Chapter 150: The Water Battle of the Three Armies of Jiangxia and Xiakou!!

After the letter of help was delivered to Jingzhou, Liu Biao sent Liu Bei and other generals to the south to help!

Just when Liu Bei led the Jingzhou naval division south, the Jiangdong naval division was already in the area of Jiujiang and Poyang Lake, and there were many battles with Huang Zhong’s Qingzhou navy.

The Jiangdong Army was already stationed in this area, and when the Jiangdong Marine Division decided to attack, it immediately took advantage of the terrain layout in this area, wanting to give Huang Zhong’s Qingzhou Navy a head-on attack.

As the overlord of Jiangdong, Jiangdong sailors are very clear about the geographical location of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, where they can be fortified, where they can be laid out, where there are shoals and reefs, and so on.

Although the Yangtze River stretches for thousands of miles, there are very few places that can really be crossed, and other places are either cliffs or Yunmengze areas, which are difficult to march at all and these few places constitute important ferry ports and passes, and now they are guarded by the Jiangdong Army.

Huang Zhong went all the way north from the mouth of the Yangtze River, naturally needing to pass through these heavily guarded ferries and passes, just like passing five passes and killing six generals, and he needed to face the attack of the Jiangdong army at every moment.

The most important thing is that the Yangtze River is not a gentle small river that is smooth, but a turbulent river, with rough waves, and if you are not careful, you may destroy the boat and kill people.

It can be said that Huang Zhong fought against the Jiangdong Army in the area of Jiujiang and Poyang Lake, and was actually at a disadvantage.

Huang Zhong is naturally not stupid, he is not in love with war, he directly commands the Qingzhou navy and rushes north strongly!

As long as he reaches the area around Jingzhou, he will launch a general attack!

The reason why he wanted to go to Jingzhou to attack instead of letting Zhao Yun lead his army south to attack Jiangdong.

The main reason is that after studying the Yangtze River during this time, they found that there were only three places where they could forcibly cross.

Two areas close to Jingzhou, namely Baoyang in Jingzhou, and near Chibi in Jiangxia Xiakou!

Other places are either narrow mountain roads or cliffs, and no one even knows which part of the reef is under the rushing river, which is definitely difficult to march!

If the army in this kind of zone wants to cross by force, one soldier after another must carefully carry the weight forward, even if people can climb up, what if they are heavy later?

War, in fact, is a war of resources!

Whoever has faster and more convenient logistics supply, who can coordinate the country’s supply logistics for the front, will be able to occupy the initiative and advantage!

Therefore, the Yangtze River is absolutely dangerous!

Why did the original history Cao Cao choose Chibi Qiandu? It is because the Chibi River is gentle, there are no reefs in the water, and there are no cliffs on both sides, which can build a logistics supply line.

If it weren’t for the enemy’s fooling of the chained ship, maybe it wouldn’t have been so badly defeated.

Of course, Huang Zhong would not make such a low-level mistake.

He was originally the Jingzhou Army, and later participated in the martial arts examination to enter the imperial army, and he was also very proficient in the geography of the Yangtze River and water warfare.

Huang Zhongtong led the Qingzhou navy without a love of war, and strongly advanced northward, and soon came to the mouth of the Sanjiang.

This is less than a hundred miles from Xiakou, and the Jiangdong sailor is chasing after him fiercely, clenching and clenching.

The Jiangdong Marine Division is not only weakening the strength of Huang Zhong’s Qingzhou Navy, but also delaying time, waiting for the arrival of the ally Jingzhou Marine Division!

Soon, the news of the arrival of the Jingshui Division led by Liu Bei secretly spread to the Jiangdong Water Division.

Generals such as Gan Ning, Zhou Tai and Jiang Huan were overjoyed and immediately contacted Liu Bei and other generals, and the two sides plotted with each other to prepare to launch a fierce attack on the Qingzhou Navy!

The Jingzhou naval division did not eagerly go south to the mouth of the Three Rivers, but set up an ambush near the mouth of Xiakou and waited for the arrival of the Qingzhou navy.

It is worth mentioning that Xiakou passes here, forming a waterway fork, where the branch of the Xiangjiang River is connected to the main vein of the Yangtze River.

Going to Xiangyang in Jingzhou is bound to enter the branch of the Xiangjiang River. The Qingzhou navy needs to swim against the current, and their Jingzhou naval division can fortify and attack upstream.

If it is used properly, it can be attacked with fast boat fire such as a fast boat.

The reason why fire attacks are used many times in several campaigns is because of simplicity, efficiency and convenience.

Moreover, on the Yangtze River, while the waves are turbulent, it is also a strong wind and waves, and the fireboats speeding down the upstream are bound to give the Qingzhou Navy a head-on blow!

Just when the Jingzhou Marine Division was setting up an ambush, the Jiangdong Marine Division also chased the Qingzhou Navy to appear in the Jiangxia area.

The Jingzhou water master and the Jiangdong water master, who have long been secretly mastered, are gearing up, waiting for a blocking battle in Xiakou.

Although Huang Zhong did not receive the wind, he didn’t even need to look at the Kanyu map, he knew that there was an ambush here in Xiakou!

Because Huang Zhong used to be the military commander of Jing Changsha, he was very familiar with the geographical location of this area.

Only at this time, Huang Zhong finally ordered the soldiers to prepare for the attack against the enemy army.

This way was chased by Jiangdong sailors like a dog that lost his family, and Huang Zhong did not order a strong attack at all, because he knew that their destination had not yet arrived.

And now, Xiakou is only a few hundred miles away from their destination, Xiangyang. Huang Zhong was ready to deal with most of the enemy’s sailors here.

Huang Zhong did not immediately enter from the Xiangjiang branch, but turned in the direction of Chibi.

This made the ambush of the Jingzhou sailor fall through, at least most of it.

The generals of the Jingzhou Marine Division Cai Yao and Huang Zu were shocked, but they were not eager, and they had already rehearsed to deal with this.

Wei Yan ambushed in Chibi and the area of Wulin in advance, and directly attacked the Qingzhou navy that was galloping.

The Jiangdong Marine Division in the rear, as well as Cai Yao and other generals, immediately blocked the rear road of the Qingzhou Navy.

They pinched back and forth and surrounded Huang Zhong’s Qingzhou navy. At this time, the water war did not have steel artillery bombardment, but there were arrows to attack from a distance.

Compared to those ordinary arrow heavens, the Qingzhou Navy is all gunpowder arrows, all rockets!

Although arrows carry gunpowder, they have a great impact on the center of gravity and distance. But you must know that Huang Zhong’s subordinates are the Divine Arrow Battalion!

Among the Qingzhou naval forces, there is a special force of the Divine Arrow Battalion, which is also the special force personally formed by Liu Bian appointed by Huang Zhong!

Amphibian, naval special forces!

Under the attack of the divine archers of the Divine Arrow Battalion, the gunpowder arrow did not have much effect on the arrow and distance at all!

In the long-distance attack of both sides, when the gunpowder arrow hit the enemy warship, the blast wave of the explosion directly blew the wooden ship out of the caves, and then the river directly spread into it.

On the Yangtze River, boats were poured into the river, and the result can be imagined.

The boat gradually flipped and sank, rolling up the vortex in the river.

Although the soldiers of the Jiangdong Water Army and the Jingzhou Water Army have long jumped ship, and even if they have excellent water ability, swimming in the Yangtze River is also a great challenge.

And the officers and men of the Qingzhou Navy will not have any sympathy and mercy for these emerging enemies, and the arrows should not be sprinkled like money!

As soon as the two sides clashed, the Qingzhou Navy directly gained the upper hand.

The Jiangdong Marine Division and the Jingzhou Marine Division were not discouraged, and under the cover of the front army, they gradually approached the Qingzhou Navy, wanting to fight a gunboard battle.

However, Huang Zhong, as a peerless general, a divine archer, and his subordinate divine arrow battalion are all divine archers, how can he fight hand-to-hand with the enemy army?

Isn’t this attacking the other’s strengths with one’s own shortness?!

The helmsman of the Qingzhou Navy immediately pulled away, like flying a kite, and attacked the enemy from a distance, causing the enemy to suffer heavy losses!

This time in the water battle, because Huang Zhong broke away from their pre-ambush site and came to the open sea near Chibi to fight, the Jingzhou army and the Jiangdong army could no longer get benefits.

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