But when she heard Duo Cai's description, Mu Tina's dark eyebrows were even tighter.

A very ominous feeling rose in my heart.

"You mean that the Southern Xiongnu didn't make a move along the way, but just chased after you."

Mu Tina's pretty face rose with a look of alertness.

Duo Cai nodded quickly: "It's such a princess.


Mu Tina was even more alert in her heart.

Although Qiang women are good at riding and archery, it is absolutely impossible for them to be stronger than the cavalry of the Huns.

Those talents are the real natural cavalry, not only superb in riding, but also unparalleled in archery.

It is said that they are now female riders, that is, the Qiang people in their peak period could only avoid when they encountered the Southern Xiongnu.

Why those... The cavalry of the Southern Huns just chased but didn't make a move. This doesn't seem to be the character of the Huns! Chase.


Retreat! Mu Tina kept flashing these key words in her mind, and suddenly a horrifying thought came to her mind.


Mu Tina stood up in shock.

Duo Cai on the side was also startled.

"What's wrong with the princess?"

Duo Cai also hurriedly asked.

Mu Tina looked at Duo Cai and nodded and said: "The scouts of the Southern Xiongnu didn't do anything because they couldn't catch up with you. They deliberately let you go back to our camp. They must have a large army behind them. You came back to find out where our camp is!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 0276, the desperate situation of the Qiang people, the southern Xiongnu Liu Bao! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 076: The desperate situation of the Qiang people, the southern Xiongnu Liu Bao! Please customize it, all the orders! Mu Tina looked at Duo Cai and nodded and said: "The southern Xiongnu's scouts didn't do anything because they couldn't catch up with you, they did it on purpose. When they let you back to our camp, they must have a large army behind them, and the reason why they let you back is to find out where our camp is!"


After hearing what Mu Tina said, Duo Cai was taken aback.

No wonder those... The Southern Xiongnu scouts did not have a disappointed expression on their faces when they left.

It turned out that they actually had this idea. Saying that, it was not the Qiang camp that she led the scouts of the Southern Xiongnu to find. "This...Princess...I..."

Duo Cai panicked instantly.

And Mu Tina also saw the self-blame on Duo Cai's face.

Mu Tina shook her head and knew that it was useless to blame Duo Cai at this time, blaming and holding her accountable would only make her lose a very good and loyal scout captain.

"It's no wonder you, no one would have thought that the speed of the Southern Huns' invasion would be so fast that they would dare to enter the Liangzhou area!"

Mutina said.

But none of that...that matters.

What matters is what they should do now.

"Princess, I will immediately lead someone to catch up and kill those scouts... the Southern Xiongnu.


Duo Cai wants to make up for her mistakes.

However, Mu Tina shook her head.

How can you catch up if you have the mind and don't have the heart.

"Can't keep up.


Mu Tina shook her head and said, "When they find out where our camp is, they will immediately go back to mobilize the army and will not stay there!"

Hearing what Mu Tina said, Duo Cai panicked even more.

At present, the Qiang people are all old and weak, women and children, and most of them are the Huns who come and will surely die.

"Princess, what should we do now?


Duo Cai asked hurriedly.

"That's too late!"

That's right, it's...it's too late! There are [-] old and weak women and children in the camp right now, and it will take a few days to move.

Moreover, the transfer of so many people will definitely leave traces.

The cavalry of the Southern Xiongnu will surely find them even if they follow the traces.

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