"not enough.


Chen Peng opened his mouth and said: "The wolf cub will one day become an adult, this king will not raise a random wolf that can attack this king.


Although Chen Peng said this to Mu Tina.

But Yueyinwu and Yuelan, who were standing behind Chen Peng, were also cold after hearing it.

A large part of the reason why the Xiaoyue clan is alive is that the clansmen of the Xiaoyue clan do not know why the men in the clan died.

Yueyinwu knew this, and Yuelan knew it, but ordinary people didn't.

If Xiaoyuezhi's herdsmen knew about it, I'm afraid... The two girls looked at Chen Peng's back, and a chill rose from the bottom of their hearts.

And Mu Tina, who was kneeling on the ground, had thought that it would be difficult to ask Chen Peng to send troops.

But she has no way out now.

If they are caught by the Southern Xiongnu, then the Qiang people will really perish.

Compared to losing the entire Qiang tribe, Mu Tina has nothing to lose.

"His Royal Highness King Yan, no matter what...

Mu Tina agrees to any request you have, and Mu Tina can also serve His Royal Highness King Yan, and only ask His Royal Highness King Yan to save the Qiang people once.


With drooping eyelashes, Mu Tina unreservedly dedicated the last trace of her self-esteem to Chen Peng.

Chen Peng looked at Mu Tina in front of him.

This woman.

If you give her a little time, the Qiang people may really come back to life.

But this opportunity should be gone.

There are only tens of thousands of women and the old and the weak in the Qiang people and the Xiaoyuezhi.

If he is ordering the massacre, I am afraid that even the soldiers under his command will not be able to do it.

But it is impossible for the Qiang people and the Xiaoyue clan to revive.

Therefore, Chen Peng thought of a surefire way to make the two clans disappear.

And the best way is to assimilate.

Intermarriage between the two ethnic groups, among the Qiang ethnic group and the Xiaoyue clan without men, it will take less than ten years for the Qiang ethnic group and the Xiaoyue clan to be completely sinicized.

In the future, they will also be the vanguard of their own entry into Europe.

As for the Southern Huns.

Even if Mu Tina didn't come to beg him to send troops, he would definitely send troops.

After all, the hands of the Southern Xiongnu have already reached Liangzhou.

If the Southern Xiongnu are not allowed to wake up, I am afraid that these guys may not know who is the real master of this land.

"it is good!"

Facing Mu Tina's plea, Chen Peng nodded: "Since you have already said this, then this king will believe you once.


Chen Peng stood up.

Hearing that Chen Peng agreed to send troops, Mu Tina raised her head in disbelief and looked at Chen Peng.

"King Yan.... What His Royal Highness Prince Yan said is true"

Mu Tina asked in disbelief.

"This king has always spoken with all his might, but you have to remember what you just said. From now on, if the Qiang people don't obey the orders of this king, don't blame this king for being ruthless.


Chen Peng glanced coldly at Mu Tina.

Mu Tina quickly shook her head: "Mu Tina is willing to serve His Royal Highness King Yan for the rest of his life, and all the Qiang people will also serve His Highness King Yan.


"Master, please accept Mu Tina.


Speaking of which, Mu Tina hurriedly kowtowed to Chen Peng.

"Get up.


Chen Peng waved his hand gently.

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