Liangxiang County is located in the northern part of Zhuo County, bordering the Kingdom of Yan.

Not far to the north is the state seat of Youzhou, Jixian!

Because of its geographical location, the economy of Liangxiang County is not very prosperous.

Compared with the surrounding Zhuo County, Fangcheng County, and Changxiang County, it is not a little bit worse

The population of the entire county is less than 10,000 households, and there is only the post of county magistrate, and there is no county order.

A few days ago, a group of Wuhuan cavalry from Yuyang County quickly swept through all the villages around the county.

Large numbers of civilians have been killed.

Both the old and the weak were killed, while some of the more modest women were robbed.

Countless families have been shattered and killed.

When the magistrate of Liangxiang County learned of this, he almost fainted in fear.

At the suggestion of his staff, he opened the city gate and gathered all the refugees nearby into the city.

And the Wuhuan people also targeted the county seat.

Originally, their goal was to loot the village and not attack the city.

But the area around this Liangxiang County is too poor, they grabbed it all the way, and there was not much gain at all.

Therefore, one of their main generals, Gu Yu, suggested to Lou Ban to attack Liangxiang County and loot the wealth inside.

Lou Ban was opposed at first, but then changed his mind.

He saw that the walls of Liangxiang County were neither tall nor deep. And there are also broken wall foundations.

With their strength, it may not be impossible to take it.

And along the way, they hardly encountered battles, all of them were one-sided massacre and robbery.

Such a smooth process made him feel that they had the strength to eat this small county.

When the time comes, if you loot the clans and people inside, you will get far more than a few large villages.

Huge greed blinded the two of them.

The two hit it off and immediately decided to attack Liangxiang County with their army.

Although the foreign steppe people are not good at attacking tough battles, they can't hold up many of them.

Over the past two days, they have continued to attack, causing the defense of the county to decline even more.

Gu Yu and Lou Ban were even more excited when they saw this.

They have already seen the light of victory.

"Quick! Give me a faster pace and strive to win Liangxiang County today. "

"Whoever is the first to attack it, I will make him a centurion, a reward, ten women!"

The two yelled and said.

The rich reward was passed on, and the soldiers below rushed forward with a roar, fearlessly rushing up the ladder and towards the city wall.

"Quick! Get them off for me, don't let them come up!" "

"What about people? Where did they go, hurry up, there are a lot of them here! "

On the city wall, a middle-aged man dressed in a red official mansion kept talking.

This person is the magistrate of Liangxiang County.

Because of the offensive of the Wuhuan people, the staff suggested that he go to the city wall to personally supervise the battle, which would boost the morale of the soldiers.

The county magistrate was afraid of death, and if it weren't for the persuasion of his staff, I'm afraid he would never have come up.

He was afraid of death, very afraid!

If it weren't for the fact that the opponent was a Wuhuan people, it was a group of unreasonable robbers who only knew about robbery.

I'm afraid he would have surrendered long ago.

He was afraid that once he surrendered, the Wuhuan people would not let him go, so he made up his mind to hold on.

It's just that the situation is getting less and less optimistic now.

The Wuhuan people didn't know what went crazy, and suddenly turned into a group of crazy wolves who were not afraid of death, and rushed up desperately.

Several times, they were about to rush up.

"Is it really heaven that wants to kill me?"

The county magistrate couldn't help but lament as he watched the soldiers around him continue to die.



At this time, a flying arrow suddenly hit him in the chest, nailing him out.


The powerful impact shook him to the ground, and the county magistrate only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then his eyes were closed and he couldn't breathe.

When the surrounding soldiers saw that he was dead, they immediately panicked, and their resistance to the enemy became weaker and weaker.

The Wuhuan soldiers below climbed up with their hands and feet, and they saw that they were about to climb the city wall.

Sou! Sou! Sou!

At this moment, a rain of arrows suddenly shot from a distance, shooting them down in an instant.


A shout of killing came from all sides outside the city, which instantly frightened Gu Yu and Lou Ban.

"How.... What's going on! Where did the Han army come from? "

Lou Ban said in shock.

However, no one could answer him.

The sound of heavy drinking resounded in the sky.

The sound of horses' hooves, shaking the sky.

A large number of Han troops surrounded from all directions, targeting the Wuhuan people outside the city.

"Damn, the cavalry sent me out, broke through their formation, and opened a gap for me!"

Gu Yu ordered loudly.

Several centurions led the cavalry under their command and rushed towards the surrounding Han army.

The Han army did not change color on this face, and with the order of their commander.

The shields on one side were erected, and layer by layer of Changge stretched out from it.

The Han army stood solemnly, and when the Wuhuan people rushed in front of them, they stabbed the tip of their spears fiercely.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sharp spear blade pierced into their war horses and threw them out in an instant.


The swooping war horse hit the shield, but instead of knocking it away, it was shocked back and fell to the ground.

Before the fallen cavalry could get up, a rain of arrows flew out from behind the shield array, instantly killing them.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, which was the sound of arrows hitting the shield and being ejected.

The Wuhuan people also have bows and arrows, and their archery skills are not low, and they can shoot arrows with bows on bumpy war horses.

But the Han army erected a tough iron shield.

No matter how accurately or quickly you shoot, it is useless, all of them are blocked by the shield.

However, the Han army arrow array behind began to return fire again, shooting from the air, and it was possible to shoot without aiming too carefully.

After all, the Wuhuan people do not have shields and armor.

In the face of sharp arrows, they had no way to resist.

And the shields on all sides trapped them inside, and the war horses could not run away, and they could not rush out.

After a long time, Wu Huan's morale quickly weakened.

Gu Yu and Lou Ban were in a hurry to burn the fire, but there was nothing they could do.

At this time, behind the military formation, Su Yan smiled slightly and said, "Pass on my order, withdraw the shield array, and the whole army will charge!" "


The military order was transmitted, and the shield array at the front suddenly dispersed.

The rumbling sound of horses' hooves was fast originally.

"Flying Tiger Battalion, kill me!"

Dian Wei, as the military commander of the Flying Tiger Battalion, led the expanded Flying Tiger Battalion to rush out first.

Because of the previously captured war horses, the Flying Tiger Battalion at this time quickly expanded to five hundred people!

"Ziyi, charge with me!"


Tai Shici said excitedly.


Su Yan rushed out with the broken barracks, followed by Tai Shici.

The two charged together, two people, two horses, a gold boring, a large iron gun, like a tiger and wolf, blatantly killed into the Wuhuan crowd.

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