After seeing his daughter wearing a military uniform, Zhang Shi suddenly became anxious.

"Yi'er, there are soldiers guarding the city, what are you wearing this uniform for?


Zhang Shi took Wang Yi's hand.

Wang Yi, who put on a purple leather armor, was full of vigor.

"Mother, although reinforcements may arrive at any time, Wenyang County may also be breached before reinforcements arrive, so my daughter cannot sit still!"

While talking, Wang Yi also packed up all his gold and silver jewelry from childhood to adulthood.

"The daughter will distribute these... useless things to the soldiers under her father's command, so that the nobles can resist with their lives, and we can last until the arrival of the reinforcements!"

Wang Yi said after packing up his gold and silver jewelry.

As soon as Mrs. Zhang saw her daughter saying this, she no longer stopped her. …

Wenyang County City Wall.

The city wall cast by rammed earth will occasionally be blown up by strands of yellow sand from the loose.

Li Ru, who was wearing a black official uniform and covered in dust, was patrolling the city defenses accompanied by Ma Chao.

The soldiers who defended the city were leaning against the battlements and holding their weapons, their morale was low.

After seeing this scene, Li Ru was even more dismayed.

Outside the city is... Ma Teng's army of [-].

They were more than a thousand people who escaped here after losing and losing all the way.

So there is no morale at all when facing Ma Teng.

What Li Ru hopes now is......the reinforcements will arrive soon.

If not, Ma Teng's army after breaking Wenyang County will threaten the land of Sanfu.

At that time, he Li Ru really can't forgive his guilt even if he dies.

"My lord! My lord!"

While Li Ru and Ma Chao were inspecting the city defense, Wang Wei came up from the city with a few soldiers.

"Master Wang has recruited soldiers."

Li Ru, who saw Wang Wei's arrival, asked quickly.

Wang Wei shook his head: "Lord Prefect, the lower officials have not recruited brave soldiers, and the people are afraid of Ma Teng outside the city, afraid that they will be implicated after the army breaks the city, so no one is willing to join the army.



After hearing Wang Wei's words, Li Ru shook his head in disappointment.

He was very clear about this too.

People can see that Wenyang County can't keep it for a long time, which means that they really can't keep Wenyang County.

Ma Chao on the side was a little anxious.

"Forced levy, even if it is a forced levy, they must be enlisted in the army. I don't believe it, and the people dare not obey!"

Ma Chao frowned and said.

"Meng Qi, absolutely not!"

Li Ru interrupted Ma Chao's words.

He knew why Ma Chao was so anxious.

Today, most of the generals under Chen Peng's command have already led their own army.

That is... Zhang Liao, who surrendered later, is already in Bingzhou.

However, Ma Chao, who was the first to be handed down the Baojia, has not yet led a single army.

A large part of this is because of the relationship between Ma Chao's father Ma Teng.

But no matter what, Ma Chao was in a hurry, if he couldn't lead the army alone, he would sooner or later be ostracized on the edge of power.

As for the Liangzhou rebellion, Ma Chao had planned to suppress the rebellion in exchange for Chen Peng's trust.

But it never occurred to me that the Liangzhou rebellion was not suppressed, but now it is annihilated.

Of course Ma Chao was in a hurry.

But it's no use in a hurry.

"Meng Qi, now we are backed by Wenyang County, if we are provoking people's uprising, I am afraid that Wenyang County will be captured in an instant, and when the rebels threaten the land of Sanfu, you and I will die. Not enough to apologize.


"Now the lord's army is preparing for the southern expedition to Jingzhou. If there is a problem in the rear, it will affect the lord's plan, and we will no longer have the day to turn over!"

Bang! Ma Chao punched the battlements aside: "Damn!"

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