Dian Wei didn't understand what Chen Peng meant.

"Raise the security level here by one level, without the order of this king, no one can enter or leave, all the thunderbolts produced must be numbered, and absolutely no leakage is allowed.


Chen Peng said in a stern voice.

Jia Xu, who knew the importance of this place, nodded again and again.

After watching the first experimental bomb, Chen Peng confirmed one thing.

In less than two years, the whole world will be unified.

The appearance of this powerful weapon on the battlefield will bring devastating blows to all his enemies.

The fort cannot be kept for long.

The duration of the war will also decrease sequentially.

This isn't a bad thing.

At the very least, after the war is over in the shortest time possible, he can march towards Europe with his division.

And with gunpowder this powerful weapon.

in spite of……

Whether it is ancient Rome or the Shuanggui Empire, they will all fall under his front.

The whole world will tremble for it.

After leaving the valley, Chen Peng locked himself in the study.

Explosive packs are just the easiest way to use black powder.

Although Chen Peng couldn't make modern guns.

But he can try to make the simplest cannon.

Without welding skills he made solid bullets.

So after returning to the study, Chen Peng immersed himself in the books and started talking about the drawings of the cannon...  

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Chapter 0269, the battle between father and son, strange woman Wang Yi! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 069, The battle between father and son, the strange queen is different! Please customize, fully order! "Report!"

"Liangzhou Military News, [-] miles fast, get out of the way!"

A fast horse passed quickly through the main gate of Luoyang City.

Pedestrians on both sides of the street hurriedly dodge and practice to avoid being knocked down by fast horses.

The soldiers who sent the battle report did not head towards the palace, but went straight to the palace of King Yan.

The soldiers who came to the gate of Prince Yan's mansion brought the battle report from Liangzhou into the mansion.

Seeing the expedited battle report, Dian Wei did not dare to delay, and quickly notified Xi Zhicai and Xun Yu to send the battle report to Chen Peng.

A few months ago, when Chen Peng designed a sweeping sweep of the gentry who opposed him in Luoyang City, the two escaped.

One is the Sima clan of the Hedong nobility.

At that time, Chen Peng ordered that Sima's clan must be destroyed.

But when Sima's manor in Hanoi was breached, only one Sima Lang was arrested.

Sima Yi, whom Chen Peng named, disappeared.

Later, after a lot of inquiries, it was discovered that the Sima clan had migrated to Yizhou.

Among those who migrated included Sima Yi.

This made Chen Peng a little worried.

Besides that, there is another person.

On the night of the rebellion in Luoyang City, Chen Peng originally planned to let Ma Teng from Xiliang into the city, and then closed the door and beat the dogs.

But by accident, Xu Chu actually lowered the gate, so that Ma Teng did not enter Luoyang.

After realizing that something was wrong, Ma Teng ran back to Liangzhou.

Afterwards, Chen Peng gave orders to Li Ru and Ma Chao in Liangzhou to clear Ma Teng.

However, Liangzhou's campaign against Ma Teng's fighters did not seem to be going well.

Li Ru was originally Dong Zhuo's old general, and Ma Chao was Ma Teng's son.

The two have no foundation in Liangzhou.

But Matt is different.

Ma Teng has a very deep background accumulated in Liangzhou for many years.

So for a while the soldiers fell into a stalemate.

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