The accumulation of the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it cannot be resolved in three or two years.

If he kills Liu Bian now, it will inevitably cause a backlash in the world.

If nothing else, Liu Yan or Liu Biao will definitely order a new emperor, and he will be a usurper at that time.

Many celebrities in this era, scholars still care about reputation.

Most people would not buy their lives for a usurper or a rebel.

So Liu Bian couldn't kill him.

At least not now.

So it can only be passive defense.

"Don't worry about so much for now, the princess and several of the king's beloved concubines are about to give birth, everything is focused on the palace, there can't be any mistakes, as for the palace, let him jump first.


"Zhonglie, prepare the carriage, this king wants to enter the palace to see for himself!"

The corners of Chen Peng's mouth rose slightly, with an unshakable smile on his face.

He Liu Bian must feel humiliated, that's good, let her be even more humiliated!...,...: Please customize, fully order!...,... To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel! 19880

Chapter 0307, ​​Entering the palace at night, one king and three queens! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 0307, ​​Entering the palace at night, one king and three queens! Please customize, fully order! After nightfall, the streets of Luoyang city where curfew is curfew are empty.

A huge and luxurious carriage, under the escort of groups of black-armored cavalry, slowly made its way out of Prince Yan's Mansion.

The beast in the cloud followed behind the carriage.

The pair of red dandan tiger eyes shone like rubies under the night sky.

In front of the cavalry, Dian Wei, who was nearly [-] feet tall and looked like a hill, sat on the horse, with a pair of halberds stuck behind his back, and a pair of yellow tiger eyes patrolled the surroundings.

Behind him were the heavily-armored Tiger Ben and the heavily-armored Mo Dao Army.

And in the carriage was Chen Peng.

"My lord, can you let me join the battle this time in Jingzhou, I've always brought it with me in Luoyang City, my bones will be crisp.


Dian Wei said in a slightly resentful tone.

Chen Peng, who was sitting in the carriage, smiled slightly.

"Have you not forgotten that this king said he wanted to find you a mount?"


Dian Wei, who was riding on the horse, smiled and scratched his head.

Chen Peng told Dian Wei last time that there is a mount he can ride in the barren area of ​​Jiangdong, and this guy seems to remember it.

"Okay, you go to Xi Zhicai tomorrow, talk to him, and let him make arrangements for you.


Chen Peng agreed to Dian Wei's request.

When Dian Wei, who was sitting on the horse, heard that he was going to go out to fight, he opened his mouth with joy.

"Thank you my lord!"


After the convoy came out of Prince Yan's Mansion, they headed straight for the imperial city.

After nightfall, the gate of the imperial city will be closed, and it is impossible for outsiders to enter.

But Chen Peng's carriage obviously did not need any notification, and the gate of the imperial city was opened.

After entering the imperial city is the palace.

In front of the main gate of the palace, Dian Wei stood on a horse.

"Open the palace gate, His Royal Highness King Yan returns.


Dian Wei shouted violently.

As soon as the guards guarding the city heard that Chen Peng was coming, they did not dare to delay, and hurriedly opened the palace gate.

Although this is the imperial palace, known as the emperor's palace, not everyone can approach it casually.

Especially at night.

But this person does not include Chen Peng.

Chen Peng, who entered the palace, did not go to see Liu Bian or Empress He, but went straight to Xiyuan in the harem.

Xiyuan has always been said to be the imperial ban among the imperial palaces.

All the eunuchs and maids in the palace knew that this was an open secret.

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