out a map near Luoyang.

Cao Cao, who came to the crowd, spread out the map, pointed at the map and said, "This is the map around Luoyang that I drew in detail after I fled from Luoyang. With this map, we can easily capture Luoyang!"

"It's still Meng De's thoughtful thinking, and he didn't even forget about such things on the way to escape, ah, haha!"

Yuan Shu, who was on the side, seemed to be sarcastically speaking with three points and three points.

"Ha ha.

Brother Road is right.


Cao Cao just laughed and didn't care too much.

And just when Cao Cao was preparing to explain the map to the many princes in detail, suddenly there was a burst of war drums and horns from outside the city.

Yuan Shao frowned, turned his head to look outside and asked, "What's going on, who beats the drum and who sings the horn:"


A messenger in armor walked quickly to the front of the crowd and knelt down at Yuan Shao on one knee: "Report to the lord, a Western Liang cavalry has arrived from outside the city, claiming that Dong Zhuo's subordinate Hua Xiong is challenging!"

"Hua Xiong"

Yuan Shao frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Cao Cao stepped forward: "I know this Hua Xiong.


After hearing Cao Cao's voice, everyone focused their attention on Cao Cao.

Cao Cao opened his mouth and said, "Dong Zhuo has several generals under his command, and one of them is Lü Bu. This Lü Bu was originally the adopted son of Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, but he was recruited by Dong Zhuo and killed Ding Yuan. That's why Dong Zhuo annexed him. Ding Yuan.


"Besides Dong Zhuo, there are several others, two of whom are named Li Jue and Guo Si.

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