After leaving Dongcheng, Cao Ang went straight to the camp in Nancheng.

Before Cao Ang arrived at the Nancheng Camp, he encountered a pair of cavalry in front of the Nancheng Camp.

Looking at the cavalry in the distance, Cao Ang showed a smile.

"Second uncle!"

Cao Ang, who was riding on the horse, waved at Cao Ren in the distance.

Cao Ren, who was sitting on the horse, also waved his hand and smiled.

Compared to Cao Cao, Cao Ren doesn't care...

Whether it is height or figure, it is far superior to Cao Cao.

Standing more than eight feet tall, with thick arms, it is clear that Kong Wu is powerful.

"Second uncle!"

"Zi Xiu!"

The two uncles and nephews greeted each other affectionately.

The person in charge of defending the city south of Luoyang was Cao Ren.

After Chen Peng gathered Cao Cao's subordinates, he was not stingy, and the Cao clan and Xiahou clan still had leaders.

For example, Cao Ren of the Cao clan, and two brothers Xiahou Yuan and Xia Houchun of the Xiahou clan.

The one stationed in the South City is... Cao Ren, and the two brothers Xia Houyuan and Xia Houchun are the ones who stop the North City.

"Second uncle, I have come to take turns on the orders of Uncle Xu. Uncle has been in office for ten days today, so it's time to change the city defenses.


Cao Ang said in front of Cao Ren.

Cao Ren patted Cao Ang's shoulder: "Don't worry about the little things, you and my uncle and nephew haven't seen each other for so long, so why don't you have a good drink?"


Cao Ang hesitated.

However, Cao Ren has already grabbed Cao Ang's arm: "How can there be so many, but Zhongkang will still blame me.


"When your father was there, Zhongkang was your retainer, although now you are Zhongkang's subordinate, but you must not lose your father's style.


Cao Ren said.

Although Cao Ang felt that it was a bit inappropriate to say so.

But still did not refuse.

So he followed Cao Ang to Cao Ren's Chinese army tent in the south camp.

After being seated, Cao Ren called his subordinates to serve wine and food.

"Come on, Zixiu, so long has passed, although your father and my eldest brother are gone, you have grown up.


Cao Ren raised the wine bowl and pointed at Cao Ang.

Cao Ang also picked up the wine bowl: "My father's wish in this life is to follow Huo Yu's example of riding an eagle to hit the grassland for three thousand miles.


"Father should be doing pretty well now.


Chen Peng exiled Cao Cao, but not really.

Although the surrendered city is cold in all seasons.

But there, Cao Cao has his own wishes to fulfill.

[-] beggars were stationed in the surrendered city, stunned the grasslands, and suppressed the Xianbei and the Xiongnu.



Cao Ren sighed: "Although it is true, your father was also exiled.


"How can the place beyond the Great Wall be compared to this prosperous Luoyang?"

"Also, if Big Brother is here, we will definitely be more beautiful than we are now.


There was some dissatisfaction in Cao Ren's tone.

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