“If that’s the way to live.”

The corners of Liu Jing’s mouth rose, revealing a cold arc.

Guo Xiao and Li Wei seemed to have noticed something, and they both felt a coldness from behind, which made him subconsciously snort.

When he turned his head, he saw King Yan’s cold smile.


At the same time, the wind was fierce, and countless arrows suddenly appeared.

And the direction in which the arrows came was their way back.

In other words, King Yan had already sent people to block the retreat, and the Youzhou army was going to kill them all again.


A muffled sound sounded, and blood splattered out.

Many Western Liang Jun’s bodies were filled with arrow feathers, like a hedgehog.


A scream.

Guo Xiao found that his right arm was pierced by an arrow at some point.

Perhaps because the ambush was so unexpected that they were not guarded at all.


Xuanjia Iron Horse came and directly attacked the left flank of the Western Liang Army.

This time, the iron horse did not ride and shoot, but launched a charge with a decapitation knife.

The inky black armor and the mask with the tiger pattern made the Xuanjia iron horse more fierce.

It was as if they were coming from hell just to kill.

“Bang bang…”

The muffled sound continued one after another.

I saw countless heads rising from the sky and falling to the ground.

Blood stained the yellow earth red, and the heads of the ground were trampled by war horses.

Red and white liquids and even fragments of human internal organs are everywhere, which is simply a scene only in Asura hell.

The Western Liang Army was unilaterally killed and had no power to fight back.

Immediately afterwards, it was the regular army of the Youzhou Army that rushed up.

Although their combat ability is not as impactful as the Xuanjia Iron Horse, they are also rolling heads with knives in their hands.

There are also people who are cut in half by one piece.


Seeing this scene, Guo Xiao and Li Wei only had this thought in their hearts.

Fleeing desperately, desperate to leave the battlefield.

“Want to go?”

The corners of the veteran Huang Zhong’s mouth raised slightly, and then he took a bow and pulled the string.

The bowstring was tight, as if it was about to break in the next second.

Huang Zhong’s cloudy pupils suddenly became as sharp as an eagle’s eye.


He snorted and suddenly loosened the bowstring.


The bowstring swayed rapidly, and even white smoke rose.

A fiery red arrow feather passed through the battlefield and went straight to Guo Xiao and Li Wei.

This is Huang Zhong’s shooting technique, the speed and power have reached a terrifying point, and the accurate head can be described as a hundred steps through Yang.


But half a breath later, a scream sounded.

The arrow feather easily penetrated Li Wei’s heart, and went straight to Guo Xian without abating.

Guo Xiao only felt that his scalp was numb by the coldness behind him, and he didn’t even have the courage to turn back.

In this way, the arrow feather pierced his heart, causing him to fall violently from his war horse.


When he landed, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The arrow basically penetrated Guo Wan’s body, leaving only the end still inside.

And if you look closely, you can find that where the arrow feather passed, there were still many Western Liang troops who fell in pools of blood.

In other words, the arrow penetrated the bodies of many people and finally flew towards Guo Wan.

It can be seen how terrifying Huang Zhong’s strength is, and what extreme his speed is.


Guo Xiao looked at the sky and stretched out his hand, wanting to say something several times.

Until the light in his eyes faded, he didn’t say a word, and died on the battlefield.

Compared with Guo Qiang, Li Wei is more relaxed.

The arrow killed with one hit, hardly giving Li Wei much time to think.

“Both generals are dead!”

“How is it possible!”

In the Western Liang army, there was a burst of exclamations.

General Guo and General Li are two generals, and they died here like this?


The battle continued, and the Xuanjia Iron Horse charged back and forth, cutting the military formation of the Western Liang Army.

The Youzhou Army also killed the red eye, and did not show mercy.

Because they know that even if the enemy will be killed, it does not mean the end of the battle.

Unless these Western Liang troops choose to surrender, or flee the battlefield directly. And you also need to have good luck with you not to be hunted down.


The Western Liang Army also seemed to have anticipated this and shouted one after another.

These two words seem to have magic, so that more people echo.

The Western Liang Army, which was still alive for a while, all laid down their weapons and chose to surrender.

Throwing away their weapons, they were still squatting on the ground, afraid that the red-eyed Youzhou army would kill them.

However, the Youzhou Army did not do so, and after they shouted for surrender, the Youzhou Army also stopped.

At this time, the battlefield suddenly returned to silence.

“Take prisoners and clean up the battlefield.”

Liu Jing ordered.


Yuwen Chengdu and Huang Zhong took orders and quickly began cleaning the battlefield and taking prisoners.

The whole process did not last long, after all, there were still more than 30,000 people left in the Western Liang Army, and there were not many corpses to be disposed of.

After a great victory, the Youzhou army followed their lord and returned to Hongnong County by the same route.

Behind the army, black smoke rose, and there was a scorched smell in the air.

This scene was seen by the scouts of the Western Liang Army.

“Fifty thousand troops, why is it gone?”

The scout’s frightened atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

After coming to his senses, he hurriedly turned around and left, wanting to pass the news back to Chang’an.

The secret Jin Yiwei did not stop it, because there was no need for this.

His Highness’s goal has been achieved, the 50,000 Western Liang army has been disintegrated, and Chang’an’s forces can no longer stop the Youzhou army.


Yangzhou, Shouchun area.

Sun Jian came with Gan Ning and the others, and went straight to the mansion in the city.

“Brother Sun.”

Just after entering the mansion, Yuan Shu welcomed him in with a smile on his face.

Sun Jian also had ambitions, but he had to admit that his official position was lower than Yuan Shu’s.

Otherwise, why would he choose to retreat to the Jiangdong area when Yuan Shu cut Yangzhou.

First, to show his attitude, and to prepare for war with Yuan Shu.

This is the current relationship between the princes, even if the previous relationship is behind, it has to be guarded against now.

“Lord Yuan, what’s the matter?”

Sun Jian didn’t eat Yuan Shu’s almost, and asked straight to the point.

“Calling you here this time is just small talk.”

Yuan Shu was stunned at first, and then waved his hand with a smile.

He then motioned for his subordinates to serve tea and dessert.

In the process, he asked Sun Jian for warmth, and deliberately brought the relationship between the two closer.

Sun Jian was not in a hurry, he wanted to see what medicine was sold in this Yuan Shu gourd.

“A lot has happened lately, do you know?”

After the polite words were almost said, Yuan Shu went straight to the topic.


Sun Jian raised his eyebrows.

Jiangdong’s scout was also spiing, and he naturally knew that King Yan alone led an army to attack Chang’an, as well as movements in the direction of Jizhou.

“King Yan went to fight Chang’an to find death, he was eager to inherit the orthodoxy, and Yuan Shao was also developing forces to attack Han Fu.”

Yuan Shu said lightly.

Speaking of this, Sun Jian knew that Yuan Shu was not hiding it, but wanted to open his heart.

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