After hearing this, the Beast in the Cloud jumped down from the city and chased after the enemies who had fled outside.

Chen Peng came to Li Ru and Ma Chao and looked down at the two.

"Tell this king, where you are wrong.


Chen Peng said coldly.

Li Ru lowered his head: "This subordinate's carelessness made Ma Teng's sneak attack succeed.


"The last general... There is still a bit of luck in the last general's heart.


Ma Chao also lowered his head and said.

Chen Peng lifted the mask on his helmet, revealing a cold face.

"The situation in Liangzhou is far more than this. The generals are incompetent and bring disaster to the three armies. If it wasn't for the two of you who were struggling to resist, this king would have let your heads fall today.


"Remember one sentence, when you have the absolute upper hand, you will be ruthless and ruthless.


Chen Peng said coldly.

Li Ru, who was kneeling on the ground, and Ma Chao's lover and cold sweat on their heads.

In the distance, Wang Yi, who was wearing a purple armor with a silver fork in his hand, kept looking at Chen Peng.

"Don't look around, you will be fined for disturbing Wang Jia.


Wang Wei, who came in a hurry, stood in front of his daughter and reminded in a low voice.



Wang Yi, who agreed, lowered his head.

However, Chen Peng's eyes turned towards Wang Yi's direction.

"Xiaguan asked the county magistrate of Yang County to see His Royal Highness King Yan, His Royal Highness Wan An.


Wang Wei quickly knelt down in front of Chen Peng.

Looking back at his daughter who was still standing behind him, Wang Wei jumped and hurriedly grabbed his daughter.

"Hurry up and kneel down to greet His Royal Highness King Yan!"

Wang Wei said anxiously.

Only then did Wang Yi react, and he put down the weapon in his hand and knelt down in front of Chen Peng, and said softly, "Queen of the people, please meet His Royal Highness King Yan!"

Wang Yi! Chen Peng was stunned for a moment.

The girl in front of her who was wearing a purple leather armor with a pretty face and some western style turned out to be the famous Wang Yi. Why does she say she has exotic style?

Because Wang Yi's hair is chestnut, and his eyes are brown.

Chen Peng glanced at Ma Chao and then at Wang Yi.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Fate is really weird...

: Please self-order, fully order! I went out yesterday, so I missed some updates, and today I will make up all of them!... Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 0274, Wang Wei, the figure of the Southern Xiongnu! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 074, Wang Wei, the figure of the Southern Xiongnu, who was aware of it later! Please customize it, make it all! When Li Ru on the side saw Chen Peng's eyes, he knew that Chen Peng had noticed Wang Yi.

Li Ru quickly stepped forward.

Now it should be his turn to speak.

If I miss this opportunity, I want to have it again... Then there won't be many second chances.

"My lord, if it wasn't for Miss Wang Yi this time, Wenyang County would have been breached. It was precisely because of Miss Wang Yi's plan that we kept Wenyang County!"

Li Ru said beside Chen Peng.


Chen Peng raised his eyebrows and the expression on his face was very surprised.

When Wang Yi heard Li Ru's praise, he bowed his head a little embarrassedly: "The people's daughter is just a superficial knowledge and nonsense, so don't take it seriously, Your Highness.


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