"That's right, Da Shanyu, this blood letter is a blood letter written by today's son. The son of heaven summons the heroes of the world to kill Chen Peng. After killing Chen Peng, there will be a reward!"

Matt said on the side.

Ma Teng and Hu Chuquan sang together, making Yu Fuluo a little confused for a while.

In a dream, Yu Fuluo would never have guessed that his younger brother, King Zuo Xian of the Xiongnu, would join forces with Ma Teng.

And he didn't think about it at all.

So even though he didn't believe Ma Teng's words, he still believed in Hu Chuquan's words.

So Yu Fuluo turned his eyes to Huchuquan.

Hu Chuquan nodded in agreement.

Qubei on the side sat there all the time without saying a word.

After thinking for a moment, Yu Fuluo nodded.

If it is Ma Teng's promise.

Yu Fuluo didn't believe it.

But if it is said to be the promise of the emperor of the Han family, it would be a letter to Fuluo.

And there is one more thing that Fu Luo is very clear about.

As long as Chen Peng died, at least this Liangzhou would definitely belong to the Xiongnu.

These soldiers and horses under Ma Teng could not stop the Hungarian cavalry at all.

So before Fu Luo moved a little, they were not famous, but now they have become famous.

Next, you only need to face Chen Peng's soldiers.

Seeing that Yu Fuluo was still a little hesitant, Ma Teng decided to add fire.

So he said: "Da Chanyu, now Chen Peng has only a few thousand cavalry, and his army is all facing Liu Jingsheng in Jingzhou in the south. This is the best time to kill Chen Peng. If he misses it, I am afraid that there will be no such good opportunity. now!"

Ma Teng knew that the reason why Yu Fuluo hesitated was because he was afraid of Chen Peng's soldiers.

But now there are [-] Huns, while Chen Peng has only [-] or [-] people at most.

Chen Peng is... it is impossible for a god to use seven or eight thousand people to fight a hundred thousand.

If Chen Peng can really do it, there will be no need to fight in the world.

Just being scared is enough to scare everyone to death.

Sure enough, when Ma Teng's words just fell, Yu Fuluo was moved! There are only a few thousand people! And there are [-] of them.

Moreover, the countries in the Western Regions are still increasing their troops here.

Even stepping on it is enough to kill Chen Peng.

Yu Fuluo took a deep breath and decided to do it.

Seeing that Yu Fuluo, Ma Teng, Cheng Gongying, and Hu Chuquan, who was determined to make a decision, were all relieved to see that they were ready to make a decision.

"Okay! That's it! We..."

, "Report, Qi Da Shanyu, King Zuoguli is back!"

A king's tent, riding outside the tent, shouted loudly, interrupting what Yu Fuluo was about to say.

King Zuoguli is... Liu Bao, also the son of Yu Fuluo.

The Xiongnu Shanyu was the largest, followed by the Zuo Xian Wang, then the You Xian Wang, and the next highest was the You Gu Li Wang.

It stands to reason that the position of Xiongnu Chanyu was generally inherited by King Zuo Xian.

That is to say, if Yu Fuluo dies, then Zuo Xian Wang Hu Chuquan will soon inherit the throne.

But the premise is that King Zuo Xian calls Chuquan because when Fu Luo died, he was still King Zuo Xian.

Although Hu Chuquan was Yu Fuluo's brother, in front of Shan Yu's position, his son's right of inheritance was obviously greater than that of his brother.

So there is no guarantee when Yu Fuluo will kill Hu Chuquan and let his son Liu Bao take over the position of Zuo Xianwang.

Hu Chuquan is also very clear about this.

A sudden voice from outside the tent interrupted Yu Fuluo's words.

The alliance affairs, which had already been decided, suddenly changed.

However, the return of Liu Bao has little effect on the league.

But King Zuo Xian Hu Chuquan felt an unpleasant aura.

Sure enough, after Liu Bao was covered in blood and walked into the camp in embarrassment, Hu Chuquan's heart was lifted.

But when he saw Liu Bao walked in in a state of embarrassment and covered in blood, Yu Fuluo suddenly stood up.

"What's wrong"

Yu Fuluo frowned and looked at his son Liu Bao.

Liu Bao, whose blood scab had dried up, knelt on the ground with a thud.

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