A somewhat puzzled Xi Zhicai asked behind Chen Peng.

Chen Peng smiled, and then played Zhicai.

"Come and see!"

Speaking of which, Chen Peng picked up a printed version that had already been arranged.

That's right, the second magic weapon for Chen Peng to break the monopoly of the family is this printing technique! First, he printed a piece of cloth covered with ink on the arranged printing plate.

After smearing the ink, Chen Peng printed it on the bamboo paper in his hand.

Immediately, the arranged fonts were printed on the bamboo paper.

Xi Zhicai stared at this scene with wide eyes.

"This this.……"

Xi Zhicai shook his hands and stared at Chen Peng with wide eyes and said in astonishment: "My lord, this is the "Little Dulu" of the Guo family."

Chen Peng smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is... Guo's "Little Dulu"!"

Why can the Eastern Han nobility monopolize knowledge because no matter what...  

Whether it's the Yuan clan, or the Xun clan and the Guo clan, every family will have a biography! These...biographical books are...their ancestors marked the biography.

Guo's little Dulu is... the law of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

If the Guo clan of Yingchuan, who mastered the little Du law, were to go into office, they would definitely occupy half of the law in the imperial court.

Because their family's biography knowledge is...Little Du Lu.

These books are biography of the world.

As for where Guo's little Dulu Chen Peng came from, then you have to ask Guo Tu.

"My lord... what is this doing?"

Xi Zhicai asked with wide eyes.



Chen Peng said bluntly: "With bamboo paper and movable type printing, books are no longer precious things, and the next thing this king needs to do is to open a school!"

With bamboo paper, there is movable type printing.

Of course Chen Peng wants to open a school! He needs talents who can govern the world, and he is not a gentry.

In general, those basic officials in counties and counties actually have primary school education.

Therefore, Chen Peng wanted to develop a systematic teaching method and train the first batch of basic officers in the shortest possible time.

Then he was selected from among the basic officials for higher education and became the mainstay of the court! Now he is 20 years old and [-] years old, even if this process lasts for ten years.

Ten years later, he was only thirty years old.

At that time, it was believed that officials from the academy he established had spread all over the land of Dahan.

If you want to break the monopoly of the nobility, you must start from the root.

Cut off their monopoly of knowledge.

Instead of seeing them kill them all.

Even if the existing nobles are killed, another group of nobles will emerge, which is an endless cycle.

Only when knowledge is no longer a precious monopoly, will the nobility truly die out! Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and share

Chapter 0236, Fushou saves his father, and takes the initiative to dedicate himself! (For automatic, full order!)

Chapter 036, Fushou saves his father, and devotes himself to himself! Please be automatic, order everything! "My lord, this.... Bamboo paper and printing skills are in the future!"

Xi Zhicai looked at the printed "Little Dulu" in shock and said.

Chen Peng smiled and nodded: "It is still in the experimental stage. I believe that it will be officially put into production after a period of time. At that time, this king will open a school in the capital, and select ten-year-old children to study in the school!"

Xi Zhicai nodded vigorously: "In this way, after a few years under the lord's command, there will be a lot of talents.


"Break the monopoly of the nobility!"

Xi Zhicai said excitedly.

However, Xi Zhicai soon calmed down and said, "My lord, even so, if the lord does this, [-]% of the time, he will be opposed by the gentry.


Of course Chen Peng knew that he would be opposed by the gentry.

In history, Cao Cao issued three recruitment orders after taking control of the overall situation.

The purpose of these three recruitment orders was actually to break the monopoly of the gentry.

However, the effect of the three recruitment orders was not good. Basically, the recruitment orders were issued, but no one came to apply.

Forcing Cao Cao to finally write in the recruitment order that there is no discrimination.

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