"Could it be that Yu Fuluo really wants my life?"

Thinking of this, Ma Teng couldn't help but wet his clothes with cold sweat.

"Quick, come here, inform everyone to prepare to break through!"

Ma Teng shouted, and the guards outside the tent were also startled.

When Liu Bao rushed to Ma Teng's side, Ma Teng was ready to break through.

Ma Teng, who had been prepared, looked at the imposing Xiongnu cavalry, and when he was about to run away, he suddenly heard a voice of exasperation.

"The thief Ma Teng, you return my wife!"

Liu Bao, who was on the horse, roared angrily.

Ma Teng, who was about to run away, was immediately... stunned.

Ma Xiu, who was standing beside Ma Teng, was shocked.

While speaking, Liu Bao had already arrived at the gate of the camp where Ma Teng was stationed.

Seeing Ma Teng who was already riding on a horse as if he was about to run away, Liu Bao was even more convinced that his wife must have been robbed by these people.

"Ma Teng, you are shameless. My father treated you with kindness and treated you as honorable guests of the Xiongnu, but you insulted my wife and even kidnapped my wife!"

"I'll sue you Ma Teng. Although I can't beat Chen Peng, it doesn't mean I can't beat you. Quickly call my wife out, otherwise, no one will want to leave here today!"

Liu Bao, who was riding on the horse, straightened Ma Teng with the one in his hand.

What Liu Bao said really confused Ma Teng.

Insulting his wife, robbing his wife, what the hell?

"Liu Bao, you don't have to spit blood.

I, Ma Teng, walked without fear of the shadow, I don't understand what you said, if you want to flatter Chen Peng and want Ma's head, just come and get it, why bother talking nonsense many times!"

Ma Teng replied unceremoniously.

Now that the face has been torn apart, there is nothing to estimate.

Ma Teng, who drew his sword, was ready to fight to the death.

"Fake garlic, okay, I'll let you pretend, and I'll let you understand!"

As Liu Bao said, he pulled two women from behind.

The two women are the maids who were in the Moon River with Huyan Nalan during the day.

"Tell me who humiliated my wife with words during the day!"

Liu Bao stretched out his finger and pointed to Ma Teng and the others in the distance.

If it is a general soldier, I am afraid this person is really hard to find.

After all, it is dark now, and the torches cannot fully see the surrounding situation.

And Matthew quietly took two steps back when he heard this.

But even so, he did not escape the eyes of the two maids.

"King Zuoguli, that's...that man, who insulted your wife and asked your woman to pay him back with a piece of gold!"

The two maids pointed their fingers at Matthew.

Ma Xiu, who was standing not far from Ma Teng, was stunned for a moment, and then his body froze.

"Ma Teng, you thief, what else is there to say, this man is your son, and you actually allow your son to molest my wife!"

"Now that my wife has been kidnapped, she must be in your camp. What else do you have to say!"

Facing Liu Bao's questioning, Ma Teng turned his gaze to the gang of Ma Xiu.

Standing on the spot, Matthew shook his head vigorously: "Father, really don't blame me, I...I...I didn't know that was Liu Bao's wife.


Matthew explained with a sad face.

But no matter how he explained, he couldn't explain why Huyan Nalan was in his tent at this time.

"Rebel! Rebel!"

Ma Teng, who gritted his teeth, finally understood what was going on.

In the distance, more and more Xiongnu cavalry surrounded Ma Teng's camp.

The figure is like a hill, and he rides on a majestic war horse, holding a mace the thickness of a goose egg in his hand.

Both ends of the mace are spikes, and if one stick falls on the head, it will definitely be the result of the head opening.

"Ma Teng, what else do you have to say, hand over my wife!"

Liu Bao shouted angrily.

"Where is the person with you!"

Ma Teng glared at Matthew.

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