There are all kinds of rumors.

Lu Su immediately frowned.

He looked at Zhuge Liang in front of him and couldn't help shaking his head: "I've only been away for a few days, why are there so many rumors."

"Thinking about it, it must be that Cao thief's trick to make Jiangdong chaos without a fight."

He didn't really care.

The rumors stop with the wise.

I believe that the lord and the courtiers will not fall into such a clumsy alienation scheme.

"Zijing, this tactic of alienation seems quite familiar to me. I think it came from the same person."

"My lord and I, but we have suffered from this person several times. Zijing must not be careless."

Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan gently, his tone full of solemnity.

It is the mysterious advisor next to Cao Cao.

"Oh, who is this? Even our Mr. Wolong and Uncle Liu have suffered." Lu Su was surprised.

Zhuge Liang is a famous scholar in Jingxiang, and he has heard of it for a long time.

But someone made Zhuge Liang suffer a few losses.

That guy doesn't seem easy.

When Lu Su pondered, Zhuge Liang shook his head: "I don't know his identity, I only know that this person is Cao Cao's advisor, and he is deeply trusted. He has made plans for Cao Cao several times and sees through my plans."

"This..." Lu Su was speechless.

I lost several times without even knowing who it was.

Mr. Wolong seems a little unreliable.

However, Lu Su, an old and good man, did not show anything, but nodded solemnly: "Thank you Kong Ming for reminding me, I will tell the lord after seeing the lord."

"This is the best." Zhuge nodded brightly.

This time, he came to Jiangdong to see Sun Quan with a mission.

Lian Sun against Cao Cao.

No way, although they are stationed in Jiangling, but outside the city is Xiahou Dun's army of [-], the entire Jingzhou, Cao Cao plus the navy, there are nearly [-] troops.

And the lord and son Liu Qi combined, there are only more than [-] soldiers and horses.

Gangneung is lost sooner or later.

As a military strategist, he must seek a way back for the master as soon as possible.

Jiangdong Sun is the best choice.

Of course, he came here not to join Sun Quan, but to join the alliance.

By the way, he asked Sun Quan to borrow a place and temporarily stationed his troops. After Cao Cao was repelled, they would divide Jingzhou together.

At that time, the lord can be considered to have the foundation to compete for the world.

Therefore, Jiangdong must not be chaotic.


Sun Quan arrived at Chaisang's temporary government office.

Zhuge Liang glanced at it. The government office was magnificent, like a place for ministers to discuss affairs, and he was relieved.

It seems that Sun Quan also attached great importance to Cao Cao's next move, otherwise it would be impossible to bring all the civil and military officials to Chaisanglai.

"Go and pass on the lord, it means that Mr. Kong Ming is here."

Lu Su stood at the door and shouted to the guard.

The guard came out shortly after entering.

"My lord, the lord is ill, and there is no visitor today."


Lu Su was shocked.

Are you sick?Just an excuse.

He glanced at Zhuge Liang, turned his head and continued to ask, "Does the lord have any other orders?"


Hearing this, Lu Su was silent for a moment, then waved his hand, then shook his head at Zhuge Liang and said, "Kong Ming, when the lord recovers, I will bring you to see him again."

"You go to the inn to rest first, and I'll go wash the dust for Kong Ming later."

Zhuge Liang was helpless.

This Sun Quan was probably hiding from him.

As for the reason, it may be related to Cao Cao's alienation plan.

Unexpectedly, such a clumsy plan of alienation turned the entire Jiangdong into a land of right and wrong. Even Sun Quan couldn't hold back his anger, and he didn't know what would happen next.

If Sun Quan gave up on Zhou Yu and expended his energy to clear the inner court, then Cao Cao could easily take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the situation to capture Jiangdong.

In this way, it is extremely difficult for him to realize his wish to join Sun against Cao Cao.

Fortunately, Sun Quan was surrounded by a resourceful man like Lu Su.

These people will definitely understand the situation.

He wanted to persuade Sun Quan with his three-inch tongue, but he had to meet Sun Quan before talking about it.


Zhuge Liang cupped his hands and said, "That's fine, thank you for your trouble."

"Come here, send Mr. Kong Ming to rest."

After putting Zhuge Liang on the carriage, Lu Su turned around and walked into the hall.

The guard at the door did not stop him.

After entering the hall.

Lu Su was surprised to find that Sun Quan was sitting on the main seat.

The civil and military officials also stood in two columns each.

But what shocked him was that Zhou Yu was not there! .

Chapter 64

"Meet the lord."

(,『??本.群:'每?.日:更.新,?飞,!卢':小?说?』;;『!若'?水?,群,』,.六:五,.六'.六:一'八:!八!九.六.;6'5"?6!6":1"!8:8"9'!6;)  短暂的失神后,鲁肃连忙冲着上方的孙权行礼。

However, his eyes remained unmarked, and he glanced at the general's side.

Apart from Zhou Yu, Lü Meng, Ling Tong, Zhou Tai and other young generals were not there, only Huang Gai, Cheng Pu and other veterans were among them.

Moreover, the faces of several veterans were extremely solemn, as if something major had happened.

As for the column of Wenchen.

It's all here, headed by Zhang Zhao.

"Zijing, Zhuge Liang has gone back?" Sun Quan sat on the main guard, heard Lu Su's voice, raised his head and glanced, but his anger could not be seen.

"That's not true. I arranged for someone to send him to the inn to rest." Lu Su calmed down and replied quickly.

"Send him away."

A faint smile appeared on Sun Quan's face, "Liu Bei wants to disturb my friendship with Cao Cheng, how can I do what he wishes."


When Lu Su heard the words, a blank expression appeared on his face.

What do you mean, lord, are you planning to surrender to Cao Cao?

But this is not right. Didn't you ask me to contact Liu Bei a few days ago to discuss the issue of jointly fighting against Cao Cao?

How could the attitude change so drastically in just a few days?

Lu Su frowned, and when he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Jiang Dong Wenchen beside him.

Suddenly woke up.

My lord, this is a helpless act of being forced.

Now that Zhou Yu and others are away, the protagonist can't stand the pressure brought by Zhang Zhao and others, so he can only act first and follow the wishes of the civil servants.

Otherwise, the entire Jiangdong would really be in chaos.

However, as Sun Quan's confidant, he must share the Lord's worries.

"My lord, it is the wolf's ambition that Cao Cao goes south. If we want to devour our land in the east of the Yangtze River, we must not hand over our ancestral property." Lu Su knelt down and said with a very solemn expression.

"Zi Jing's words are not good enough."

Zhang Zhao walked out and bowed to Sun Quan before he looked at Lu Su and analyzed, "Cao Cao is now the Prime Minister of the Great Han, and I have been ordered by the Son of Heaven. To unify the world and revive the great Han, this is one of them."

"I also heard that Cao Cao went south and is known as an army of one million. Although most of the troops are from the north, there are also two hundred thousand navy divisions in Jingzhou, and I, Jiangdong, only have more than [-] marine divisions. How can I compete with Cao's army? for the second."

"As the prefect of Wu County, the lord should be able to eat the emperor's salary and be loyal to the emperor. How can he be rebellious? It is not allowed by the law of heaven, and these are the three."

"The former lord once said that if something is lost, you can return to the imperial court in the west. This is the fourth."

After Zhang Zhao finished speaking, he looked at Lu Su indifferently, and said in a neutral tone, "Zijing, how can you force the lord to do such unfaithful, unjust, and unfilial things, how can you be worthy of being a minister?"


After being scolded by Zhang Zhao, Lu Su sighed leisurely.

It seems that Zhang Zhao is determined to surrender to Cao Cao, otherwise he would not have said such heavy words.

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