"Destroy the Dong thief and protect the holy driver."

Ma Teng held high the banner and ordered his eldest son Ma Chao to be the vanguard.

Han Sui led an army of his own and attacked Dong Zhuo's rear from different directions.

Dong Zhuo pretended to be critically ill and could not personally suppress the Ma and Han rebellions.

So his son-in-law Niu Fu and nephew Dong Huang sent out two armies to quell the chaos separately.

He was actually behind the scenes, and he had expected Ma and Han to raise troops.

And he is not without a back hand, Ma Han and the two can find the Qiang Hu who suppressed him, then he can naturally find the Qiang Hu who has befriended him.

What's more, a battle is not fought so quickly, he just needs to maintain the situation in the northwest.

When the eighteen-way princes outside the customs run out of food, it will be the day when Dong Yao returns to Chang'an.


"Cai Shizhong, the rebellion has been quelled, and Bo Ante has come to your mansion for a small narrative."

Before Dong Yao left Luoyang, he came to Cai Yong's mansion.


Cai Yong led Dong Yao to the study.

Since Cai Zhenji was sleepy last time and did not see Dong Yao, she now wants to see her future husband.

The two sisters tiptoed to eavesdrop outside the door of the study.

"I wonder what Gongzi wants to tell?"

Calling Gongzi, Dong Yao obviously felt that Cai Yong was estranged.

After thinking for a moment, he figured it out.

It should be that he has killed too many people in recent days, which seems to have caused Cai Yong's disgust.

"I want to ask the attendant, the Hao clan, should it be destroyed?"

That being the case, Dong Yao really wanted to know why Cai Yong was so disgusted with him.

Just because he killed those rich families?

This does not seem to be in line with Cai Yong's character.

"Damn it."

"Since it should be destroyed, why is the attendant disgusted?"

"The old man... I'm just worried that if you act like this, I may be retaliated by the wealthy family.

Cai Yong sighed, the problem of the wealthy family has long been deeply rooted.

Dong Yao's newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, so he didn't know that even his grandfather did not dare to act so recklessly and slaughter the Hao family.

Such a force deterrent can indeed temporarily suppress them.

But at this time, the war in the Tiger Prison is undecided, and if there is any change, these wealthy families will wait for the opportunity.

Once Dong Yao is eaten by the Hao family, what will happen to his two daughters?

Even now, because of unilateral tearing of the marriage contract, it has damaged the reputation of his Cai family.

If something happens and has a marriage contract with Dong Zhuo's eldest grandson.

Who wants to marry?

Who dares to marry?

"Cai Shizhong has thought a lot, the era of the family and the wealthy family should be over."

Dong Yao stood up, the existence of the wealthy family is not only harmful to the Han Dynasty, but also to the entire history.

Because of the wealthy family, history cannot continue to advance, and even regresses.

If so, what good is it to ask for them?

"Do you think that with military power, you can confront the family?"

Cai Yong shook his head, Dong Yao was too young.

The heritage of the family will never be comparable to the military power.

The current Dong Yao and Dong Zhuo seem to be very powerful, but they are not.

Because the opponents of the two are not ordinary people, but scholars.

"I never thought that with military power you could confront the family."

Dong Yao didn't know the power of the family.

Dong Zhuo is very strong, right?

In the end, he was not killed by Wang Yun.

And is Wang Yun's serial meter accidental?

Of course not.

Wang Yun is just on the surface, and the driving force behind is the wealthy family hidden in the secret.

Even if Wang Yun fails, there will be another Zhang Yun, Liu Yun....

The big hands of the wealthy family kept the Han Dynasty firmly under control at all times, and no one was allowed to infringe on their interests.

"What do you mean?"

Cai Yong was interested.

Since Dong Yao knew that military power was only temporary, why did he make enemies with the wealthy family?

Or in other words, Dong Yao had no way to retreat and began to break the jar.

"I want to create a new era and support a force to compete with the family."

"Who can compete with the Maison?"

"Cold door, good family, commoner."

Dong Yao is well aware of his disadvantages and woos the wealthy family?

Impossible, people can't look at him at all.

It was Dong Zhuo who gave the family various benefits and made friends with many scholars.

In the end, it is not a bamboo basket empty, all of them are secretly calculating him.

If you want to consolidate your own power, the road of the family is no longer viable.

Then take another path and support the cold.

There is no family power behind the children of the Hanmen, and once they are given the opportunity, they will cherish it even more.

At the same time, in this case, it is better to control them.

Give the children of the cold family the opportunity to strengthen themselves at the same time, and by the way, suppress the wealthy family and kill two birds with one stone.

And his previous annihilation of the Zhang clan and suppression of the Chen Jian clan was not a hint to the disciples of the Han family and the sons of the Liang family.

Cai Yong was a little shocked after hearing this, Dong Yao was really different from Dong Zhuo.

Indeed, rather than clinging to the support of the Maison, it is better to find a different way.

The question of Dong Yao's origin cannot be changed.

In this situation, he needs the support of the civilian class even more.

Once it is supported by the children of the common people, it will also have a certain impact on the wealthy family.

It's just that this statement seems feasible, but it is very difficult to implement.

But he has already seen ambition from Dong Yao, and this alone is the person who does great things.

"I should leave, and before I go, borrow the pen and ink of the attendant."

Dong Yao talked with Cai Yong about the wealthy family today, and killing intent emerged in his heart.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of two verses, which were things he wanted to do, but could not do through his hands.

Pick up a pen and write it down.

Today, he Dong Yao will also do a copyist.

"Tianjie is full of public secretaries, and the heads of powerful people are hanging all over the gates!"

Cai Yong glanced over, and his heart was terrified.

In just two sentences, it is all killing intent.

What hatred it is to write it out.

Dong Yao walked out of the study, saw Cai Zhaoji's two sisters, nodded and left.

Sister Cai Zhaoji entered the study and saw that her father had been moving for a long time, so she stepped forward to check.

When the two of them saw the poem left by Dong Yao, they were shocked into a cold sweat.

These two verses alone are even more terrifying than the sword.

Dong Yao is not a reckless man who can only use a sword and overwhelm people with military power.

Cai Yong only chatted with Dong Yao for less than two quarters of an hour today, but his opinion of it was greatly improved.

This son-in-law, he now very much approves.

"Sister, why did you see Dong Yao yesterday, you have always locked yourself in the library building?"

Cai Zhenji was very curious, and when she entered the library, she was also taken aback by Cai Zhaoji's actions.

Although her family did not have as many books as before, there were more than 10,000 volumes.

However, her sister was transcribing one by one, which took a lot of mental effort.

"This is my dowry..." Cai

Mansion was broken into by the chaotic army that day, and Dong Yao was killed when she was in danger.

Cai Zhaoji can never forget that moment, she has nothing to reward.

But she knew that money was important in this troubled world, but there was another thing that was even more important.

That's books.

The wealthy family holds wealth and monopolizes academia.

Dong Yao wanted to take advantage of the rise of civilian children, and books were indispensable.

At this time, the words she transcribed can be worth thousands of dollars.

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