Chen Peng narrowed his eyes, and a bright light flashed.

Chen Peng does not believe that Liu Bao is a fool, and throughout history, Liu Bao's ambitions are not small.

There are many coincidences in this matter of Liu Bao's wife.

At that time, Liu Bao might not be clear-headed and believed that Matthew had robbed his wife.

But afterward, does Liu Bao still think so, not to mention the assassination of his father later.

It is indeed possible for Ma Teng to assassinate Yu Fuluo, but first of all, there must be a condition for success. It is not that Yu Fuluo died, and the person who benefits the most is not Ma Teng, nor Liu Bao, but Hu Chuquan.

This also shows that Liu Bao, who must have calmed down, will think clearly.

And Chen Peng didn't believe it, and he didn't believe that Liu Bao would willingly hand over the position of Shan Yu to his uncle Hu Chuquan.

Desires in people's hearts are the source of all evil and the most terrifying thing in the world! And he just happens to like to take advantage of them all...  

, the next morning.


Chen Peng did not choose to withdraw.

Instead, they set up a camp on the banks of the Huishui River.

Near noon, Chen Peng expected the vanguard of the Southern Xiongnu to be the first to arrive at Huishui under the leadership of King Youxian Qubei.

Tens of thousands of Xiongnu cavalrymen shouted slogans and waved their weapons to demonstrate against Chen Peng's camp on the edge of the Huishui River.

Chen Peng sat on the beast in the cloud and walked out of the camp gate slowly.

Ma Chao, who was holding a tiger-headed iron spear, and Hua Xiong, who was riding on a horse and holding a large sword, followed by them.

The beast in the cloud with a body length of more than four meters and a height of nearly three meters reflects the luster of metal.

Huge tiger teeth protruded from between the lips, extremely hideous.

A pair of tiger eyes flashed a compelling red light.

Chen Peng was sitting on the beast in the cloud, and the dark red blood-defying spear weighing several hundred kilograms was hanging beside the saddle.

Dressed in blood armor, with a bright red cloak behind him, he looked relaxed.

The moment when Chen Peng walked out of the camp.

The Xiongnu cavalry on the north bank of Huishui fell silent.

Everyone looked at Chen Peng and the terrifying beast in the cloud under his crotch.

When King Youxian Qubei first saw the beast in the cloud under Chen Peng's crotch, his eyes lit up.

A good mount can be said to be very powerful for... the temptation of a general.

Lu Bu killed Ding Yuan because of the red rabbit, which shows what a good mount means.

"The order goes on, as long as this person can be captured on his crotch, I will send [-] cattle and sheep, and [-] women!"

Sitting on the horse, if you go like a hill, you will say in a low voice...  

,...: Please customize, fully order!...,... Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend, and share!,

Chapter 0300, Huchuquan's gauntlet!Enter the Huns Camp at night! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 030, Huchuquan's Gauntlet! Entering the Huns' camp at night! Please customize, all orders! The north and south shores of Huishui, one side... eight thousand cavalry led by Chen Peng.

On the other side is the [-] vanguard cavalry led by Qubei, King Youxian of the Southern Xiongnu.

The [-]-strong army faced each other across the Huishui. Although they had heard of the bravery of the army under Chen Peng's command, they had never fought against each other.

Therefore, the Huns were not afraid of the enemy in front of them.

As the representative of the strongest cavalry in the world, the Xiongnu has always been known as a powerful cavalry.

Not to mention that behind the [-] Xiongnu cavalry there are [-] southern Xiongnu troops.

Chen Peng sat on the beast in the cloud and looked across the river at the Huns camp in the distance.

And Qubei also looked at the beast in the cloud under Chen Peng's crotch with glowing eyes.

"My lord, did you kill this person to show the spirit of the Huns?"

Hua Xiong, who was behind Chen Peng, held a big sword and fought with high spirits.

Chen Peng, who was sitting on the beast in the cloud, shook his head slightly.

"No need, the two armies face off against each other, the more you let your enemy despise you, the better your chances of winning!"

Chen Peng narrowed his eyes and said.

Hua Xiong nodded knowingly.

Although the two armies faced each other across the river, neither took the initiative to attack.

Under the order of Gobei, the Xiongnu vanguard cavalry began to camp and wait for the arrival of the army behind.

And Chen Peng didn't order to take the initiative to attack, but strengthened the hard disk and looked like he was defending the river.

Until sunset, horns sounded in the direction of the Xiongnu camp on the north bank.

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