Liu Bao was shocked.

The person who came was speaking Chinese, and Liu Bao's heart fell to the bottom.

Thorn! A spark lit up, and then a flame lit up in Chen Peng's hand.

And Liu Bao also saw clearly who was coming in the dark.

When Liu Bao saw who was coming, he couldn't help but gasped, and his body fell into an ice cave! "It's you, Chen Peng!"

Liu Bao exclaimed.

Chen Peng smiled: "Yes, it is this king!"

The wide-eyed Liu Bao never dreamed that Chen Peng would sneak into the Huns' camp in person at night.

Could it be that Chen Peng is not afraid of being surrounded and killed by the Xiongnu? "This king has been watching you here for a long time, and found that you seem to be having a nightmare and sitting in a nightmare. Why don't you come out and have a look, this king may be able to help you solve your confusion. ...,...!"

Chen Peng said.

Liu Bao did not speak.

Instead, he was thinking carefully about his situation at this time.

Chen Peng suddenly appeared in his camp, and it was not known whether it was with Liu Bao.

But one thing is certain.

That is, Chen Peng probably didn't come to kill him.

Otherwise, I am afraid he would have died just in his sleep.

"What are you...what are you doing?"

Liu Bao asked cautiously at Chen Peng.

, Chen Peng laughed.

"This king is here today to give you two gifts.


With that, Chen Peng took out a box from behind him.

When the box was opened, it was a human head.

"This person is yours.


Chen Peng pointed to the head in the box.

Liu Bao rolled his eyes.

Of course Liu Bao knew it.

What was in the box was not someone else's head, but the head of Matthew, the man who kidnapped his wife.

"It's Matthew!"

Liu Bao said.

Chen Peng nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, this king heard that this person used to be disrespectful to your wife, so I brought you here today!"

"There's a second gift here!"

The second gift Chen Peng took out was nothing else, it was Liu Bao's wife Huyan Nalan! "Nalan!"

When Liu Bao saw his pouting wife, he exclaimed.


Chen Peng made a booing gesture: "Be quiet, if someone finds out that this king is here, then the purpose of this king's visit today may be changed.



Huyan Nalan, who was gagged, struggled to move in the direction of Liu Bao, but was grabbed by Chen Peng and pressed in front of her.

Liu Bao suddenly raised his head: "What do you want, what are you here for!"

Facing Liu Bao's question, Chen Peng did not rush to answer.

"Ma Teng is dead, but before Ma Teng died, this king got some information from him!"

Chen Peng said quietly.

Liu Bao frowned and listened.

"This king heard that Yu Fuluo, the Huns, died, and this king personally ordered Ma Teng to assassinate him. I don't know what you think about this, but maybe you can understand one thing, that is Ma Teng Ruruo. For the king's use, there would be no such thing as today.


"Do you... understand what Ben means?"

Chen Peng squinted at Liu Bao who was not far from him.

Liu Bao's eyes widened.

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