Once the two ferry crossings are missed, Yuan Shao's army can directly enter Jizhou.

And behind him is Chen Peng's current base, Wei County, and everyone's family members, including Chen Peng's super main city, are in Wei County.

Of course, in addition to the above two top priorities, there is another city named Xinxiang.

There is also a ferry here.

Moreover, it is the closest to Yuan Shao's base camp, Guandu, and Wuchao, where Lü Bu's garrison was stationed.

Not to mention the bravery of Lü Bu, Yuan Shao had a large army in his hands, so Xinxiang didn't seem to be that important.

But it can also be lost.

So, according to Chen Peng's previous arrangement.

Jia Xu, Li Ru, Hua Xiong, Zhang Liao and others led [-], and the Xiliang army was stationed in Xinxiang.

Hundreds of thousands of troops.

Now the collision between the two biggest giants of the Han Dynasty, it took half a month just to arrange the troops and horses.

After the two sides arranged their troops and horses, they began the first round of offense and defense.

Yuan Shao, with an army of one million in his hand, came up in high spirits and used his power to overwhelm people.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were dispatched to seize the ferry and then attacked from the three directions of Baima, Yanjin and Xinxiang, and the momentum was pressing.

On the other hand, Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Ju Shou Tian Feng and others were stationed at the Yanjindu Camp and dispatched troops to deal with them calmly.

You and I are both conducting tentative attacks.

That's right, it's... a tentative attack.

Such a war may not be over in a year or two.

So both parties are fully prepared.

But after some probing, Yuan Shao and others discovered an important problem.

That's why Chen Peng never appeared on the battlefield! That's right, that's it.

From the beginning of the battle, Chen Peng never appeared in any of the three battlefields.

This made Yuan Shao and others very confused.

In the past, Chen Peng always took the lead in every battle, but why did he disappear this time? For this reason, Yuan Shao's think tank headed by Xu Youfengji and others began to study Chen Peng's movements.

Apart from Chen Peng who disappeared, there was another important person who also did not appear in Guandu.

This person is Cao Cao! At this time, Cao Cao was in Chenliu.

He was serving as the prefect of Chen Liu.

Although the last attack on Dong Zhuo was successful, due to Cao Cao's opposition to Yuan Shao and the unclear relationship between Cao Cao and Chen Peng, Cao Cao did not get much benefits after ending the war against Dong Zhuo.

There is only one post of Prefect Chen Liu.

This was only recommended by Zhang Miao, the original prefect of Chen Liu, before Cao Cao could enter Chen Liu's own territory.

At this time, in Chenliu County, Cao Cao was on a huge map.

There are many carved wooden figures on the map.

Some are painted red, some are dyed black.

Most of the black wooden people are north of the Yellow River.

And the red wooden man is in the direction south of the Yellow River! It is obvious that the black wooden man represents the Youzhou Army under Chen Peng.

The red wooden man represents Yuan Shao's coalition.

The map is... Cao Cao's sand table. At this time, Cao Cao is deducing the confrontation between the two armies! "Lord, lord, the latest situation sent by Guandu!"

A middle-aged man more than eight feet tall, wearing a blue scribe gown, held a bamboo slip in his hand.

Although the man was dressed as a scribe, his skeleton was extremely large, and he walked like a general.

"Come to Zhongde!"

Cao Cao hurriedly waved to Cheng Yu who walked in.

"My lord, Guandu sent a battle report. The two armies fought many times, but Chen Peng himself was never seen!"

Cheng Yu said and handed the bamboo slip in his hand to Cao Cao.

After Cao Cao took it over, he glanced at it and then his face was full of surprise.

"The war has reached this level, and the previous temptation is almost over. Why hasn't Chen Peng come out yet?"

Cao Cao frowned and rubbed his eyebrows.

"My lord, could it be Chen Peng sitting in Yecheng behind?"

Cheng Yu on the side asked.

Cao Cao shook his head: "No, according to what I know about Chen Peng, he is definitely not the kind of person who... sits in the rear.


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