But he can understand it.

After all, Dong Zhuo is dead, and Dong Yuan is now Dong Zhuo's heir, so he naturally becomes the leader of these people.

But...this is what he thought differently before.

If these people are just a piece of loose sand, Chen Peng can accept them without any scruples.

Then break it up and mix it up.

But now... I'm afraid it's a little troublesome, because they still have a common allegiance.

This is what Chen Peng cannot allow.

Because in this way, there is a stable small group among the people. Once there is any change, or there is some external force, this small group is likely to betray collectively.

This is like Liu Bei who was taken in many times in history.

Being defeated again and again, and then relying on others again and again, relying on others to become stronger.

Every time Liu Bei used this method to survive, and later he used this method to have a piece of territory of his own.

And Chen Peng will never allow such an existence under his subordinates.

So he hesitated now.

Hesitating what to do with these people.

Of course, Jia Xu and Li Ru couldn't have thought of this.

If the two of them didn't even think about this, it means that the two of them are idiots.

So last night, Jia Xu and Li Ru had already studied the countermeasures.

When they saw Chen Peng hesitating, the two of them invariably set their eyes on Dong Yuan.

And Dong Yuan also felt the eyes of Li Ru and Jia Xu.

So he lowered his head and came to Chen Peng.

Looking at Dong Yuan who was walking in front of him step by step, Chen Peng narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

That is when Chen Peng was pondering.

Dong Yuan, who came to him, knelt on the ground.

"My father was murdered, and now Dong Yuan has no home, she wanted to avenge her father, but there is no door to revenge!"

"I dare not forget the kindness of my father's upbringing. Since then, Dong Yuan is willing to follow the Hou Ye as a slave and a concubine. I only hope that in the future, I will have the opportunity to ask the Hou Ye to avenge my father. Dong Yuan is satisfied and asks the Hou Ye to take it in!"

Dong Yuan, who was kneeling on the ground, said in a mournful voice, and as she spoke, two lines of clear tears from the corners of her eyes ran down her cheeks.

Sure enough! The corner of Chen Peng's mouth rose slightly.

Then Chen Peng looked at Jia Xu and Li Ru.

The two bowed their heads respectfully.

He said how could Jia Xu make such a low-level mistake.

It turns out that the countermeasures have been studied and understood before.

He understood what Dong Yuan meant.

Nothing more than... willing to marry him as a concubine.

If this is the case, then the Xiliang faction will become his own.

And Li Ru, Hua Xiong, Zhang Liao and others are... Dong Yuan's dowry.

Dong Yuan married herself, and the Xiliang Army acted as a dowry, so there was no threat.

I have to say this is a good idea.

When he thought of this, Chen Peng stood up and walked to Dong Yuan who was kneeling in front of him.

"You are willing to marry Ben Hou"

Chen Peng asked.

Dong Yuan, who was shedding tears, bit her mouth and nodded.

Seeing Dong Yuan nodding, Chen Peng smiled and then stretched out a hand.

Dong Yuan, who saw Chen Peng stretch out a hand, was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and glanced at Chen Peng blankly.

When Dong Yuan saw the smile in Chen Peng's eyes, she immediately understood, and then put her small hand on Chen Peng's big hand.

In this way, Chen Peng took Dong Yuan's hand and raised it together.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the camp breathed a sigh of relief.

"My subordinate Li Ru, meet the lord!"

"Subordinate Hua Xiong, meet the lord!"

"My subordinate Zhang Liao, meet the lord!"


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