"I don't dare to be praised by the champion, the little girl is in love with your majesty.


Tang Mao said with a smile.

Chen Peng squinted at Tang Mao.

He knew exactly who was behind the scenes while he was away.

These nobility are basically two boats with their feet and never put their eggs in one basket.

In this way, no matter who wins, they can guarantee their own interests.

It is like the battle of Guandu in history.

Behind Cao Cao, there are countless people who are in Cao Ying and in Yuan.

Because these people saw that Cao Cao might lose, and they hoped that Yuan Shao would win.

So there is a storm behind Cao Cao's back.

When Chen Peng was wearing a lot of Tang hats, Empress He was also carefully observing Chen Peng.

After half pay, Chen Peng smiled.

"Haha, your Majesty must be in love with Master Tang's daughter, so this Marquis is here to congratulate Master Tang.


"His Majesty's wedding can't be rushed, you need to prepare well, this matter is on the shoulders of the minister!"

Chen Peng said at Liu Bian with a smile.

Seeing that Chen Peng didn't say anything, Liu Bian was naturally very happy.

However, compared to Liu Bian's happiness, Empress He was carrying a touch of deep worry.

Zaochao's understanding became more and more strange due to Chen Peng's sudden return.

In such a crucial battle, Chen Peng gave up Guandu and returned to Yecheng. Naturally, he had his reasons.

After the end of the court meeting, many ministers left the palace.

However, Chen Peng did not leave.

Under the guidance of Zuo Feng, the permanent attendant of the middle school, Chen Peng walked all the way towards the harem of the palace.

"When Ben Hou was away, something big happened in the harem.


Chen Peng asked while walking.

"In the opening ceremony of the marquis, Han Fu, the general of the chariot and cavalry, sent two clan women into the palace, and Tang Mao sent his daughter Tang Ji into the palace!"

"Your Majesty has seen Tang Ji once and loves Tang Ji very much, so please tell me that Queen He wants to make Tang Ji the queen.


Zuo Feng said one by one.

Two years ago, Zuo Feng never dreamed that there would be today.

Maybe even a year ago, Zuo Feng didn't expect that this young man in his twenties would grow to this level in front of him.

If the battle of Guandu is defeated, that's all.

But if Chen Peng wins the battle of Guandu, what will this world be like?

"Why, Tang Mao's daughter is very beautiful"

Chen Peng asked.

Zuo Feng nodded: "Yes, Marquis, the daughter Tang Ji sent by Tang Mao is indeed very beautiful, and you also know that the slaves are always in the palace, and I have seen many beauties when I served the late emperor before.


"But compared to Tang Ji, it is slightly less than three points and three points.


Zuo Feng said.


Chen Peng raised his eyebrows.

If ordinary people say that Tang Ji is very beautiful, Chen Peng may not necessarily think that she is so beautiful.

But this is still very authoritative from Zuo Feng's mouth.

After all, the palace is full of beautiful women.

Those who can be called beautiful among many beauties must be among the best.

When Zuo Feng said this, Chen Peng became even more curious.

After passing through the back garden, Chen Peng came to Liu Bian's harem without any hindrance.

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