The second brother Guan's family was not originally from Zhuo County, but he came to Zhuo County because he committed a murder in his hometown to avoid being arrested by the government.

Others don't know, of course he knows, so he 'orders' Guan Yu!

Guan Yu, who was watching the lively among the crowd, panicked when he saw that the government came to arrest people.

"It's the red-faced guy, grab him!"

A shout from the county soldier completely extinguished the fluke in Guan Yu's heart, but there is nowhere to run around, only a fight!

Guan Yu, who was responsible for the murder case, suddenly burst into a fierce aura!

Update instructions and add more conditions!

The author bacteria is a newcomer.

I don't know how the big guys update.

But as a newbie, I will try my best to update.

The boss told Mengxin that I want to tell you about the rules for adding more updates.

So here I am.

1000 flowers plus one more!

300 evaluation votes plus one more!

The boss said that these things don't cost money.

Hope your favorite boss can help!

In addition, you can leave a message in the comment area. If you have good opinions or suggestions, I will accept them and thank them very much.

Historical texts are not easy to write, and a lot of information is needed every day.

I hope the big guys are pitiful and cute, and support me a lot!

Mengxin has written about the big guys here!

Chapter 005, Chen Peng Taoyuan three knots, from then on Liu Lang is a passerby (new book for flowers [5/7])

Chapter 005, Chen Peng Taoyuan three knots, from then on Liu Lang is a passerby (new book for flowers [5/7])

Seeing that Guan Yu's body burst out with a fierce breath, Chen Peng immediately realized that it was not good.

So quickly yelled!


The county soldiers who were rushing towards Guan Yu, as well as Guan Yu who was about to kill the Quartet, and the surrounding crowd who avoided watching the fun from a distance all turned to look at Chen Peng.

"Master... Master?" The captain of the county soldier recognized Chen Peng at a glance.

Chen Peng was the son of Chen Xin, the magistrate of Zhuo County, and the captain of the county army naturally recognized him.

"Master? Big brother, why does this fellow call you son?" Zhang Fei, who was beside Chen Peng, asked in a buzzing voice.

Of course, Chen Peng couldn't say that he was the county magistrate's son, what a loss.

At this time, shouldn't there be a dog's leg to stand up, and then yell out who my son is, who and so amazed everyone!

So Chen Peng naturally glared at Ma Liu who was not far from him.

Ma Liu also has the potential to be a successful dog's leg. Chen Peng glanced at him and quickly understood it.

"My son is the son of the county magistrate, let you stop, don't stop quickly!"

"Well, Ruzi can be taught."

Chen Peng smiled knowingly.

Sure enough, with such a foreshadowing in the front, and Ma Liu in the back, the effect is coming!

Zhang Fei, Guan Yu and Liu Bei were all stunned in the crowd.

The son of the magistrate?

If it's a normal county magistrate, it's nothing.

Kezhuo County magistrate Chen Xin is not an ordinary magistrate.

The county magistrate of Zhuo County, Chen Xin, was the son of Chen Yu of the Chen clan in Yingchuan.

Chen Xin also has five brothers, the most famous of which are Chen Ji and Chen Chen.

Chen Ji has a son named Chen Qun.

Let me put it this way, Xun Shuang, Guan Ning, Han Rong and other famous people all over the world once wanted Chen Yu to study.

General He Jin and Taifu Yuan Kui had tried many times for Chen Hao to enter the court again, but they were all rejected by Chen Hao.

The status of the Chen family is not far from being the leader among the Yingchuan nobility.

Of course, ordinary people naturally don't know this. They only know that the county magistrate, Chen Xin, was born in Yingchuan nobility.

"Cough cough..."

Chen Peng took two steps forward and brought them to the side of the county soldiers, looked up and down at the county soldier captain, and then turned to look at Guan Yu who was beside him.

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