This scene also made many princes in the city a little confused.

I don't know what Chen Peng meant.

Although Hua Xiong is gone.

But the gate of the sour jujube was still not opened.

Because Chen Peng, who is more fierce than Hua Xiong, came from outside the city.

"Yuan Gong, why don't you open the city gate and let General Zuo come in? With the help of General Zuo, it must be done with half the effort.


Cao Cao squinted at Yuan Shao and said.


With a troubled face, Wu Wu said, "I'm afraid it's not right."

"What's wrong"

Cao Cao asked.

Looking at Yuan Shao outside the city, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Look, it's true that Chen Peng fought Huaxiong, but Chen Peng didn't kill him, and let the Xiliang cavalry leave.


"Meng De, you know the person and the face but don't know the heart. What if Chen Peng were Dong Zhuo's helper? Let's open the city gate. Wouldn't it be possible for the enemy to take advantage of it? Wouldn't it be a case of bringing wolves into the house?"

Yuan Shao grasped that Chen Peng didn't order Hua Xiong to kill just now, and let the Xiliang cavalry take away the seriously injured Hua Xiong.

"Ha ha.


Cao Cao chuckled lightly and stopped talking.

The many princes on the city wall were also silent.

Actually, everyone knew why Yuan Shao refused to open the door.

Yuan Shao didn't dare to open the door because of his personal grievance with Chen Peng and worried about Chen Peng's revenge.

After all, compared to Hua Xiong, Chen Peng is the real tiger! Even if Chen Peng ordered Hua Xiong to be executed and defeated the Xiliang army, Yuan Shao would definitely find other excuses to keep Chen Peng out.

And Cao Cao also knew that most of the people here were Yuan's disciples and envoys, and they were all on Yuan Shao's side.

So there is nothing to argue about.

"Meng De, the situation is tense now, we have to deal with it carefully, if that Chen Peng really has the heart to seek thieves.

Might as well let him be stationed outside the city, so that we can echo in and out of the city, and we can also form a trend of chasing corners, wouldn’t it be better?”

Yuan Shao raised his eyebrows and said.

Cao Cao did not reply.

Because Chen Peng below has come to the gate of Suanzao City less than fifty paces away.

This distance is already within the coverage of the arrows.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Shao could not wait to order Chen Peng to be shot dead immediately.

But in front of so many people, he couldn't give this order.

"Lord Yuan, you're fine."

Chen Peng, who came to the bottom of the city, was the first to raise his head and greet Yuan Shao in the city: "That day, the Marquis evacuated Luoyang, and his family passed through the east gate of Luoyang. Fortunately, the Yuan alliance leader sent them off. I have been wanting to thank Yuan alliance leader for a long time, but nothing good. Chances are, it's better that Alliance Leader Yuan comes down to the city today, and let's talk in front of the city gate."

With a mocking smile on his face, Chen Peng looked up at Yuan Shao, who was standing on the city wall, and many other princes.

Yuan Shao's face was like a pig's liver, and he didn't say a word for a while.

And Cao Cao watched the play with integrity, and naturally he also relied on the city and did not speak.

For a while, the atmosphere in the city was extremely awkward.

Logically speaking, Yuan Shu, who is the Yuan clan, should speak for Yuan Shao at this time.

But Yuan Shu was very upset and asked why Yuan Shao was the leader of the alliance, how could a concubine be compared with him.

Therefore, Yuan Shu was also watching the excitement from the side.

On the contrary... Jizhou Mu Han Fu, and Xuzhou prefect Tao Qian, two people became peacemakers.

Han Fu belongs to the Han clan in Yingchuan, and is one of the four major clans in Yingchuan alongside the Chen clan, the Xun clan, and the Zhong clan.

And Han Fu was once a vassal of the Yuan clan, and at this time, he could only speak up.

Han Fu, who is not tall, is still a little thin, with a timid expression between his eyebrows, stepped forward and lay on the battlement and said: "Champion Hou, no matter what...

What misunderstandings were there in the past, when Duke Yuan heard He Jin's orders, and now He Jin is dying, today many heroes gather here with only one goal, that is to kill Dong Thief, the champion is the big picture!"

Han Fu said.

"Yes, the champion, the country is still in crisis, we should let go of our personal grievances!"

Tao Qian, the prefect of Xuzhou, also opened his mouth to persuade him.

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