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Time flickered, and two months passed in a flash.

In the north of June, the sun is shining and the weather is getting warmer.

In the past two months, Su Yan has completely established himself in Chang'an.

On the one hand, Su Yan had a good relationship with Wang Yun, Yang Biao and other old courtiers in the dynasty, and successfully won the recognition of these people.

Wang Yun, Yang Biao and others saw the level of Su Yan's poetry, and they all looked forward to Su Yan's new poetry, but it was a pity that he no longer wrote poetry, which made these great Confucians feel quite sorry in their hearts, but thinking that Su Yan was only twenty-five years old, they were no longer demanding.

However, Su Yan's reputation as a great poet and great calligrapher finally spread.

A poem "Yong Shi" spread all over the world and caused a sensation.

The font written by Su Yan was also spread, and the Confucians in the world knew that there was such a person as Su Yan.

Su Yan's riding general's mansion was soon known to the location, and the people who came to visit were endless, almost stepping on the threshold of ~ her mansion.

Shi A, as the big housekeeper of the mansion, blocked many idle people who came to visit for Su Yan, so that Su Yan could avoid being harassed.

In addition, Su Yan has also achieved results in cooking.

The chefs he taught gave Wang Yun, Yang Biao, Cai Yong, Ma Ripeng, Huangfusong, L?? Bu and other officials respectively, so that they could taste the fresh or roasted dishes.

The chefs of Wang Yun, Yang Biao and others are men, Dong Zhuo's is different, and the chef next to Dong Zhuo is a beautiful woman found by Shi A.

Su Yan personally adjusted and finally sent it to Dong Zhuo's side.

After the beauty was sent to Dong Zhuo's side, she not only served Dong Zhuo's food, but also served Dong Zhuo to sleep, which was simply a collection of three thousand favors in the harem, and soon gained a firm foothold in Dong Zhuo's harem.

At the same time, Shi Adi Minglan Lou also launched stir-fried dishes, roasted vegetables and other dishes.

For a time, Minglan Building was extremely popular.

Minglan Building has become a prosperous area in Chang'an, and there are many people coming and going, which is also convenient for Shi A to collect all kinds of information and provide Su Yan with faster news.

Su Yan spent two months calmly, during which no major events happened in the three prefectures of Hebei.

It can't be said either, but nothing major happened against him.

After having the divine will of the Son of Heaven, Xu Huang's position as the pastor of Youzhou became more justified, so he quickly mastered the counties of Youzhou, and then established a firm foothold.

After two months of recuperation, Xu Huang led his army to attack Youbeiping County again, launching a war of destruction against Gongsun Zhan.

Most of the living forces of Gongsun Zhan's army have been wiped out, and now there are less than 20,000 people stationed in Youbeiping, and he can't hold out for long in the face of Xu Huang's powerful troops.

Perdition is only a matter of early age.

Su Yan estimated that at most three months, Gongsun Zan should not be able to hold on, and Xu Huang would be able to eliminate him in one fell swoop.


Chang'an, at the city gate.

On this day, a horse-drawn carriage came slowly.

This carriage was the carriage of the envoys who came to Chang'an from Qu'a.

The carriage slowly entered the city, and Zhu Zhi asked people to find a cheap house and live in it.

This time when he came to Chang'an, Sun Ce gave Zhi enough money to dredge up the relationship, and Zhu Zhi could completely find a luxurious residence.

But he didn't, because with a little money he saved, he could save to get through relationships.

This time the envoy was related to Sun Ce's inheritance, and Zhu Zhi was very cautious.

After buying it, Zhu Zhi and his accompanying taxis lived.

After the matter was over, Zhu Zhi called an accompanying relative

With a serious expression, he ordered: "This trip to Chang'an, we have a heavy responsibility, and whether the lord can rise depends on whether we can complete the task." "

"Therefore, we have to plan and then move, and there must be no mistakes. You immediately inquired about the people around Dong Zhuo who could speak, as well as the old ministers of the dynasty, and I went to see them one by one. "


The guards went down to prepare, to inquire about the news.


Lang Zhongling's mansion, study.

Li Ru was reading the collected news, and suddenly saw that Jiangdong official Zhu Zhi sent people around to inquire about the news, and his brows furrowed.

The people of Jiangdong came to Chang'an, what are their intentions?

Li Ru thought about it and did not guess Zhu Zhi's intentions.

"Come!" shouted Li Ru.

The door creaked, and the attendant outside walked in.

Li Ru ordered, "You go to the inn and invite Jiangdong official Zhu Zhi to the study." "

Li Ru gave the address where Zhu Zhi was located to the attendant, and after the attendant left, Li Ru continued to think about how to deal with the affairs of the Jiangdong officials.

Prior to this, Li Ru was grounded and remained in the house.

After Dong persuaded Li Ru, Li Ru lay dormant, and there was no conflict with Su Yan, which made Dong Zhuo think that Li Ru was already reflecting.

Therefore, Li Ru's order to be grounded was revoked, and Li Ru became Dong Zhuo's right hand.

???? 0 Ask for flowers...

However, the thoughts in Li Ru's heart did not change, but he thought more and more that Su Yan was a scourge.

Because Su Yan was good at dancing during his time in Chang'an, he won over many generals under Dong Zhuo, curried favor with Dong Zhuo, befriended L?? Bu, and even exchanged eyebrows with officials in the dynasty.

These circumstances made Li Ru restless.

He wanted to deal with Su Yan, but he didn't have a chance, but Li Ru didn't have the impulse and continued to wait. As long as you are patient, you can always find opportunities,

About a moment of incense, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Sir, the envoy of Jiangdong, Zhu Zhi, asked for a meeting. "

The voice of the attendant came.

Li Ru said, "Please come in!"

The door creaked open, and Zhu Zhi walked in.

Zhu Zhi had just arrived in Chang'an, and he still didn't know about Chang'an's situation, but he didn't expect that Li Ru would find out as soon as he sent someone to inquire about Chang'an.

................ 0

This situation made Zhu Zhi's heart shocked, but Li Ru did not arrest him, and Zhu Zhi's heart was much calmer.

Zhu Zhi, wearing a blue robe, walked to the study, and handed over his hand: "Zhu Zhi Zhu Junli, meet Lord Lang Zhongling!"


Li Ru smiled and waved his hand.

Zhu Zhi sat down without humility and looked up at Li Ru without the slightest panic.

Li Ru directly opened the door, did not go around in circles, and asked: "Jun Li came to Chang'an from Qu'a, thousands of miles, presumably there is something important, I don't know what it is for?"

Zhu Zhi said: "I came down to ask for Dong Xiangguo. "

Li Ru asked, "What do you do when you ask to see Xiangguo?"

Zhu Zhi thought for a while, then replied: "In Chang'an, there are two things. "

"First, my father-in-law is twenty years old this year, and he has reached the age of marriage. Dong Xiang's daughter is virtuous and gentle, and the lord intends to ask Dong Xiang's money. "

"Second, the lord duke controls tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and has already stationed in Wu County, and wants to ask Dong Xiang to appoint the lord as the taishou of Wu County, and the lord's fair name. "

Saying this, Zhu Zhi was full of confidence, and did not show the slightest timidity.

In fact, at present, Sun Ce only has more than a thousand soldiers in his hands, only a few generals, and only two or three advisers, and even can only shrink in Qu'a, and has no ability to control Wu County.

However, Chang'an and Qu'a were far away, coupled with the division of princes in various places, it was difficult for Dong Zhuo to send officials there, so it was impossible to know about Wu County in a short time. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect

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