The soldiers came to Dian Wei and Xu Chu who were fighting and said.

"Damn, didn't you see that I was busy?


Dian Wei, who was wrestling with Xu Chu, said: "There are many people who want to see the prince every day, and we can still see them all!"

The soldier hurriedly shook his head: "Mr. Xi said to let the general inform you.



Dian Wei was stunned for a moment, and Xu Chu suddenly exerted his strength.

Just listen to "click"

With a sound, the stone table under their elbows burst.

"Haha, Zhonglie, I won today, you want to buy a drink!"

Xu Chu smiled happily.

"You fucking take advantage of the danger!"

Dian Wei immediately.

said dissatisfiedly.

Xu Chu happily stood up and patted the dust on the armor.

"I don't care, anyway... I won, remember to have a drink, hurry up and tell the lord!"

Xu Chu laughed and walked away.

Dian Wei could only scold him, but also got up and walked towards the backyard of the palace! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 0237, Chen Peng: "This king likes obedient women!" (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 037, Chen Peng: "This king likes women who are very happy!"

Please order it all! In the backyard of Prince Yan's mansion, Chen Peng is teasing Dian Wei's two sons with his concubine.

The two big-headed little guys, Chen Peng, liked it very much.

Therefore, I also made up my mind to make a few villains as soon as possible.

After all, with such a big harem and such good genes, it would be a waste if not to create a few villains.

Furthermore, the composition of a force and whether there are successors are also very important.

Just as he was talking, Dian Wei walked over with great strides.

"My lord.


Chen Peng turned his head and glanced at Dian Wei, then handed the Dian Man in his arms to Du Shi next to him.

"Dad... Hug! Xiao Dianman stretched out two fleshy hands after seeing Dian Wei and asked Dian Wei to hug him.

"Man's not making trouble, father and His Highness have official business, mother hugs.


Du Shi hurriedly took over the code.

Chen Peng and the girls waved their hands and then came to Dian Wei.

"My lord, the military division just met Fu Wan's family at the door and said that he wanted to see the lord.


Dian Wei said.

Chen Peng, the family member of Fu Wan, frowned.

Wasn't Fu Wan already in prison? Why did his family still come to see him? "Zhicai did not say who it was?"

Chen Peng asked.

Dian Wei shook his head and said he didn't know.

"Okay, let people in.


Chen Peng, with his hands on his back, walked towards the Central Plains.

After a while, Fu Shou, who was wearing a cloak, came to Chen Peng's study room under the leadership of Dian Wei.

When he saw the figure walking in from outside the door, Chen Peng couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

It's a woman! Chen Peng could tell from the body alone that it was a woman who entered the door with Dian Wei.

Woman, after entering the door, Dian Wei closed the people in the study.

And Fu Shou, who was wearing a cloak, couldn't help but "raise your head!" after hearing the sound of the door closing behind him.

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