After hearing Hu Chuquan's words, Huvro nodded and agreed.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll meet Ma Teng outside the camp tomorrow to see what conspiracies he has!"

Huvro said.

"Shan Yu Yingming.


Hu Chuquan said with a smile.

After the simple meeting dissipated, Huchuquan and many big-headed Huns would all go to their camp.

As the Zuo Xian King of the Huns, Huchuquan has the most elite wolf horses in the Huns, except...

The [-] Xiongnu wolf riders claim to be invincible in attack and invincible in battle, which is also the foundation of Huchuquan's life.

Hu Chuquan, who rode a pure black war horse, returned to his camp under the guard of a group of wolves.

The tents next to each other in the huge camp on the grassland stretch for dozens of miles.

In the center of the wolf riding camp, there is a huge tent.

This is the Huchuquan tent, and around the Huchuquan tent is the three thousand golden wolf riders, the most elite among the [-] wolf riders.

These are the elites among the elites under Hu Chuquan's command, and the cronies among the cronies.

The three people who served as captains were all fake sons adopted by Hu Chuquan.

At this time, in the large tent of Huchuquan, there was a middle-aged man in his thirties who was the same as Huchuquan.

The middle-aged man was wearing a gray robe and a black hat on his head that only scribes would wear.

It is definitely not the Huns who are dressed in this dress.

Obviously, standing in the middle of the Huchuquan army tent was a Han Chinese.

To be precise, a Chinese scholar.

This person's name was Cheng Gongying, who lived in Jincheng, and he was also a famous scholar in Jincheng when he went to Han Sui.

Later, he followed Han Sui to rebel together.

It's just that Han Sui died, but Cheng Gongying was lucky enough to escape.

After fleeing for his life, Cheng Gongying has been in: Liangzhou incognito, until Ma Teng rebelled openly, Cheng Gongying found Ma Teng.

From then on, Cheng Gongying was regarded by Ma Teng as a military advisor, and he planned this for Ma Teng.

At the beginning, when Ma Teng returned to Liangzhou to fight against Li Ru... Cheng Gongying offered a plan to show his weakness.

He also expressed his willingness to surrender, and it was precisely because of this that Li Rucai and Ma Chao had plans to persuade Ma Teng to surrender.

Then Ma Teng sneaked up on Li Ru and Ma Chao's main force, so he took the lead.

Then Cheng Gongying offered to Ma Teng again, let Ma Teng take every step of the way, and fight steadily, taking advantage of Chen Peng's focus on Jingzhou, occupying Liangzhou, and then watching the three auxiliary areas.

But people's calculations are not as good as heaven's. What Cheng Gongying and Ma Teng did not expect was that Chen Peng would personally lead troops to Liangzhou.

And it was at the most critical moment of the battle.

"King Zuo Xian!"

Cheng Gongying, who was polite and polite, greeted Zuo Xian Wang Huchuquan, who walked into the tent, with a smile and a smile.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 0286, those who do not seek small profits must have great plans! (Please self-determination, fully determined!)

Chapter 086, Those who don't seek small profits must have great plans! Seek self-determination, complete determination! "King Zuo Xian.


Cheng Gongying bowed his hands to Hu Chuquan, who walked into the tent, with a humble attitude.

"Hehe, sir, you're welcome, just call me by my name. I've heard for a long time that no one knows about Mr. Liangzhou's name. Today, Mr. condescends to come to my house, and my house is full of brilliance.

Ha ha!"

Hu Chuquan said with a big smile.

Hu Chuquan's performance is very affectionate.

But the more Hu Chuquan was like this, the more vigilant Cheng Gongying was in his heart.

If a normal Han showed such an attitude, Cheng Gongying would not think why.

Kehu Chuquan is a Huns.

The Huns have been feuding with the Han from generation to generation. If it weren't for the vast grasslands, the Huns would have almost been wiped out by the Han.

Among the Huns whom Cheng Gongying came into contact with, none of them did not hold vigilance and hatred towards the Han people.

But these things, Cheng Gongying has never seen from Hu Chuquan.

And Hu Chuquan actually treated him with a very polite attitude.

This in itself is... . . . not normal.

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