And here is also the ultimate way for aliens to browse the Great Wall.

He is going to bury [-] alien heads here.

I also use this as a warning to everyone, that Han souls cannot be invaded, and Han people cannot... commit! Boom! When the Xianbei cavalry crossed the bow and arrow blockade, they... slammed into the formation of long spears like a barbed forest. .

When enemies meet, they are divided into jealousy.

There was not a single soldier who retreated from the whole Qihuo army.

Even if the enemy's sharp knife is in front of you, even if you take a step forward, it is... the abyss of death.

The beggar soldiers who are fed up with being treated as slaves and beasts will not retreat.

Abruptly, he withstood the charge of the cavalry with his flesh and blood.

When the cavalry loses the power to charge.

When tens of thousands of cavalry were crowded in the valley.

At this time, they became lambs to be slaughtered.

The [-] Youzhou troops who were ambushed on both sides of the valley began to shoot arrows from above their heads.

The Xianbei people who were crowded together could only mourn, or use their companions' bodies to shield themselves from arrows.

Those... Xianbei nobles who were not killed and knelt behind all showed their despairing eyes.

"Take a good look, it won't be long before you can meet underground!"

Chen Peng turned and left the battlefield.

Those kneeling on the ground......the Xianbei nobles began to mourn.


Chen Peng spat out a killing word.

Kebineng's wife, Kebineng's daughter.

Tadun's woman, Tadun's son, and countless men and women of Xianbei Xiongnu nobles fell to the ground after Chen Peng said a word.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 0217, the return of the soul, to the Guandu battlefield! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 017, Return of the soul, go to the Guandu battlefield! Please customize, fully order! After a day and a night of fighting.

The White Wolf Mountain is full of corpses.

Waiting for work and waiting for the rabbit, Chen Peng successfully buried [-] Xianbei and Karasuma cavalry soldiers in Bailang Mountain.

Since then, the northern Xianbei and Karasuma are almost completely destroyed.

In the same way, the beggars paid a heavy price.

Only a few hundred of the five thousand cavalry that Yan Rou personally led to fight against the Xianbei survived.

More than half of the [-] spearmen were damaged.

The best preserved organization is the archer.

Nevertheless, the battle was won.

With the foundation of this battle.

No matter what the future is on the grassland...

What kind of opponent does the Qihuo Army encounter, there must be only two words, horizontal push.

After restraining his own body.

The [-] alien heads were cut off and the [-] Jingguan were piled up together.

Standing in front of the Jingguan with [-] heads, all the soldiers of the beggar army sank and said nothing.

There was no joy of victory on their faces, only the guilt of their former relatives in their hearts after revenge.

"The soul is back!"

Yan Rou, who was wounded with a piece of cloth on the right shoulder, shouted loudly.

"The soul is back!"

Tens of thousands of beggars roared in the sky along with Yan Rou.

For hundreds of years, countless Han people have left their hometowns and died in the grasslands under these alien bandits.

Their souls will not be released, for the iron hoofs of the alien race never cease.

But today, their souls can return home.

The iron-like man was in tears at this time.

Recalling the family members who died, recalling Zhang Lan who died in his arms to protect them.

Think back to countless young girls who were brutally murdered by aliens.

Sadness comes from the heart.

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