"Don't dare.


Wang Wei was hurriedly polite.

Li Ru took a private glance and found that Wang Yi was helping the wounded soldier in the distance, so he gently pulled Wang Wei.

Wang Wei was stunned, knowing that Li Ru was going to say something to him, so he listened to it.

"Lord Wang, I want to congratulate you, this time, the double happiness of your Lord is really envious of others.


Li Ru said with a smile.

Wang Wei was stunned for a moment.

Where did the double happiness come from? Isn't that his promotion? Oh right.

"Oh, Mr. Li is talking about the little girl's entry into the court as an official.


Wang Wei, who responded, said.

However, Li Ru smiled and shook his head.

"No, no, no!"


Wang Wei was stunned.

After thinking hard for a while, I didn't understand what Li Ru was talking about.

"Master Li, the lower official is ignorant, and please ask Master Li to clarify your doubts.


Wang Wei cupped his hands and said.

"Hey, Your Majesty, you are very polite.


Li Ru pressed Wang Wei's men down and said softly, "Master Wang knows that the lord values ​​his daughter very much."

Wang Wei nodded blankly and said, "I know, otherwise, His Highness would not let the little girl enter the palace to lead troops.


Li Ru smiled again.

"Lord Wang, it seems that you still don't understand, not everyone can lead troops in the palace!"

Li Ru smiled and said, "Your Highness is like a cloud of fierce generals, but there are only two people who can lead the army in the palace, one is Dian Wei, the general of Huwei Zhonglang, and the other is Xu Chu, the general of Hu Benzhonglang.


"The two of them are loyal to the lord, and they have gone through countless tests before they can lead the army in the palace. Does Mr. Wang think that Miss Wang Yi can be stronger than Huwei Zhonglang General and Hu Ben Zhonglang?"

Li Ru asked.

Wang Wei quickly shook his head.

That's obviously impossible.

If not for this.

That is... a flash of light suddenly flashed in Wang Wei's mind.

Could it be...Wang Wei's eyes widened and he looked at his daughter in the distance, and then at Li Ru, who was smiling deeply.

"Lord Li means... Your Highness... Your Highness..."

Wang Wei didn't know how to say these words.

However, Li Ru patted Wang Wei's shoulder and said with a smile, "Lord Wang seems to understand!"

After speaking, Li Ru bowed in front of Wang Wei.

"Master Wang will definitely fly high when he enters the capital in the future, so don't forget about Li.


Li Ru bowed his hands and said.

Of course Wang Wei reacted at this time.

If things are really like what Li Ru said, then this trip to the capital is really... That night, after the celebration banquet, Wang Wei returned to his palace, Li Ru, and what he said and himself. wife said.

When Zhang Shi heard that King Yan Chen Peng had taken a fancy to their daughter, he didn't know whether he was happy or surprised.

It stands to reason that their daughter should have been married long ago at this age.

But because of his appearance a little different from ordinary people, he never got married.

Who would have thought that he would be favored by the dignified King Yan now.

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