"Everyone, now that Chen Peng's army is approaching in an instant, my Jingzhou should be prepared. Although Nanyang is now broken, there are many waterways in Jingzhou. If you want to attack Jingzhou, you need a water army.


"And most of the soldiers under Chen Peng's command are soldiers from the north who are not accustomed to water, and Jingzhou may not be able to fight. I also ask you to work together to defend against a strong enemy!"

Liu Biao stood up from his seat and said.

If we say that Jingzhou still has the last resort.

That is the waterway of Jingzhou.

The South is different from the North, and battles are basically land routes.

Even the battle of Guandu is just a fight for the ferry.

But the south is different, there are many waterways in Jingzhou.

If you want to march in Jingzhou, you must have a navy.

However, the troops under Chen Peng's command were all northern soldiers, and they were mainly cavalry, not to mention their poor water skills.

In history, Cao Cao has also sent his army to the south many times, but he was sent back because he did not have a strong navy.

Therefore, Chen Peng is facing the same situation at this time.

As soon as Liu Biao's words came out, it... comforted many worried people.

But in the eyes of the Jingzhou nobility, Jingzhou could not stop Chen Peng after all.

And the people of Jingzhou did not want to shed the last drop of blood for Liu Biao.

After the meeting was dissolved, everyone thought about it.

Cai Mao was always watching the expressions of Kuai Liang and the Kuai Yue brothers, as well as the reactions of the rest of the Jingzhou gentry.

After the meeting, Cai Mao hurried back to the Cai Mansion. …

In the Cai Mansion, Cai Zhen's current status can be said to have leapt to the top.

After serving Chen Peng, Cai Zhen's identity became the second most distinguished woman in the entire Cai residence.

The first is, of course, Mrs. Cai.

At this time, Mrs. Cai was walking out of Cai Zhen's room with several doctors.

These doctors are all here to diagnose Cai Zhen's pulse.

After confirming again and again, the answers given by the doctors are all the same.

That means Cai Zhen is pregnant.

Maybe Chen Peng didn't even think that this time, he was going into the soul.

Cai Mao, who returned to the mansion, also came to Cai Zhen's small courtyard, and saw Mrs. Cai who came out from Cai Zhen Bie Yue carrying the doctor.

"How is it not true"

When Cai Mao was in the scene, he asked expectantly.

Mrs. Cai nodded with mixed feelings in her heart.


Excited Cai Mao double-boxed and said, "Immediately.

Let Zhen Er clean up the larger courtyard in the mansion, and then send more people to serve it, little sister, this is our Cai Zhongxing's hope!"

"Reward, all reward!"

Cai Mao said to the doctors.

Mrs. Cai felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

She has been married to Liu Biao for several years, but she has never been pregnant.

I finally got pregnant once but had a miscarriage.

But now Chen Peng only stayed in the Cai Mansion for one night, and let Cai Zhen sleep once, and Cai Zhen was actually pregnant.

Of course, Mrs. Cai was not feeling well.

Moreover, Cai Zhen was pregnant with Chen Peng's child, which made Mrs. Cai even more uncomfortable.

Cai Mao also seemed to see Mrs. Cai's thoughts, and hurriedly said something to comfort her.

"Little sister, this child in Zhener's arms is all Cai's hope in the future.


"His Royal Highness will definitely become emperor in the future. The Han family is so weak now and His Highness is so young. The child in Zhen'er's womb in the future is... the prince!"

Cai Mao's eyes shone brightly and said, "And as far as I know, His Highness has no heirs yet. If Zhener's belly is a boy, it may be the eldest son!"

"Eldest son!"

Cai Mao said excitedly: "Little sister, do you know what this means?"

Madam Cai nodded.

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