
Chen Peng said to Zuo Feng who was on the side.

After agreeing, Zuo Feng turned back and took the pen and paper.

Chen Peng put the pen and paper in front of Liu Bian.

"Your Majesty, since these people are all rebellious parties, please write down the names of these people and stamp them with His Majesty's seal, so that this king can clear the rebellious party for His Majesty!"

Chen Peng said with a sneer.

Liu Bian suddenly raised his head.

But when his eyes just touched Chen Peng, he immediately lowered.

"I write, I write here.


Liu Bian said honestly.

Chen Peng patted Liu Bian on the shoulder.

"That's right, write it.


Outside the main hall, I remembered the sound of neat footsteps and the sound of army mobilization.

In the originally empty palace, countless soldiers with grim faces in armor walked out from some hidden places.

Chen Peng came to the door of the palace step by step.

Inside the hall, Liu Bian was kneeling on the ground and was writing people's names.

"His Royal Highness, Mr. Jia sent a message from the palace, saying that the prey has started to move, and everything is going according to the arrangement, but it has not yet notified General Hu Ben Xu Chu.


Zuo Feng lowered his head and said behind Chen Peng.

Looking at the moonlight hanging high in the sky, Chen Peng shook his head.

"Send someone back to Jia Xu and tell him that Xu Chu doesn't need to be notified, whether it is life or death depends on fortune, if he betrays this king, he will naturally betray!"

More and more soldiers in the palace gathered together freely.

Luoyang City is very big.

But it is difficult to hide soldiers, because Luoyang City has no hidden places.

If Chen Peng wanted to catch everyone by surprise, he had to pretend that he was really gone and transfer the army.

Only in this way can those who are hidden in the shadows dare to come forward.

And the palace is a place that no one would have thought of.

Therefore, Chen Peng began to hide the army in the palace a long time ago.

After the [-] troops were concentrated in the palace, they walked out of the palace and headed for the North Camp of Luoyang City.


A dark shadow flashed by and knelt directly in front of Chen Peng.

A black shadow in a night clothes has a "shadow" pierced on his chest


Chen Peng obtained the information from the shadows.

The information was sent by Jia Xu, and the enemy had already begun to besiege the Yan Wangfu.

After taking a look, Chen Peng threw the secret letter to the shadow, and then the shadow disappeared into the darkness again.

It is impossible not to be alarmed by such a big movement in the palace.

And Empress He had already been awakened by the movement outside.

Seeing the countless troops assembled in the palace, the faint shouts of killing, and the blazing fire outside the city of Luoyang in the distance, Empress He felt as if she had returned to the night before the death of the Emperor Ling.

Empress He, who had already seen everything, immediately realized that something big had happened.

Then Empress He went to the Jiade Hall where Liu Bian lived, accompanied by her maid Luluo.

But I didn't see Chen Peng.

However, the fire in the Hall of State Council attracted the attention of Empress He.

So Empress He took the maid toward the Hall of Government Affairs.

But only halfway through, he was surrounded by soldiers who came out of nowhere.

"Aijia is the queen mother and wants to see your general!"

Queen He shouted loudly.

In the distance, a young man on a horse turned his horse's head and came to the door of the Hall of Political Affairs after hearing this.

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