
Xun Yu looked at his father, and then turned to look at Xun Cai who was behind him, but he stopped talking.

"Don't mention it at this time!"

Xun Qian interrupted Xun Shuang's words.

Not only did Xun Qian hear what Xun Yu meant, but Xun Cai, who was standing behind Xun Yu, also naturally heard what Xun Yu meant.

Xun Cai, who fell to the ground, was weak and collapsed, and stood up.

The tall figure is wearing a suit of filial piety, and he is also covered with linen.

"Second Uncle, I want to find Chen Peng!"

Xun Cai said.

Xun Qian, who was about to leave, stopped after hearing what Xun Cai said, and looked back at Xun Cai.

"Second uncle, I want to avenge my father, but with my strength, I can't take revenge in this life, but Chen Peng can help me avenge! He can also help the Xun clan!"

The surrounding Xun clan all turned to look at Xun Cai.

"Little sister..."

Xun Yu looked at Xun Cai in surprise.

"Second Uncle, even if you marry Chen Peng as a concubine, as long as he promises to help the Xun family and help my father avenge, I am also willing to ask the second uncle to fulfill!"

Xun Cai said and fell to his knees! "Silly child!"

Xun Qian sighed.

Xun Qian had no reason to stop Xun Cai.

Because the previous divorce was not Xun Cai's will.

So at this time, in order to avenge his father, Xun Cai decided to go to Chen Peng. Of course, Xun Qian couldn't say anything more.

If he hadn't tried his best to break off the marriage, if the Xun Chen family still had a marriage contract, then Dong Zhuo wouldn't embarrass the Xun family when he was afraid of Chen Peng.

Xun Cai's father would not have died because of this.

So this time Xun Qian would not be blocking him.

"Wen Ruo, please accompany Cai'er to the Chen family. If necessary, my father is willing to come to the house to make amends in person.


Xun Qian said.

Hearing what his father said, Xun Yu was overjoyed.

If you can get Chen Peng's forgiveness.

And with Chen Peng as the most backing, Xun's revenge is not difficult to avenge...

In front of Chen's gate.

Chen Ji, Chen Chen, and Chen Qun, etc... People from the Chen clan all came out to greet Chen Peng after learning that Chen Peng was back.

In this turbulent world, the reason why the Chen family can be alone is directly related to Chen Peng.

Therefore, the Chen clan has now recognized a Chen Peng as the core to develop and strengthen the Chen clan.

"Yun Qing, this time is about Dong Zhuo's return."

Chen Peng's uncle Chen Ji asked.

"Yeah, Yunqing, the fourth uncle heard that the Suanzao Alliance will join forces, and a dozen princes will join forces to fight against Dong Zhuo. The battle is imminent. Wouldn't it be dangerous for you to come back at this time?"

Chen Chen said with concern.

Chen Peng, who felt the concern of the clan, smiled slightly.

"It's okay, don't worry, uncle, fourth uncle, this time when I come back, I will relocate our Chen clan, Dong Zhuo's army of [-] people will arrive soon, and the world will be in chaos.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 0193, Xun Cai came to the door, cut Hu Xun??! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 093, Xun Cai came to the door, intercepted Hu Xun Yu! Please customize, fully order! Talk while talking.

Chen Peng came to the main hall surrounded by the Chen clan.

In the main hall, Chen Peng's grandfather, Chen Wei, was waiting for Chen Peng in front of the door of the main hall with the support of two attendants.

"Yun Qing.


Seeing Chen Peng, Chen shi shivered and stretched out his hand.

Now Chen Hao, who is 2 or [-] years old, is getting worse and worse.

But no matter what, Chen Hao is still the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Chen family.

"Unfilial son Chen Peng, knock to see grandfather! You can't be filial by your grandfather's side, and still grandfather is worried that it is really unfilial.

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