And now Chen Peng is bowing to Lu Zhi's door again.

In this way, Chen Peng's future is almost predictable, and his future is limitless.

At this time, no one is stingy with the words of their own praise.

The atmosphere above the hall was very lively.

"it is good!"

Chen Peng raised the wine bowl: "Drink this cup with you all today!"

Gongsun Zan is not here. If Gongsun Zan were there, he might be envious, jealous, and hateful at this time.

"Not bad, Yun Qing did a really good job today."

After Chen Peng was seated, Lu Zhi looked at Chen Peng and said with satisfaction, "Teacher, I'm afraid I'm going to touch you again this time."

"Teacher, what are you talking about? I'm just making a note. Isn't it still the teacher who controls the three armies? If it were anyone else, would he be able to deploy the three armies so skillfully?"

"So teacher, don't be humble." Chen Peng said to Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi smiled and nodded with a light beard: "It's a pity that Zhang Jiao ran away, otherwise, today's battle will be a complete victory."

"Teacher, Zhang Jiao can't run!" Chen Peng said confidently.


Lu Zhi raised his eyebrows: "Why did you say this? Does Yun Qing think that Bo Gui and Xuan De can hunt down Zhang Jiao?"

Chen Peng smiled and shook his head.

He knew that Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei were going to chase Zhang Jiao, but he didn't think Gongsun Zan could catch up with Zhang Jiao.

One is that this place is not Youzhou, and Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei are not familiar with the terrain.

Zhang Jiao, on the other hand, was escaping for his life, and his natural speed was much faster.

"Huh? Since it's not, why did Yun Qing say this?" Lu Zhi looked at Chen Peng and asked.

Chen Peng smiled humbly and said, "Teacher, in fact, the disciple has something to hide and didn't say."

"What's the matter?" Lu Zhi asked curiously.

"That's the kind of teacher. In fact, before I came, I had already ambushed an ambush on Zhang Jiao's retreat, just to prevent Zhang Jiao from escaping after he was defeated. Now that Zhang Jiao has been defeated and fled, this ambush is just in use. ."

Chen Peng's words are simply unstoppable!


Lu Zhi stood up suddenly.

"You left an ambush before you came?"

Lu Zhi's surprised voice interrupted the noise in the hall, and everyone focused their attention on Chen Peng again.

"Teacher, don't get excited, sit down and listen to me slowly!" Chen Peng smiled embarrassedly at everyone in the hall.

"Tell me now, where did you leave the ambush?" Lu Zhi asked anxiously.

Chen Peng had no choice but to stand up and say, "Teacher, Zhang Jiao is now defeated and all the elites are destroyed. He clearly knows that the Yellow Turbans in Yecheng cannot turn defeat into victory for him, and must find another elite of his."

"And Zhang Jiao's other elite is now in Guangzong."

"So I concluded that if Zhang Jiao was defeated, he would definitely choose to flee to Guangzong, so when he came, he left an ambush at a place called Yiyigu, the only way from Yecheng to Guangzong. As long as Zhang Jiao is defeated by Guangzong, he will definitely pass the first-line valley."

"My eldest brother Guan Yu is in the first-tier valley right now!"

Chen Peng's voice fell, and the hall was silent.

Lu Zhi also looked at Chen Peng with a look of monsters.

"So, when you came, you expected that Zhang Jiao would be defeated?"

Lu Zhi's question represented the question of everyone in the hall at this time.

The clan members also stared at Chen Peng with wide eyes.

And Zhang Fei, who was sitting at the back of the gate of the hall, had been eating and drinking, and suddenly said something.

"What's the fuss about this? Before my second brother arrived in Jizhou, he had already concluded that Zhang Jiao's thief would be defeated, and he deliberately asked my elder brother to stay in my first-tier valley to intercept Zhang Jiao."


Zhang Fei, who had a hiccups, continued: "My second brother is a goddess from the sky. As long as you figure it out, you will know what will happen... You guys..."

"Ying Dexiu wants to talk nonsense." Chen Peng interrupted Zhang Fei's words.

All the people in the hall looked at Chen Peng with an almost enchanting look.

I believe that it won't be long before rumors of Yingchuan Chen Pengzhi's almost demonic deeds come out.


PS: Kneeling and begging for support tonight at [-]:[-]!


Chapter 063, Guan Yu crosses the knife and blocks the road, Gongsun Zan is ambitious (on the shelves at zero!

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