Guo Xun, who was drinking sober soup, seemed to be thinking about something.

"My lord, from my point of view, the Yellow Turbans outside here are not as powerful as I imagined. I'm afraid that for a while, even if they can't defeat them, I'm afraid they will defeat them on their own," Liu Wei said.

Guo Xun nodded.

Today he can see clearly.

There are indeed a large number of Yellow Turbans, but most of them are just ordinary people.

Never saw a battle formation at all.

If Chen Peng and his two brothers are working hard today, I am afraid they will be able to kill the enemy chief.

In this way, the Yellow Turbans will definitely be defeated.

"Nevertheless, this time we have no credit at all." Guo Xun said solemnly: "In order to solve the problem of the Yellow Turbans, Your Majesty has lifted the party bondage. If the Chen family in Yingchuan enters the court, they will surely occupy the land of the three princes."

"It was Chen Xin and Chen Peng who defeated the Yellow Turban thieves this time. As long as this matter is reported to the imperial court, what does it have to do with you and me in Youzhou?" Guo Xun looked at Liu Wei and said.

Liu Wei suddenly looked panicked.

" should this be?" Liu Wei asked in a panic.

Guo Xun narrowed his eyes and said, "Unless Chen Xin and his son have no credit, then we will have a chance!"

"No credit?" Liu Wei was stunned, but did not understand Guo Xun's words: "But the defeat of the Yellow Turban thieves depends entirely on the county soldiers organized by Chen Xin, how can he be given no credit?"

Guo Xun looked at Liu Wei with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Dead people, of course, won't get credit." Guo Xun, who squinted his eyes, said.


Liu Wei was taken aback at first, but something suddenly sounded.

In the early years, Duan Xi once fought against the Qiang people in Liangzhou, and he made a lot of credit. Guo Hong, who was the prefect of Liangzhou at that time, was jealous of Duan Xi's credit.

Detained Duan Xi's men in every possible way, and finally Duan Xi was convicted and imprisoned.

And this Liangzhou prefect Guo Hong is none other than the brother of Guo Xun in front of him.

The methods of the two brothers were the same, and Liu Wei didn't feel any surprise when he thought of it.

Guo Hong and Guo Xun went with the eunuch's turbid stream, while the Yingchuan Chen family was a clear stream, so they were naturally at odds.

Now that Emperor Ling has untied the Party's shackles in order to resist the Yellow Turbans, the Qing Dynasty flowing into the court must have a contest with the eunuch Zhuo Liu.

It is not surprising that Guo Xun has such thoughts.

"Then...then what are we going to do?"

Liu Wei looked at Guo Xun and asked.

Guo Xun squinted his eyes and said, "Anything can happen on the battlefield, so let's talk about it when he goes to the battlefield!"

Liu Wei, who swallowed his saliva, nodded in fear.

On the other hand, after pretending to be drunk and being helped back to the camp, Chen Peng returned to his camp.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also followed Chen Peng into the camp.

"Second brother, why don't you let me continue to hunt down that thief today?"

Zhang Fei asked loudly.

"Third brother, keep your voice down, this is not Zhuo County, be careful that the walls have ears." Guan Yu said cautiously.

Chen Peng nodded and waved for both of them to sit down.

"Big brother, third brother, today I didn't let the two of you hunt down Cheng Zhiyuan because it has another meaning, don't panic, listen to me in detail!"


Chapter 038, Intrigue, who will kill the deer! (New book for flowers, [3/7])

Chapter 038, Intrigue, who will kill the deer! (New book for flowers, [3/7])

Inside the tent, Chen Peng looked at Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.

"Brother, Yide, what do you think of Guo Xun and Liu Wei? Are they good officials?" Chen Peng asked.

Zhang Fei knew that his voice was too loud, and it was not easy to talk about it, so he shook his head.

On the contrary, Guan Yu lightly twisted his beard and shook his head: "No."

"When I was in Zhuo County, I heard that since Guo Xun took office as the prefect of Youzhou, the people's life has become more difficult.

Chen Peng nodded: "That's right, Guo Xun went with the eunuch Zhuoliu, and all the money he collected was used to bribe the regular servants in the court."

"And there's something I don't know about Big Brother and Yide."

"Guo Xun also has an older brother named Guo Hong, who was once the prefect of Liangzhou and was a treacherous man. Duan Xi once did a great job in suppressing the rebellion against the Qiang people in Liangzhou, but Guo Hong could frame Duan Xi in order to get a piece of the pie. Duan Xi went to jail."

"Ah? And such a bird thing?" Zhang Fei's eyes widened.

Chen Peng nodded and said, "That's right."

"What Yun Qing means is that Guo Xun and Liu Wei will assassinate us?"

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