"Thank you!"

Zhu Ling thanked him, picked up the plate and put it on his lap, and gulped down the soup and ate the meat.

The 'gift' carefully prepared by Su Yan, Zhu Ling was still very moved.

This is enough to prove that when Su Yan was under the mountain, he had saved his mind to recruit him, otherwise he would not let people prepare broth.

After eating, Su Yan ordered the people to clean up the battlefield, and then led the army to withdraw to Ganling County.

He entrusted the follow-up work of the dead soldiers of Ganling County to Zhu Ling.

He directly sent officials from Qinghe State and officials from Ganling County, including family members.

The order was issued, but Zhu Ling opposed it.

Zhu Ling knew that he could not stop Su Yan from killing on a large scale, and persuaded Su Yan to execute only the officials of Qinghe State and Ganling County, and did not involve the families of the officials.

For such a suggestion, Su Yan immediately directly denied it, but Zhu Ling did not give up and continued to persuade, Su Yan finally could not stand Zhu Ling's chattering persuasion, agreed to his suggestion, and only killed the officials.

Rao is so, and there are not a few people killed.

Ganling County is not a Beiqiu County, Ganling County is not only a large county, but also the seat of the Qinghe Kingdom.

The arrested officials included a series of dozens of officials of all sizes in Ganling County, such as county officials, county lieutenants, gong cao, thief cao, etc., as well as county officials at the level of Qinghe State.

There were more officials at this level, including the commander of the county, the lieutenant commander of the county state, the sage, the secretary, the sacrifice, etc., and all the officials of the Qinghe state were arrested.

The officials were caught together and, as was customary in Beichu County, beheaded and hung on the towers of the city.

This scene once again shocked the world.

The people of Ganling County all regarded Su Yan as the Demon King, and privately called him 'Su Demon King'.

The first thing the people said after they met, 'Has the Su Demon King cut off people's heads again?' ’

Throughout Ganling County, there was an atmosphere of panic, and the people were afraid of being affected.

After the news of Ganling County came out, it shocked the entire Qinghe country.

The officials of the counties were terrified.

Many officials began to disperse their families for fear of affecting their loved ones.

Su Yan did not know these things, and in this short period of time, he reappointed the county commander of Ganling County and the minister of state of Qinghe State, and Zhang Yi and Ma De naturally could not hold their original positions.

In order to better transmit his 'atrocities' to all parts of the Qinghe Kingdom, and let them slowly ferment to achieve his desired effect, Su Yan decided to reorganize the army in Ganling County for a few days.

On the one hand, it is to let the army rest well, so that the soldiers can eat and drink enough to nourish their spirits, so that they can cope with the next tough battle.

On the other hand, it was also to let the news of his slaughter of two counties in a row ferment for a while, so that the counties of those counties were terrified, and then he led the army to rush there, and those people would definitely fall in the wind for self-preservation.


Ganling County, outside the city gate.

A carriage came galloping quickly, shouting, and speeding up with a whip.

Even at the gate that was about to reach the city gate, the groom did not have the speed of silk.

Fortunately, it was late afternoon and there were not many entrances and exits.

The uncle noticed the carriage galloping and hurriedly shouted: "Stop, stop immediately.~!" "

However, the horseman did not slow down in the slightest.

"Quick, stop the carriage, stop the carriage!"

Seeing that the carriage did not tend to slow down, the mennon waved his hand, and the soldiers standing guard on both sides of the city gate immediately rushed to the center of the city gate, holding spears and staring at the rushing carriage.

The horseman looked at the soldiers who were staring at him, and wanted to whip and speed up, but then he looked up and saw the many heads hanging on the city towers, and he was startled, and his hand involuntarily held the reins.


The carriage stopped suddenly, and the soldiers who blocked in front of them quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The horseman looked into the carriage and said, "Sir, we have arrived." "


A faint voice sounded, and I saw the curtain of the carriage door open, and I saw a middle-aged man in his early thirties walking out.

He is slender, handsome, has an excellent temperament, and wears a gorgeous robe, with an extraordinary status.

He looked at the horseman and the soldier in front and frowned, "Why don't you leave?" "

Mafu trembled and pointed to the upper city tower, "Sir, you see? "

Xu Yu looked up when he heard this, and was immediately stunned.

I saw huge human heads hanging on the city towers above, with blood stains on them, and the expressions on the heads were even more hideous and painful, and they seemed very penetrating from afar.


Xu Yu couldn't help but gasp, looked at the soldier, and said in a deep voice: "Whose heads are hanging on this?" "

Seeing that this person had an extraordinary temperament, the soldier did not dare to snub, and immediately said: "These are the former officials of the Qinghe Kingdom who betrayed the state herdsman before, and the state herdsman cut off all their heads and hung them on the city towers. "

Xu Yuyan suddenly frowned when he heard this, and his eyes narrowed.

"Good Su Yan, use this method of indiscriminate killing to deter the Qinghe Kingdom? Such a method is truly shocking. "

Xu Yu thought to himself.

He looked at the soldier and said in a loud voice: "Go and inform your family, just say that Nanyang Xu wants to see you!" "

The uncle looked at it and let a soldier enter the city to pay his respects, while he guarded Xu Yu here.

It wasn't long before I saw Su Yan riding a carriage to the city gate.

After he saw Xu Yu's carriage, he hurriedly got out of the carriage. At the same time, Guo Jia and Jia Xu also followed him and greeted Xu Yu together.

Su Yan stood beside Xu Yu's carriage and handed over his hand: "Su Yan is late, please forgive me." "

Xu Yu heard the loud voice, snorted coldly, stood on the rim of the car and did not come down, and said condescendingly: "A reckless man, unbearable!" "


Guo Jia behind Su Yan instantly changed his face when he heard this, and his face was scowling.

He glanced at Jia Xu and found that he looked calm, not only was he not angry, but he looked at Xu Yu with a faint smile, and then looked at him again.

Guo Jia was stunned, and then understood what he meant, the anger on his face disappeared, and there was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

Su Yan put his identity very low as soon as he came up, deliberately holding Xu Yu, there must be some plot, definitely not deliberately lowering his value to respect him, and he may not have set up any set of plans to pit him. (Money Soft)

Not only was he not angry now, but he was looking forward to what Su Yan planned to do next.

In the face of Xu Yu's ridicule, Su Yan did not have the slightest anger, but smiled and said: "Sir is elegant and lofty, well-informed and strong, in the turbid world, it is like a white lotus that comes out of the mud and is not clean." "

"Compared with Mr. Su Yan, Su Yan is too far behind, the book is not read well, only know to dance knives and guns, it is really a 'reckless man, Mr. taught a lesson.'"


Xu Yu looked at Su Yan in surprise, his eyes surprised.

He originally planned to come up and test Su Yan, but this kid not only was not angry, but also praised him.

What a thick skin!

Xu Yu knew in his heart that Su Yan was difficult to deal with, and continued: "A good Su Yan who can speak well, can drive away Han Fu to serve as the pastor of Jizhou, in addition to luck, he also has some ability. "

When Su Yan heard this, he sneered in his heart, this Xu Yu really spoke with, and belittled him everywhere. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect

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