Fifteen miles from the Guandu camp, there was an army and horse from Xinxiang Ferry in ambush.

There are thousands of soldiers in this army.

"Water, gold sore medicine.


The accompanying medical officer was busy for a while, and rescued Xu You, who was dying.

When Xu You opened his eyes and saw that he was no longer in prison, he subconsciously thought that Yuan Shao had let him go and activated him again.

But when Xu You saw the expressions of the people around him and the clothes of the soldiers, Xu You realized that he was wrong again.

"Hello, let me introduce myself, my family is Jia Xu, the character is Wenhe, the current champion Houxia Xiliang Army Sima and Counselor.


Jia Xu stood in front of Xu You and said.

"I...I know!"

Xu You said with difficulty: "Why save me!"

Jia Xu smiled.

When he was at the Yanjindu camp before, Chen Peng asked Jia Xu how the preparations at Guandu were at the meeting.

At that time, Jia Xu nodded and said that he was ready.

The preparation at that time was to get Xu You out in the Guandu camp.

Why do you want to get Xu You out?

Because this involves a crucial issue.

"Because the lord has explained, let me rescue you!"

Jia Xu said.

"It's just... so simple, Xu You said in a hoarse voice.

"if not"

Jia Xu spread out his hands and said, "Oh yes, the lord also asked me to bring you a sentence, saying that Guo Si did not deceive at all.

He really came down, but his intentions have already been noticed by the lord, and we were ready on the night of the Xinxiang Battle.


"Guo Si was killed by me!"

"Also, White Horse City is because Yan Liang let down his guard. As early as a few months ago, we never took the initiative to attack, just to wait for a fatal blow!"

"So breaking the white horse has nothing to do with the battle of Xinxiang!"

Jia Xu said in one breath.


Listening to Jia Xu's words, Xu You, whose lungs were blocked with qi, spurted out a mouthful of blood: "Yuan Benchu ​​doesn't listen to me!"

Jia Xu on the side laughed when he saw this scene.

It stands to reason that a mouthful of blood should be very sluggish.

But after spewing a mouthful of clogged blood, Xu You felt much better.

"Yuan Benchu, yong lord, yong lord, the defeat of Xinxiang was not due to my insufficiency of Xu You's plan, but the destiny.

However, you also blame Xu You for the surprise attack on the white horse, Yuan Benchu, such mediocre masters will definitely lose, there is no doubt that they will lose!"

Xu You cursed loudly.

No wonder Xu You cursed.

If there is no arrangement from Jia Xu tonight, I am afraid Xu You will die in a few days.

"Hehe, Mr. Ziyuan, the Lord just doesn't have the heart to see Mr. wronged, so that's why Jia Xu came to save him. Now that Mr. is saved, where is Mr. going?"

Jia Xu asked with a smile.

Where to go, Xu You was stunned.

Where else could he go? Yuan Shao's whip almost broke his waist.

If it wasn't for his great life, how could he have survived until now.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he felt in his heart.

"I think back then, I ran around for Yuan Benchu ​​to get an official position.


"After Dong Zhuo entered the capital, I even fled with him. If I hadn't been by my side to offer advice, Yuan Benchu ​​would not have been able to be today. I am afraid that he would have been arrested by Dong Zhuo along with Yuan Wei and the more than [-] Yuan family members. Kill!"

"Now he blames me wrongly, and he wants to kill me. How can I be reconciled if I don't keep this grudge!"

Xu You punched the ground in front of him with a punch.

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