Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei in the tent looked at each other.

"Be careful with Bo Gui." The expression on Liu Bei's face was very solemn.

In fact, there were still some speculations in Liu Bei's mind that he didn't say.

Gongsun Zan believed that Chen Xin did this, but Liu Bei disagreed.

Instead, Liu Bei felt that these things were done by Chen Peng who was outside the account at this time.

It's just that Liu Bei didn't say this to Gongsun Zan.

"Haha, Brother Yunqing, what's the matter so late?" Gongsun Zan, who pushed open the tent, said boldly.

Chen Peng smiled at Gongsun Zai and Liu Bei and cupped his hands: "That's right, the Yellow Turban thieves must be numb and careless after winning two small games today, so my father ordered a sneak attack on the Yellow Turban camp tonight, killing the thief's head in one fell swoop and then defeating him. This yellow scarf."

"Of course, this is definitely inseparable from the support of Brother Bo Gui, so I came to inform Brother Bo Gui that we will attack the Yellow Turban Camp tonight at midnight!"

Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei were both stunned.

Gongsun Zan looked at Liu Bei with a worried look in his eyes.

The change in Gongsun Zan's eyes was well captured by Chen Peng.

Chen Peng looked at Gongsun Zan, and then looked at Liu Bei, who was beside Gongsun Zan, whose eyes were a little dodging, and he immediately understood.

I'm afraid it wasn't that Guo Xun's death aroused the two's vigilance, or that the big-eared thief 'picked out' Gongsun Zan's ears.

"Why don't you take a day off after a fight today, the people are tired and the horses are tired?" Gongsun Zan couldn't decide directly, so he suggested it politely.

Chen Peng smiled and said: "Brother Bo Gui knows that you can use your tactics to be odd, so you can win with odd tactics, and you can win a big victory by taking a surprise attack. I hope Brother Bo Gui will not refuse!"

Chen Peng's reason made Gongsun Zan unable to refuse, and Gongsun Zan had no choice but to nod and agree!


Chapter 042, Battle Report, Battle Report!Astonished! (New book for flowers [7/7])

Chapter 042, Battle Report, Battle Report!Astonished! (New book for flowers [7/7])

The capital city of Luoyang.

Since Zhang Jiao raised his flag to rebel, the eight prefectures in the world responded accordingly. Millions of Yellow Turban thieves swept the prefectures and counties, and the city was destroyed and local officials were killed.

In order to quell the rebellion, Emperor Ling Liu Hong started his short-term diligent administration.

Since mid-February, reports of defeat have been reported every day.

Qingzhou, Jizhou, Youzhou, Bingzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou...... all poured out are the Yellow Turbans.

There were rebellions everywhere.

This made Liu Hong once thought that his great Han country was about to be overturned like this.

In order to exterminate the Yellow Turbans, Huangpu Song wrote a letter suggesting that Liu Hong should release the party's shackles, let each state and county recruit soldiers, and let the local tyrants unite against the Yellow Turbans.

The scholars were liberated and re-entered the court.

Empress He's elder brother, He Jin, was also promoted to the position of general, leading the army and horses in the world, and set up eight gates around the capital Luoyang to defend against the Yellow Turban thieves.

Huangpu Song, Zhu Jun and Lu Zhi were appointed as the left middle generals, the right middle generals and the north middle generals respectively to lead the army to quell the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

It's just that the food and grass have not been deployed, and the army has not yet started.

But Liu Hong was already in a hurry and was no different from the ants on the hot pot.

Every day, I can receive news of defeats in various states and counties, and none of them are news of victory, so Liu Hong is very flustered.

Huangpu Song suggested to Liu Hong to untie the party after the outbreak of the Yellow Turbans, and said a word at that time.

Huangpu Song said that the party had been accumulating grievances for a long time, and if it conspired with the Yellow Turbans, the world would be in danger.

It is precisely because of these words that Liu Hong was so frightened that he quickly untied the party restraint, and promoted his elder brother He Jin in order to balance the power of the scholars.

At this moment, Yuan Kui, He Jin and others gathered in the hall, and a little Huangmen was reading the battle report and the news of help sent from various places yesterday.

Huangpu Song, Zhu Jun, Lu Zhi and others were also listening.

"Report to Your Majesty, yesterday, Jizhou sent a battle report. Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Yellow Turbans, led a [-]-strong army to besiege Yecheng."

"Yingchuan Yellow Turban Bandit General Bo Cai led tens of thousands of bandits to ravage the land of Yingchuan."

"Nanyang Zhang Mancheng gathered hundreds of thousands of troops to besiege Nanyang..."


Liu Hong, who was sitting on the dragon chair, roared.

Xiao Huangmen instantly fell to his knees in fright.

"Failed and defeated, every day is a defeat, is my big man really so vulnerable?"

After a roar, Liu Hong's face flushed.

The long-term indulgent life has completely emptied Liu Hong's body.

If it weren't for the great calamity in the world, Liu Hong probably wouldn't be so diligent in his administration.

"Isn't there any good news?" Liu Hong asked while looking at His Highness's crowd.

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