"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

At this time, Fu Wan could no longer care about so much, and shouted in the hall: "Your Majesty should immediately order the blockade of Luoyang, and prepare for war!"


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Chapter 0231, willing to bear the infamy of the ages and repay the kindness of the world! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 031, I am willing to bear the infamy of the ages and repay the kindness of the whole world! Please customize it, make it all! It's night! Outside Luoyang City.

On the fifth day after Hulao Pass was breached, a hundred thousand troops under Chen Peng surrounded the entire Luoyang city from all directions.

Suddenly, the sky over Luoyang City was shrouded in the cloud of war.

In order to defend Luoyang City, Liu Xie ordered that all young people over the age of fourteen in Luoyang City must defend the city alone.

For a while, chickens and dogs jumped in Luoyang city.

However, after besieging Luoyang City, Chen Peng did not attack immediately.

They didn't send anyone to issue any announcements, that is...to surround Luoyang.

The dignitaries in Luoyang City were worried day and night, worried that they might not know when Chen Peng's army would attack.

This feeling of the butcher's knife hanging above his head and not falling down made everyone collapse.

And the soldiers guarding the city did not dare to neglect at all.

Countless torches on the city wall illuminated the entire outer city of Luoyang City.

The defenders on the city wall leaned against each other and looked outside the city as if they were crawling in the darkness, like the Youzhou army shivering like a beast that could lash out and hurt people at any time.

However, the Youzhou Army under Chen Peng had a rare few days of recuperation after going through more than half a year of war.

So it was quiet in the camp.

There was no sound other than... the sound of thunderbolts burning in the throbbing brazier in the camp.

In addition to Chen Peng's tent of the Chinese army, Dian Wei, who is nearly [-] feet tall, is standing in front of Chen Peng's tent in a tiger armor.

Around the main tent of the Central Army is the heavy armored Modao Army under Chen Peng's direct line.

Everyone was included in the heavy armor, only revealing a pair of pupils exuding a cold light.

In addition, the big sword in the hand of the heavy armored sword army also reflected the cold light of the sky and moonlight.

Dian Wei stood motionless in front of Chen Peng's camp with a double halberd behind his back.

Although now Dian Wei has led the army alone.

Da still played Chen Peng's groom, the guard outside the tent.

I've been following Chen Peng for two years, except... when I'm not by Chen Peng's side, even if anyone persuades him, it's useless. Dian Wei definitely wants to keep Chen Peng's night vigil.

And when Dian Wei was there, Chen Peng never worried about anything.

In the dark of night, holding a jar of wine in his hand, he walked towards Chen Peng's tent.

A hundred paces away from Chen Peng's tent, he was the first guard of the Tiger Mighty Army.

Only after entering the first guard can you come to Chen Peng's tent.

But the next thing to face is Dian Wei and the heavy armored sword army.

"military adviser.


When Xi Zhicai came to Chen Peng's tent, Dian Wei first said hello, and then reached out to stop Xi Zhicai.

Xi Zhicai smiled slightly: "General Dian hasn't slept yet, now the big event is right in front of me, and I can't sleep either, so I'll ask the lord to come over for a drink!"

Xi Zhicai said, and patted the wine jar in his hand.

However, Dian Wei had no intention of giving way.

"Master, the lord has already rested. If there is anything important for the military advisor, Dian Wei can report it on his behalf!"

Dian Wei counted in a muffled voice.

Xi Zhicai looked up at Dian Wei and said with a smile, "Why, General Dian still can't believe me?"

Xi Zhicai didn't get angry at... Dian Wei's blocking, he just didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Dian Wei shook his head: "It's not that Dian Wei can't trust the military advisor, it's just Dian Wei's duty, let alone the military advisor, even General Guan and General Zhang Dian Wei will stop him. Dian Wei can report to the lord if there is an important matter, but if you drink... Dian Wei stared at the wine jar held by Xi Zhicai, then looked at Xi Zhicai and said, "My military advisor and I have been in the Yanjindu camp for half a year, and we have never heard of it. It is said that military officers drink alcohol in the army.


Hearing Dian Wei's words, the smile on Xi Zhicai's face suddenly froze, and then the cadre made a sound.

"Hehe...General Dian, others say that General Dian is incomparable, but few people know that General Dian is also a bold and careful person. I was careless!"

Xi Zhicai said with a wry smile.

Dian Wei's appearance is hard to conjure up the idea of ​​being bold and careful.

Just from the outside, this is a rude man.

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