"Dog thief! Give your grandfather my life, Zhang Fei from Yan is here, who will fight me!"

As soon as Cheng Zhiyuan's voice fell, a sound like thunder in a clear sky rang in everyone's ears.

Zhang Fei, who had a strong black horse under his crotch, seemed to be a brown bear and charged towards the enemy line with a snake spear in hand.


Chapter 036: The First Battle of the Three Brothers Chen Guan and Zhang! (New book for flowers [1/7])

Chapter 036: The First Battle of the Three Brothers Chen Guan and Zhang! (New book for flowers [1/7])

Seeing the red-faced man rushing over is already very powerful.

The guy in the back with the leopard's head and the eyes is not easy to mess with, Cheng Zhiyuan was frightened.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't call out.

But there is a saying that heroes don't suffer immediate losses, thinking of Cheng Zhiyuan, he is ready to run back to the center.

But when he ran like this, in the eyes of his subordinates, it was not the case.

The subordinates did not know that Cheng Zhiyuan was preparing to return to the formation, and thought that the Lord was about to flee.

So the subordinates around him followed and ran to the truth.

It just so happened that Chen Peng, who was inside the city gate of Jixian County, rushed out with two hundred cavalry and thirty high-level cavalry he recruited.

"Kill, take Cheng Zhiyuan's head!"


"Come on!"


The sound of hooves like thunder suddenly erupted.

Cheng Zhiyuan, who was retreating to the main formation, turned his head and glanced at the cavalry that rushed out.

And the soldiers around him ran away like crazy.

This time it was as if he had been chased and escaped.

Cheng Zhiyuan cried out in his heart.

Sure enough, when did the Yellow Turbans in this formation, who were not considered soldiers, ever see such a scene.

I saw someone in the city chasing them out.

When they saw the main general running back, they thought they were defeated, so they all started to retreat.

"Don't run away, raise the weapon in your hand to meet the enemy!"

Cheng Zhiyuan shouted.

However, his cry was completely ineffective after Liu Bei led three hundred cavalry out from another city gate.

Although there are only more than [-] rides.

But the rushing cavalry's rush to thunder is not something that anyone can face.

At the very least, the Yellow Turbans, which are almost all made up of peasants, are hard to resist.

And Chen Peng also found Liu Bei who led the troops out.


Pulling out the saber from his waist, Chen Peng pointed in the direction of Cheng Zhiyuan.

At this time, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had already entered the field.

The two were like two armed tanks, and the ordinary Yellow Turbans were no different from the chickens in their hands.

Thirty high-level cavalry formed a charge battle formation around him.

When the cavalry rushed into the ground with a powerful impactor, Chen Peng's mind was blank.

He only reacted when the horse's hooves stepped on the blood, when the lance pierced the enemy's chest, when the first splatter of blood splashed on him.

This is war!

The real war in the age of cold weapons.

The input of two hundred cavalry is just a drop in the bucket for the entire battlefield.

This is because of opportunistic results.

The Yellow Turbans, attacked by the cavalry, began to flee in all directions.

The addition of Liu Bei made the Yellow Turbans begin to flee quickly.

"Don't run, don't run, line up, meet the enemy!"

Cheng Zhiyuan shouted loudly.

But the surrounding Yellow Turbans did not listen to his command at all.

And Guan Yu has quietly caught up with Cheng Zhiyuan, as if a tiger is staring at its prey.

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