Liu Biao nodded: "Knowing that, but we can't afford to gamble.


That's right, that's what makes me feel.

"Okay, okay, I'm tired, let's go here first today, and tomorrow we will discuss how to send troops and who to send them!"

Liu Biao waved his hand wearily.

When he heard that Liu Biao said that he was going to study who would lead the troops tomorrow, Cai Mao was obviously taken aback, then glanced left and right.

Who can be sent to lead troops and who can be sent, and now Xiangyang is the only one who can lead troops.

Do you want him to lead troops to fight against Chen Peng?

Just thinking about Cai Mao makes cold sweat come down from his forehead.

Who is Chen Peng, the famous slaughter.

Since the rise of Chen Peng three years ago, some people have calculated that more than one million people died because of Chen Peng's attack.

One million people, what concept and rumors that Chen Peng will eat people's hearts every day, and is extremely powerful.

Each of his generals was fiercer than the other, all of whom were taller than [-] feet tall and waisted.

Thinking of this, Cai Mao swallowed his saliva and cold sweat fell on his forehead.

After the meeting dissipated, Cai Mao walked towards the Cai mansion...

Xiangyang is very prosperous as the government of the whole Jingzhou.

The city has a population of more than [-] people, and the streets are extremely lively.

At this time, two luxurious carriages walked out of the Cai Mansion, and were protected by many soldiers on both sides of the carriage.

Pedestrians in the surrounding streets fled after seeing it.

Cai's position in Jingzhou is very important, and the people sitting in the carriage must be rich or noble.

The surrounding people guessed not badly, the woman sitting in the carriage was indeed rich or expensive.

It was none other than Liu Biao's wife, Madam Cai.

Mrs. Cai's carriage was first, followed by Cai Zhen's carriage.

Although Mrs. Cai, who had stayed in the mansion for a few days, was reluctant, she still wanted to send Cai Zhen to Liu Biao's mansion in order for the Cai family to be the number one family in Jingzhou.


A small cracking sound rang out.

The two thin needles with silver light in between pierced the two horses dragging Madam Cai's carriage with lightning speed.

The pained steed suddenly raised its head: it raised its front hooves, and immediately dropped the suspect driver to the ground, and then started running towards the main street of Xiangyang City.

The carriage pushed the coachman's body, and the coachman who was about to struggle was killed on the spot.

And Mrs. Cai in the carriage exclaimed in horror.

The two horses ran wildly along the main street of Xiangyang and ran towards the outside of the city of Xiangyang.

"Quick, stop the carriage, stop the carriage!"

The surrounding soldiers shouted.

But how can two war horses that eat pain and go mad can be matched by manpower?

At least ordinary people can't compete.

Pedestrians on the street avoided one after another, while Mrs. Cai in the carriage was pale and pale.

On the second floor of a main street, a young figure smiled at this scene.

Just as the carriage was about to rush over, the young man in black robe jumped.

Under the surprised eyes of countless people, he jumped to the carriage.

The young man standing on the roof of the carriage shed turned over and came to the driver's position, grabbing the reins in his hand.

However, the war horse won't stop after a while.

So we can only let the war horse run wild, as long as it doesn't bump into people.

Seeing someone coming to help, Mrs. Cai in the carriage hurriedly called for help: "The strong man, please stop the horse.


Madam Cai said in horror.

The young man in black robe turned back and smiled at Madam Cai.

Just this time, when Mrs. Cai saw the young man's appearance, she was stunned.

What a handsome man! This was Madam Cai's first reaction.

That's right, when Mrs. Cai saw the handsome face who turned her head, she completely forgot that she was in danger at the moment.

A pair of sword brows pierced into the temples for three points, and a pair of black eyes seemed to be like the sea of ​​stars.

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