Yuan Shao was still in a coma at this time.

Many princes panicked when they heard that Yuan Shu had already made his first move.

So one by one, they couldn't care about Yuan, and they all ran away.

Even Lu Bu led some of the cavalry to run away without a shadow, and the Forty Army, which had been imposing like a rainbow, disintegrated in an instant.

When Yuan Shao woke up from the sickbed... After learning that everyone had abandoned him and left, Yuan Shao spat out another mouthful of old blood.

Then ordered the army to return to Luoyang...

But will Chen Peng give Yuan Shao a chance to run back to Luoyang? The answer is no.

Yanjin Ferry.

Countless warships and flags were fluttering, and rows of bamboo rafts that were already ready to cross the river were connected one after another, covering the surface of the river.

The three armies gathered at Yanjindu.

Chen Peng was wearing blood armor, with a bright red cloak behind him.

Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Xun You, Xun Chen, Tian Feng, Ju Shou, Shen Pei, Li Ru and other advisors stood at the lower left of Chen Peng.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Dian Wei, Qu Yi, Zhang He, and other generals stood at Chen Peng's lower right hand.

As for the generals Jia Xu, Hua Xiong, Zhang Liao, Niu Fu, and Hu Zhen, they were ambushing Yuan Shao on the way.

Chen Peng, who was standing on the stage, pressed his saber with one hand.


Chen Peng, who drew out his saber, pointed his finger at Yanjin Ferry! "Today is the day of the decisive battle, and all the generals will follow me to attack the Central Plains!"




Countless shouts of killing went straight into the sky.

Guan Yu led the Qinglong army, Zhang Fei led the Heisha army, Dian Wei led the Huwei army, Qu Yi and Zhang He led the Jizhou army and started a vigorous crossing of the river.

Cao Cao, who was wandering in the distance, accompanied by Xu Chu and Cao Cao, was shocked to see this scene.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

Cao Cao shook his head and said, "I didn't expect Yuan Shao to end like this.


"Chen Peng used his troops like a god, and he has to be admired. A fire burned Wuchao, cut off the coalition army's food and grass, and made the coalition army collapse.

It really has him!"

Cao Cao sighed.

At the same time, Cao Cao also knew that after this battle, he was afraid to go to the grasslands.

"Zhongkang, Wen Ze, it won't be long before I'm going to the surrendered city. After I leave, you should follow Chen Peng well. Chen Peng will never treat you badly!"

Cao Cao looked at Xu Chu and Yu Jin and said.

"My lord, I want to go with the lord to the surrendered city!"

Xu Chu said.

Cao Cao smiled and shook his head: "Zhongkang can't waste it, he has no future with me.


"And I also need Zhong Kang to help me take care of my family here.


Cao Cao said.

Xu Chu lowered his head...

On the day Yuan Shao's coalition collapsed, Chen Pengming led a force of more than [-] troops across the Yellow River, chasing Yuan Shao all the way.

Chen Peng gave up all the coalition forces and did not pursue them, and the hundreds of thousands of troops clung to Yuan Shao's army and pursued them all the way.

Youzhou heavy cavalry, Xiliang cavalry, under the strangulation of these two world-famous cavalry: Yuan Shao's army was defeated again in the process of fleeing.

Most of them were captured by the Qinglong Army led by Guan Yu.

On the way back to Hulao Pass, Yuan Shao was ambushed again by Jia Xu leading Zhang Liao, Hua Xiong and Ma Chao.

After some fighting, Yuan Shao finally had only a few dozen cavalry left to flee.

Three days later, Chen Peng's army gathered more than [-] people and arrived in front of Hulao Pass.

Yuan Shao fled, and the defenders of Hulao Pass naturally did not have the heart to fight.

And Chen Peng did not attack Hulao Pass.

The natural danger of Hulao Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is not easy to break through, so Chen Peng chose the method of pressure.

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