The rebellion that went outside the city to snatch the paper factory was suppressed! The rebellion that besieged the Yan Wangfu was suppressed.

The rebellion in the palace was suppressed.

In Yang Biao and everyone's eyes, a seamless plan, in Chen Peng's place, it is like a child playing a house.

And Chen Peng has also successfully used this method similar to fishing law enforcement to uproot all those who are dissatisfied with him and secretly oppose him.

The next morning, when the sun rose.

The people who stayed up all night in Luoyang City only saw countless oxen and carriages transporting a carload of corpses to the outside of Luoyang City.

Blood splattered every street in Luoyang City.

People hide in their homes and dare not go out.

Yet some did not stop.

After the dawn of the day, countless soldiers broke into the homes of the rebels who rebelled last night.

Except... those... the homes of the chaotic ministers, their relatives were all arrested.

Hong Nong Yang.

Hanoi Sima.

Qinghe Cui.

Taiyuan Wang Family.

Hedong Wei.

All the relatives of the famous nobles and clans were arrested, implicated in the nine clans.

After noon that day, outside the city of Luoyang, in addition to the mountains outside the body, there were also a string of family members of chaotic officials who were locked together.

Taichang Yang Biao, Situ Wang Yun, Taiwei Zhang Wen, and Cavalry Commander Sima Fang were all paraded in prison carts to show the crowd.

Royal Palace.

Accompanied by the Youzhou army, Liu Bian came to the city wall of Luoyang City with trembling legs.

Looking at the blood on the long street and the mountains of corpses piled up outside Luoyang City, Liu Bian was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground several times.

Empress He also walked out of the palace with Liu Bian and saw the results of the bloody crackdown last night.

Chen Peng was waiting for Liu Bian at the top of the city.

After seeing Liu Bian coming, Chen Peng handed Liu Bian the blood letter written by Liu Bian himself last night.

"Your Majesty, this king has already arrested all the traitors last night here. Today, I will ask Your Majesty to order them one by one... The non-subjects will be executed for the nine clans. Your Majesty ordered that this king will execute them on your behalf!"

Chen Peng smiled and looked at Liu Bian beside him.

Last night, Liu Bian still didn't know what Queen He's words meant.

It was not until Liu Bian looked at the list he handwritten that he understood the true meaning of that sentence.

It turned out that Chen Peng was waiting for him here.

"Ha ha!"

Chen Peng chuckled lightly.

Of course, he would not personally order the nine clans of these noble clans to be executed.

The name of this villain is naturally going to fall on Liu Bian's head.

If he orders, even if no one dares to speak, those who have not been subdued... The nobles on the land will definitely resist desperately.

But if Liu Bian ordered it, it would be different.

In this way, there is another advantage, everyone will think that it may be Liu Bian who betrayed everyone.

And in the future above the court, Liu Bian will become a real loner.

No one dares to work for Liu Bian.

Liu Bian is... a complete puppet who will never stand up! "Please, Your Majesty, order the execution of the nine traitors, and this king will execute the execution on your behalf!"

Chen Peng urged again.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 0248, blood-stained moat, two queens in the palace overnight! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 048, The blood-stained moat, the two queens in the palace overnight! Please customize, fully order! Outside the East Gate of Luoyang.

Yang Biao, including Wang Yun and others were crushed on the edge of the moat and fell to the ground.

There are more than [-] people in the Yang family in Luoyang City.

This does not include the Yang family where Hong Nong is located.

After last night, Chen Peng had already ordered the army to go to Hongnong Yang's to cut weeds and remove the roots.

Yang Biao shared his eyes, trying to raise his head to look at Chen Peng on the city wall.

But he couldn't lift his head up because of the ghost head knife pressing his neck.

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