Dian Wei, who held a short halberd in each hand, stepped on the layers of corpses under his feet. The fierce arrogance on his body almost suppressed all the rebels with one person.

"Dian Wei... Dian Wei should have already gone to the palace, why is he still here: Prince Yan's Mansion"

Wang Yun, who was beside him, was startled by Dian Wei and looked at the people beside him.

But no matter...

Whether it was Cao Ren or Sima Fang, no one could answer Wang Yun.

"Up to now, we have no way out. Only by winning Dian Wei can we take out Chen Peng's family!"

Cao Ren pulled out the saber from his waist.

"Come with me and take down Dian Wei!"

After Cao Ren shouted, he rushed towards Dian Wei.


Before they could get close to Dian Wei, a huge axe burst into the air with the sound of howling wind.

It was the Tiger Might Guard under Dian Wei's command.

On the rolling double-edged battle axe, Li was extremely astonishing, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere.

Cao Ren's just-started offensive momentum was directly beaten and retreated.

However, what is more deadly is not that Dian Wei did not leave the palace of the King of Yan.

But before they knew it, Cao Ren and others had been surrounded.

"The general is not good, we are surrounded, and the army that poured out from nowhere has surrounded us!"

One of Cao Ren's lieutenants shouted in horror.


Wang Yun, who was wearing a piece of armor and holding a sword in his hand, jumped: "What did you say we're surrounded by?"

The lieutenant nodded in panic.

Cao Ren suddenly turned his head to look at the outskirts of Prince Yan's Mansion, which they had easily captured.

Then Cao Ren's eyes widened, and a look of panic climbed over his eyes.

"No, we were tricked. They let us in on purpose, just to surround us!"

Cao Ren shouted loudly.

"Ha ha!"

Dian Wei in the distance laughed wildly, and his yellow eyes were full of mockery.

"You don't even look at it, just because you are a shrimp soldier and a crab general, you also meet Your Highness to contend with jokes!"

"If it wasn't for the strategist's intention to let you all be wiped out, then the outer wall that you thought you could enter."

Dian Wei said with a big smile.

Immediately Cao Ren, Wang Yun, Sima Fang, and Wei Zhongdao among the recorded crowd were all blinded.

Jia Xu walked out from behind Dian Wei with a square hat on his head and narrow eyes.

"My lords, tonight is a surprise prepared by His Royal Highness for your lords. I hope you all have a good time!"

"But next, if you don't want to die faster, then please put down your weapons!"

Jia Xu had a smug smile on his face.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 0247, Bloody suppression, Yang Biao's dream! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 047, Bloody Suppression, Yang Biao's Sweet Dream! Please customize it, all orders! The first thing after the [-] soldiers and horses hidden from the palace left the palace was to surround the periphery of Yan Wangfu.

This time, Cao Ren, Wang Yun and others became the turtles in the urn in an instant.

Everyone's faces were full of panic.

Cao Ren looked at the surrounding army, his eyes were bigger than bull's eyes, and he didn't believe it.

"Where did the army come from, where did this army come from!"

Cao Ren roared loudly.

Dian Wei's adopted son, Dian Yi, rode on a great black horse and gave way to a passage behind him.

With the channel open.

Chen Peng, who was riding on the red flame war horse, showed his figure.

"Chen Peng!"

"It's Chen Peng!"

"How could this be, didn't he leave?"

"Why is he here!"

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