
"He Lu Bu is also worthy of a man"

Zhang Fei said nonchalantly.

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Chapter 0267, Lu Bu's death, cut Hu Cao Cao! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 067, Lu Bu's death, cut off Hu Cao Cao! Please order, all orders! Lu Bu turned his head and glared at Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.

Xi Zhicai, who was behind Chen Peng, also stepped forward, lowered his voice and said under Chen Peng's command: "My lord, this person has a backside of his head, and he cannot be taken in or let go.


Although Xi Zhicai's voice was low, Lu Bu still heard it.

"You thief, I have no grievance with you, why did you harm me!"

Lu Bu struggled to get up.

But he was kicked to the ground by Zhang Fei next to him.


Yan Shi, who was kneeling by the side, quickly went to help Lu Bu.

The embarrassed Lu Bu was supported by the Yan family.

Lu Bu looked at Chen Peng, and seemed to know that he was going to die today.

"Chen Peng, I lost today and have nothing to say, but I have a request, I hope you will agree to me!"

Lu Bu said.

Chen Peng, who never spoke with his hands in his sleeves, nodded.

"Tell me, this king listen.


Chen Peng said absentmindedly.

Lu Bu looked at Mrs Yan who was kneeling beside him.

In terms of birth.

After one side is defeated, all the things, property, territory and soldiers of the other side will become the spoils of the winning side.

Naturally, women are also included among these spoils.

And the women in high positions are very beautiful.

So these women also became one of the spoils to be divided up.

For example, if Lu Bu dies, the Yan clan will be divided up.

As for whether Chen Peng will monopolize it or distribute it to his subordinates, that's another story.

"Madam, I am doomed today, have you ever been willing to go to Huangquan with me?"

The meaning of Lu Bu's words is very obvious, it is clearly... I don't want the Yan family to be divided up by Chen Peng as a trophy.

Yan Shi, who was holding Lu Lingqi in his arms, bit his mouth tightly and nodded.

"If your husband goes, your concubine will accompany you.


Yan Shi sobbed.

"it is good!"

Lu Bu raised his head and looked at Chen Peng again: "Okay, I only have one wish, and that is to bury me and my wife together after my death!"

Chen Peng was a little surprised, he didn't expect Lu Bu to ask for such a thing.

However... Chen Peng showed a smile on his face, and then looked at Mrs Yan.

"In that case, how about we play a game!"

Chen Peng walked in front of Mrs Yan and Lu Bu and looked down at Mrs Yan.

"If you change to the same environment, the same problem, if Lu Bu's choice is the same as yours, this king will agree to your request, what do you think?"

Chen Peng looked down at Yan Shi and asked.

Yan shi turned to look at Lu Bu who was beside him, his eyes were affectionate: "My husband and I must choose the same!"

As if to prove something, Lu Bu also nodded.

But Chen Peng didn't believe it.

So he looked at Lu Bu and asked, "Lu Fengxian, this king will give you a chance!"

"If you agree to give your woman and daughter to this king, this king will not kill you, how about giving you a way to live?"

Chen Peng looked at Lu Bu with a smile and said.

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