
"If Chen Peng dares to lead a light cavalry into the pass, then he has no intention of being disobedient, and if Chen Peng enters Luoyang, His Majesty can control Chen Peng!"

"But if Chen Peng is unwilling to enter the customs, then he has the heart of not being a minister. It is not too late for Your Majesty to increase the customs defense and summon Qin Wang from all over the world!"

After the end, he bowed his hands and said.

Liu Xie nodded quickly, this strategy is good! "Okay, then who can lead troops to resist Chen Peng?"

Liu Xie asked.

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Chapter 0229, Huangpu Song led the soldiers to reject Chen Peng, the proposal of the king! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 029, Huangpu Song led the soldiers to reject Chen Peng's proposal to seal the king! Please customize it, all orders! Sitting on the dragon chair, Liu Xie looked to the bottom of the hall, who could lead the troops to defend against Chen Peng. Many have the title of generals The generals quietly took a step back.

Not to mention who can resist Chen Peng.

Let's talk about who dares to resist Chen Peng! Since Chen Peng began to emerge, he has not lost a single battle in countless battles, and he has killed more than one million enemies.

Yuan Shao's [-] allied forces were aggressive, and only half a year's effort was wiped out.

Who dares to shy away from it.

So when Liu Xie asked who could resist Chen Peng, no one spoke.

It's not a question of whether or not, it's a question of whether or not to dare.

Even if they rely on Hulao Pass, even if there is natural danger to help, no one dares.

Looking at everyone talking, Fu Wan stood up again: "Your Majesty, I recommend someone!"


Liu Xie nodded again and again: "Aiqing, tell me quickly, who can resist Chen Peng?"

Hearing what Fu Wan said, all the generals immediately glared at Fu Wan, for fear that Fu Wan would recommend him.

Some have even thought about it, as long as they are recommended, they will immediately fall ill, or even if they break their legs when they go out.

"The minister recommends this person who has been on the battlefield and can definitely resist Chen Peng. This person is Lord Taichang!"

Fu Wan turned his head to look at Huangfu Song who was standing not far away.

That's right, the person who was pushed by Fu Wan was... Huangfu Song! If there are no capable people leading troops in the court today, I am afraid it is only Huangfu Song.

And what does Huangfu Song say? Although he is not picky, he is a good general. If Liu Xie ordered Huangfu Song, he would definitely not refuse.

Fu Wan also recommended Huangfu Song after seeing this clearly.

In fact, Huangfu Song not only would not refuse, but even had some small expectations in his heart.

After all, since the Rebellion in Xiliang, he has been imprisoned for defending against the defeat of the rebels, and he has not led any troops.

On the contrary, Chen Peng led the troops to quell the rebellion in Xiliang.

This is very embarrassing for Huangfu Song.

But now Huangfu Song's official position is not prominent, nor is it large: it is embarrassing that he has neither the right to speak nor the military power in the court.

It would also be a good thing to be able to resist Chen Peng from taking over the military power again this time.

Of course, Huangfu Song actually wanted to compete with Chen Peng.

"How do adults think too often?"

Liu Xie looked at Huangfu Song with anticipation in his eyes.

Huangfu Song stepped forward and bowed his hands and nodded: "Your Majesty has some ministers who dare not refuse to obey, and lead troops to defend against Chen Peng!"

"it is good!"

Liu Xie said happily: "Immediately.

Add the post of general Huangfu Songwei, and immediately.

To lead the Luoyang Imperial Army to Hulao Pass to defend against the enemy, Huangfu Song could recruit troops on his own to act cheaply, and in addition, Huangfu Song was named Marquis of Sishui Ting.


Seeing that Huangfu Song was willing to lead troops to defend against the enemy, Liu Xie was not stingy at all, and a set of official titles and titles fell on Huangfu Song's head.

Of course Huangfu Song was overjoyed.

"My minister, thank you for the grace of your majesty. I will definitely live up to your majesty's trust and never let Chen Peng enter the gate!"

Huangfu Song said.

"Alright, alright, I believe the general can do it!"

Liu Xie felt a little calmer in his heart.

"Since there are people who can resist Chen Peng, who should send Chen Peng as an ambassador?"

Liu Xie looked at the ministers in the court again and asked.

This time, it seemed that everyone seemed to have negotiated, and everyone focused their attention on Cai Yong.

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