After Wang Yun visited, he handed the warning letter to Zhang Wen, Fu Wan and others.

Zhang Wen was... nothing, just surprised that Chen Peng dared to ask for a cracking earth to be crowned king.

After reading it, he stood up excitedly.

"There is no strength, Chen Peng is so bold, Gaozu said before the White Horse Alliance, non-clan can't be crowned king, what is Chen Peng doing?"

"He is going to start the first of the Han Dynasty. If he wants to split the earth and seal the king, he is not afraid of the world's common crusade against him!"

Fu Wan held the warning letter in his hand and looked at Liu Xie: "Your Majesty, I will go to the city in person tomorrow, and the minister will ask for His Majesty whether Chen Peng really wants to do something that he does not!"

"Your Majesty must never agree to Chen Pengfeng's unreasonable request!"

Even though he was begging, Wang Yun still saw some hesitation in Liu Xie's eyes.

In order to save his life, Liu Xie may not have estimated that much.

As long as Chen Peng breaks Luoyang by himself, Liu Xie will be abolished and Liu Bian will be re-established as emperor.

Wouldn't Liu Xie not give Chen Peng the title of King Liu Bian? "All of you Aiqing are my confidants and my humerus ministers. You said, if Chen Peng is not named king, then he will kill me. , Luoyang City has almost missed several times today, can we really hold on until winter comes?"

Liu Xie looked at Wang Yun and the others and asked.


Wang sighed.

Zhang Wen on the side also shook his head.

"Your Majesty, even so, you can't open the first of the kings. This is the rule set by the great ancestor!"

Fu Wan still didn't agree with Chen Peng's proclaiming the king.

However, Liu Xie shook his head.

Apart from... the way Chen Peng gave him, he had no other way out.

"All the gentlemen should step down, I will make my own decision, and I will wait until tomorrow to talk about it!"

Liu Xie waved his hand nonchalantly.

Wang Yun and others left.

Liu Xie also strengthened the guards guarding the palace gate.

At this time, there is no concern that any guards cannot enter the harem.

But even with the addition of countless guards, Liu Xie in the dormitory still had no sleepiness.

Looking at the empty bedroom, Liu Xie always felt that there were countless pairs of eyes looking at him in the darkness.

It wasn't until the cock croaked three times and the fish's belly turned white in the east that Liu Xie in the bedroom didn't feel so scared anymore.

However, it is not early today.

After putting on a suit of armor, Liu Xie came to Luoyang City with the civil and military officials in front of the palace gate.




A melodious and heavy horn sounded outside the city.

With the melodious trumpet of the city, there was a dull war drum.


"Ding dong!"


After the beating of the drums, the army that had already assembled began to approach the direction of Luoyang City.

At the east gate of Luoyang City, Guan Yu was dressed in a blue dragon armor, holding a blue dragon crescent sword, and a black wind beast under his crotch, leading countless soldiers of the blue dragon army to approach the moat.

On Guan Yu's right side is Zhang Fei, who is dressed in Heisha armor and holds a snake spear [-] feet tall, followed by the Heisha army.

Zhang Fei, who exudes viciousness with a leopard head and eyes, is like a black bear... Sitting on a black bear like a black bear, his eyes are contemptuous of the Quartet.

In addition to... the Qinglong Army and the Black Demon Army.

The other three walls were also surrounded by large armies.

Guns: Like forests, horses, dragons, flags and flags flying murderously into the sky! The civil and military officials on the city wall couldn't help but feel weak when they saw this scene.

Liu Xie also relied on the battlements to prevent them from falling softly on the city wall.

In front of the three-army formation, Xi Zhicai, dressed in a green robe, rode on a blue-maned horse and came under the suspension bridge beside the moat to watch the city.

"Your Majesty is here, where is Chen Peng!"

Fu Wan, who was standing beside Liu Xie in Chengqiangshan, shouted.

However, no one agreed.

Liu Xie looked under the city and did not find Chen Peng.

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