However, most of the disciples are secrets. Under normal circumstances, Su Chen would not use it.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Zhen Mi quickly stopped what he was doing and went to open the door.

Outside the door are Cao Cao and Xu Chu.

Su Chen quickly got up and saluted: "I have seen the Prime Minister."

After defeating Yuan Shao, Cao Cao returned to Xuchang and became the prime minister, overriding the Three Dukes.

The prestige of Emperor Liu Xie of the Han emperor once again declined.

"I haven't seen each other for a month or two, and the military advisor seems to have gotten fatter." Cao Cao took Su Chen's hand affectionately and walked towards the yard.

Now in his heart, Su Chen is not only a military advisor, but also the God of Wealth.

A small brewing business brought him a steady stream of money.

Although Su Chen also made a lot of money through this, but because of this, he was more at ease.

A greedy strategist is easier to handle than a greedy strategist.

"The prime minister always secretly brings me wine and meat, can I not get fat?" Su Chen complained.

"Hahaha, it seems that it was my fault." Cao Cao laughed.

"The prime minister is joking." Su Chen also smiled, and then asked Cao Cao to sit down.

Zhen Mi brought up the drink and backed out.

Without saying a word, Xu Chu poured himself a glass and took a sip, showing a feeling of comfort.

Although there are also Erguotou selling outside, but only the wine here in Su Chen is the most mellow.

Usually I can't drink it at all, so I can only drink a sip or two if I come with the lord.

After drinking.

Cao Cao opened his mouth and said: "Now our army has been renovated for half a year. I plan to send the army south. What do the military officers think?".

Chapter 23

Seeing Cao Cao asking for policy as soon as he came, Su Chen was quite helpless.

Well, the leisurely days are over.

So, he straightened his face and put down the wine cup.

"It's not impossible to go south at this time, but I want to hear the Prime Minister's plan first." Su Chen said.

Cao Cao nodded.

"I plan to send Cao Ren to attack Xinye first and defeat Liu Bei. This man is a hero today and must be defended. After winning Xinye, he will then enter Jingzhou. With Jingzhou as the foundation, he will cross the river and defeat Sun Quan. .

"The Prime Minister's plan is feasible."

Su Chen nodded, this plan is no problem.

To cut Liu Bei out when he was still young would indeed be able to get rid of a serious problem for his confidants.

However, Su Chen knew very well that Liu Bei was a famous escape master. It was easy to defeat Liu Bei, but it was even more difficult to kill Liu Bei.

What's more, asking Cao Ren to attack Liu Bei, who was assisted by Xu Shu, was completely asking for hardship.

I would like to remind Cao Cao a few words here.

After Liu Bei is driven out of Xinye, the Cai clan will lead Jingzhou to surrender, which can save a war.

Next, is the real highlight.

Battle of Chibi.

Su Chen carefully considered all the processes in his mind, and only after confirming that it was correct, did he look at Cao Cao.

"Although General Cao Ren is a commander-in-chief, you must be as careful as you can when you go to conquer Liu Bei. I have a few words, please pass the Prime Minister to General Cao Ren." Su Chen reminded.

"Master, please speak." Cao Cao knew that Su Chen's control over people's hearts was unparalleled, and it was quite accurate to see people, and every word could hit the spot.

"You must tell General Cao Ren not to underestimate the enemy and risk the battle, so as not to fall into the enemy's ambush, you just need to take every step of the way." Su Chen said.

Cao Ren attacked Xinye, and Cao Cao gave [-] horses.

In Xinye City, there were only [-] people in total, and they were still recruits who had not practiced much.

In this kind of battle, as long as Cao Ren stabilizes Bielang, it is a sure win situation.

"What the strategist said is very true. Cao Ren is indeed a handsome talent, but he is easily impulsive. It seems that I need to choose a stable lieutenant for him when I go back." Cao Cao smiled.

"In addition, I will prepare some essentials of the formation for General Cao Ren later, so that General Cao Ren can take it back and study it carefully, it should be of some help to him." In order to ensure that Cao Ren would not fail, Su Chen was well-intentioned.

He planned to select a few formations from Qimen Dunjia and give them to Cao Ren.

Of course, the most important of them is the eight golden lock formations.

"The essence of the formation?"

Cao Cao looked at Su Chen in shock.

I didn't expect Su Chen to even do this.

Didn't it mean that Su Chen studied agronomy under Mr. Shuijing's door?

It seems that the strategist lied to him again.

However, Cao Cao was not angry.

I just feel more and more that my military advisor is too mysterious.

Sooner or later, he will completely reveal Su Chen's true face and let him assist him willingly.

"By the way, Prime Minister, when General Cao Ren attacked Xinye, he must strictly train the navy. There are many boats in Jiangdong, and the combat power of the soldiers in the north will be greatly reduced. Only the navy can fight."

"In addition, we need to train medical officers a lot. The weather on the water is fickle, and it is common for soldiers to get sick."

When Su Chen spoke, Cao Cao nodded again and again.

He lived in the north for a long time, and did not know much about the situation in the south.

What Su Chen said was indeed a matter of urgency.

"I used the Zhangshui to excavate the Xuanwu Pond, and I have been training navigators for several months, with initial results. As for medical officers, they can be recruited from various states. Calculating the time, three months is enough."

Cao Cao said.

In three months, the transfer of troops and horses was completed, and Cao Ren almost won Xinye.

Then you can drive straight down and take Jingzhou directly.

Seeing Cao Cao do what he said, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

In the Battle of Chibi, although Cao Cao claimed to have an army of [-], there were actually only more than [-], while the Sun-Liu Alliance had at least more than [-], and the gap was not too big.

Secondly, the river is no better than the land, and the ships with more than [-] troops are a huge problem.

It is also extremely inconvenient to convey military orders.

The biggest reason for the failure of the Battle of Chibi was because of the plague.

As a result, most of Cao's soldiers fell ill, and their combat effectiveness was lost. In the end, they were attacked by Zhou Yu and suffered heavy losses.

Su Chen cuts off the factors of Cao Jun's failure at the source, which can avoid failure to the greatest extent.

He has done everything he can, but the situation is changing, and he has to prepare for changes.

"In this way, I would like to congratulate the Prime Minister in advance for sweeping down Jiangdong and restoring unification." Su Chen smiled and cupped his hands.

Cao Cao laughed and shook his head: "It's all thanks to the military advisor. After talking with the military advisor, I feel a little more confident in my heart."

"Okay, it's time for me to go back. Go back and ask Wen Ruo for their opinions."

Cao Cao was not an arbitrary man. Every time he marched, he tried his best to consider everyone's opinions.

Therefore, after knowing Su Chen's thoughts, he couldn't wait to discuss it with other advisers.

"Prime Minister, I will send you." Su Chen got up and sent Cao Cao.

When it was delivered to the door, Su Chen found that Xu Chuchu was outside the door, twitching and hesitating to say anything.

"Zhongkang wants to drink?" Su Chen asked with a smile.

"Hey, nothing can be hidden from the military advisor." Xu Chu scratched his forehead and said.

Su Chen smiled, turned around and went back to hug Xu Chu two jars of wine, which made Xu Chu leave with satisfaction.

The two got into the carriage and drove away.

But he didn't know that this scene happened to be seen by two pairs of eyes in the dark. .

Chapter 24

"Zhongde, you dragged me here just to peek at the master's actions? I have to remind you that this is the following crime."

Jia Xu looked at Cheng Yu beside him with a helpless expression on his face.

At the same time, there is some dissatisfaction.

He is a low-key, forbearance, and a wise man to protect himself.

(:'『;本":群,每,"日?更,!新?"飞'!卢!;小,说.:』,『;!若.,水,群':』;六,五,,六!,六.一::八?'八':九?.六?6,5;,6:'6!?1:8""8.9:6",)  但程昱居然拉着他来跟踪主公。

If this is discovered by the lord, that's fine.

"Wenhe, didn't you realize that the lord actually went out secretly? As the lord, what do you need to cover up?" Cheng Yu lowered his voice and whispered like a thief.

" mean, the lord's illegitimate child lives here?" Jia Xu took a deep breath.

No wonder he thought so.

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