
Xun Yu returned.

Chen Peng nodded with satisfaction: "Tell Tian Feng Jushu and others, no matter what...

Any clan, or anyone who obstructs the promotion of less schooling, will seize their families and exterminate their families.



Xun Yu made a note of it.

After Xun Yu's voice fell, it was Jia Xu who stood up.

"My lord, Cai Mao from Jingzhou has written several times, saying that the time is ripe, he has contacted many local nobles in Jingzhou, and they all hope that the lord can enter Jingzhou.


Jia Xu said.

"Well, send a letter to Cai Mao, tell him that this king will soon send troops to Jingzhou, and also tell him that Jingzhou is about the rule of Jing people, and what this king hopes to get is a complete Jingzhou, not a fragmented Jingzhou.


Chen Peng said.


Jia Xu nodded and continued: "My lord, according to your previous drawings, the tiger squat gun has been designed, and my subordinates sent people to search for a group of skilled craftsmen all over the world and sent them to the arsenal outside the city.


Chen Peng was very happy to hear that the design of the tiger squat gun had been completed.

The emergence of cannons is temporarily not enough to change the status quo of the entire cold weapon era.

Even at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the anger of the Ming Dynasty had developed to that level, and it could not change the era of cold weapons on the battlefield.

Unless it's a machine gun: .

However, Chen Peng does not expect that the appearance of the tiger squat gun can change the entire era of cold weapons on the battlefield.

The solid iron egg of the tiger squat gun has limited power, but it can end the fighting method of defending the city.

In this era, as long as there is sufficient food behind the high walls of the city, it is enough to defend the city for several months, or even years.

It is not uncommon for siege battles to last a year.

For example, in today's Xiangyang City, as Liu Biao's base camp, if Chen Peng wants to use brute force to break through, it must take more than half a year...  

And it is very likely to fail.

But the appearance of the solid cannon will change all this!...,...,: Please customize, fully order!...,... Feilu reminds you: three things in reading: collect, recommend, and share!,

Chapter 0306, Liu Bian's little action! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 030, Liu Bian's little actions, please customize, fully order! The appearance of solid cannons will soon change the pattern of the entire war.

Clinging to the city will be forever in the past.

"very good!"

Chen Peng nodded with satisfaction: "How many tiger squat guns are there now?"

"My lord, there are ten doors in total, and in half a month, you can cast about fifteen doors:!"

Jia Xu replied.

Chen Peng tapped lightly on the table with one hand, and then shook his head gently: "First stop the small-sized tiger squat gun, and tell the arsenal to increase the muzzle according to the existing caliber!"

"Jingzhou has many waterways. In the future, the advantages of warships against us on rivers and lakes will not be obvious. If there are large-caliber tiger squatting guns, it will be different.


Chen Peng said.


Jia Xu quickly nodded in agreement and recorded it.

"Zhicai, how's the layout in Xiangyang?"

After asking Jia Xu, Chen Peng turned his gaze to Xi Zhicai.

Among Chen Peng's three masterminds, Xun Yu is now in charge of government affairs.

Jia Xu is in charge of confidential matters.

And Xi Zhicai is responsible for the deployment of war strategy.

"My lord.


Xi Zhicai handed over to Chen Peng and said, "Now that Nanyang has been completely occupied by our army, Kong Yu from Yuzhou sent someone to ask for a letter of surrender, hoping to get your lord's understanding.


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