
Recalling that Chen Peng's last and only sentence said Cai.

After hearing Duo Cai's last call, Mu Tina froze in place for a moment.

At the Battle of Agur Mountain, the Qiang lost all their warriors.

But not everyone died, and there were still some extremely lucky Qiang people who didn't die in battle.

Of course these...just individual.

Although these people came back alive.

But these people are afraid that they will have nightmares in their lives.

And in their dreams there was a man named the devil.

This person's name is Chen Peng.

After being the champion of the Han Dynasty two years ago, now the only other surname of the Han Dynasty is Wang Yanwang.

Mu Tina naturally heard those people say that this person almost wiped out the Qiang people.

According to rumors, this man had a cavalry under his command that was invincible and unkillable.

During the Battle of Morton River, Chen Peng used that kind of cavalry...whose body was wrapped in iron armor to resist the [-] most elite light cavalry among the Qiang people at that time with a few thousand people, and slaughtered more than half.

According to rumors, when the Golden City was breached... This cavalry was the first to break into the Golden City.

And the description in Duo Cai's mouth is the same as those described by the clansmen who escaped from Chen Peng's hands alive.

Dark red armor, like a cloak stained with blood.

And the most important point is that Yuelan calls him the master, and his own title also proves that he is... The only king with a different surname in the Han Dynasty today, the King of Yan Chen Peng.

"I know who he is!"

After a while, Mu Tina opened her mouth and said softly.


Duo Cai on the side asked.

"He is... King Yan, Chen Peng!"

After trying to calm down, Mu Tina said.

Who is the most hated person in this world by the Qiang people?

It must be Chen Peng.

Who is the most feared person in this world by the Qiang people?

It must be Chen Peng.

It was this young man who was only [-] years old two years ago who personally buried hundreds of thousands of Qiang souls.

It can be said that every Qiang living in the world has an inseparable blood feud with Chen Peng.

Mu Tina's father, his brother, and her family all died at the hands of Chen Peng.

This kind of blood feud made Duo Cai instantly become extremely shocked when she heard the words Chen Peng.

When Duo Cai reacted, her subconscious action was... going back to grab the reins of her war horse.

"I'm going to kill him.


Duo Cai turned over and was about to get on the horse with a sigh of relief.

However, he was stopped by Mu Tina.

"What are you doing to die? How are you going to kill him"

Mu Tina asked Duo Cai.

Duo Cai couldn't answer for a while.

Recalling that she missed the opportunity to kill her enemy with her own hands yesterday, Duo Cai wanted to give herself a knife.

No wonder he can represent Yuelan.

No wonder Yuelan didn't dare to object to his words, and Yuelan wanted to call him master.

It turned out that he was... the... Chen Peng whose hands were covered in the blood of the Qiang people.

"Duo Cai, our biggest enemy right now is not Chen Peng, but the Southern Xiongnu. If there is no help, our clansmen will all die in the hands of the Southern Xiongnu, and everyone will be captured by them. It's over.


Mutina said.

"But...but...but he is our enemy!"

Duo Cai said in pain.

Mu Tina also shook her head in pain.

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